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The Judy Miller Show (Gilda Live)

The Judy Miller Show (From Gilda Live)

Judy Miller...Gilda Radner

(Gilda stands in a brownie costume by the door) Judy: Ok, but as soon as you bridge game is over I'm comming downstairs.

(slams door then re opens it) I didnt mean to slam it! (slams door again)

Judy: I am so board! room of the world!(flops on bed)

Here I am in my room, and this is my room and this is my house, and this is my street, and this is my earth, and this is my planet, and this is my univerese, and i don''t know and la la la la la la la.

An now, it's time for the Judy Miller show, yay!!! Yay!! (sings) Its the show of the day, its the show of they way, and I am in it yes I am, its the Judy Miller Shoooow. And now presenting the beautiful star of the show, and you know who it is, Ms Judy Arline Miller. Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh! A person who is also the most beautiful bride in the whole wide world. I am the most beautiful bride in the whole wide world, and here comes my husband right now.

(picks up teddy bear)

Judy(in teddys voice): Judy will you Mary me?

Judy: ummm

Judy(in teddys voice): Judy you are so beautiful will you Mary me?

Judy: ummm....YES!

(falls down on the bed kissing the bear)

Judy: Now, we will be right back after a word form our sponcer. la la la la da da da ta da ta da... (picks up gram cracker box) Yum yum! This is the really delicious and creamy new food that is so delicous and so creamy an so good for you that you should get some right away (throws box) And now back to the show!

(jumping on bed)

Judy: This is the show about a person who is jumping up and down so high they cant see in the sky. Nad now presenting duh duh duh duh, duh duh duh duh duh duh...

(she goes int the closet and emerges with a apron around chest like a dress) Judy: Presenting the very beautiufl Queen of France. Jou tou bonce donce bonce du tu bonce donce, joui tou bonce donce du tu du. But, little does she know that the wicked, Queen of Germany, Queen Dofenlofen kofavitch is comming to get her, and shes going to kill we have to run to England! (runs into door) Ahh we have to rune to France (runs into door). No we have to run to Bolivia (runs into door then kick it several times)(sings) gay lala gay la, gay lala gay la...

Mom: Jusy, whats going on in there?

Judy: Nothing (as she sits on bed) Cuz its a show about a person who is also a wonderful bonderful ballet dancer, ( kicks door someore and dances around) yes she is a ballet dancer, and she dances like she is a bllet dancer, and she dances like she is...

Mom: Judy be quiet

Judy: (flails around like she is dying) On the Judy Miller show, THE END!