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With the Sinestro ring

When Guy had the yellow ring, he could basically do anything the GL ring could- except it had no weaknesses, save for it had to be recharged by being near a GL! How ironic, that Guy's new career away from the Corps required him to run back to either Kilowog or Hal every single time he needed a charge! That was what made it the ideal weapon for Sinestro. He was fighting GL's all the time, so it was logical for it to run off a source of power he would be near all the time. Guy's ring worked like the new GL's does- it is like a gas tank. The more demands you put on it, the more power you lose. However, it was absorbed by Parallax in issue 21, and unless Hal gives it back (now that he's the Spectre and he can do anything he wants), I don't see Guy with a ring anytime soon.
