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Guy's supporting cast

Here's some pics of Guy's friends.

Buck Wargo, rich Texas oil man and big-time adventurer. Rich enough to pay for all of Warrior's (and for all the repairs). Likes barfights, and knows how to use a gun.

Here's a pic of Guy, Esperanza, Rita, Tiger-Man and Buck.

Here's Guy and Buck when Guy's mom first moved into Warrior's.

Desmond Farr, aka Tiger-Man. He has a large amount of superstrength, can tear through solid steel with his claws, and knows how to use lots of guns.

He can turn into this rare "Black Tiger" form once in a while, but it takes a lot out of him. He combines all of the power of all of the men of the Tiger-Man race together as one. He is infinitely stronger and faster when he does this.

Dr. Becky, the main doctor at the hospital Guy stayed in in issue #22, after Hal Jordan dropped a building on his head. She likes Guy (kinda), and helped him in issue #25, when Guy went to the hospital to help his brother, and his old flame, Heather. Heather had been in a coma since Guy crashed his car in a DUI on his prom night. (Fun fact: In the comic where Guy has a flashback about his crash, #25, the cherry vodka Guy's brother gave him is called "Dooley's Cherry Vodka", after editor Kevin Dooley.)
