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Furry INverSIoN <small>4.0</small>




Reciently INveRteD
01/04/05 - Happy New Year everybody. Guess its time I really got serious about the things I'm planning for this site. Perhaps i'll get the ball rolling with web posting and such. If you need space to have your picture posted here along with a description let me know. I'll be more than glad to do so. Well untill then why dont you admire the purrdy picture I's drewed :3
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Square I

"Innocent" by-standers

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INverTeD for your enjoyment. Please make sure to keep all hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times.  The artworks and characters within are © DeWayne Mixon II 2001-2003 unless stated otherwise.  Please Do not copy, alter or distribute without permission.