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Diesel Sweeties: Pixelated Robot Romance Comic

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ATTENTION: Blog Post updated (4/29)

Love and Centaurs

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Update 4/29/04

The new site is up.... SO DON'T COME HERE ANYMORE :0D. the new site is

Update 4/14/04

No new site, but i have 15 more megabytes of space for comics thanks to geocities free site. The process is the same, just click next or go to the next file from the archives section. In other news, 6 new comics tonight... hope to update tomorrow too. Sorry for the lack of updates, still working out the kinks. Thx, all. -Liam

Update 3/23/04

So, the new site still isn't up... yeah, but I just finished the main character's style rebuffs (as is visible by the new splash title.)

Another new thing that you've probably noticed is the change up the sub-title. "You know you want it" will be the name of this next set of series. It was originally coined by Jason Roberts (who is soon to be touring with Ben Kweller) and is simply fantasmic.

Umm... Voke Kappler McDermott if you haven't voted yet. And vote yes to E.L.O. or R.E.I. or... you know.

Lastly, I AM still working on trying to get the site up... now is crunch time, as i only have 1 megabyte left for the new comics on this server. Wish me luck so that we'll soon be able to rock like a motha******.

Update 3/17/04

Still working on getting the new site up and running. (Having a difficult time corresponding with the company who will be hosting the site.) I'm updating a few comics now as I haven't met my deadline for the past 2 days due to my new site troubles.

On another note, I accidentally deleted my "sponsored sites" section below on this page. Luckily, most of the sites that I had on there are no longer updated, so it wasn't too big of an error. Nonetheless, the one site that's still going strong is Peter's funtastic site.

If you have a site of your own that doesn't contain lewd material (cough... kevin... cough), let me know and i'll put up a link here for ya. Take care all, hope to have the new site up within a week...

Peter's funtastic site.

                                                                         Contact Me:                

AIM= Flagthewhistle



Watch out for those pandas.