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Go there for updates and such, except for Bri's rant, which will be moved there soon.

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Updated on Every Other Wednesday, or when Bri decides Megan has slacked off enough and holds said artist's Anita Blake books and cheesy romance novels hostage.

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I be Megan's current mood. Click me!

Dear gods, this is the second time in a row! *waves hands around* O_O It's on time, and it's an actual strip! YAY!
Yeah, I'm going to Bri's house now... *grabs bikini*

*gasp* Yes, yes, I've survived my first Anime Con! ^___^ Yaaay! I'll write up a rave on it later, but I thought I should mention that I've added an Art Section to this site. I'll add actual FMDH related art later, promise. ^^;

Eheh.. yeah... Filler Strip by Jennifer Roberts, my friend and fellow Phantom of the Opera Fanatic. Sorry about the crappy quality, I'll rescan as soon as I can get to my scanner.
^___^ Michael Crawford is God!

If you'd like some info on Nikka, check out my GW fanfic, ANCESTORS. Don't forget to review!

Thought I'd mention that I changed the update date to Every Other Wendsday, instead of every Wendsday, as I'm a lazy little shit... ^^; Gomen ne, everyone!

Oh, and I now have a Homepage! It's called Codladh Samh, which mean "Plesant Dreams" in Gaelic.... so you can pretty much count on it being nuts. And if I hear any "gay" comments, and I'll stake you to an ant hill and throw little pickles at you while blasting Celtic and Scottish music next to your ears. ^^
Pretty much the only thing up right now is the main layout, and I'm gonna be tweaking it after I finish with this.

In FMDH related news, I'll be adding some artwork soon...
Oh! I don't wanna forget to mention this! FMDH has Fanart! And yes, Kyle, this counts as fanart in my dictionary. ^_^ *huggles*

*gives Bri a Narcissis of the Month(TM) Award*

Turkey Baster! 

(3:37 PM June 11, 2003)

I am Bri's current mood. Click me!

i'm not gonna apologize for the lack of me-doing-anything-ness cuz bri has been crazy busy and ubb3rly stressed out. personal lives suck...and so does school...

well no more worries about the boyfriend, cuz he ish no more. i dun wanna get into it. believe it or not folks...bri ish human, and hurts too. *under breath* stupid fugger...

no FMDH news to update, other than the fact that i recently changed muh hair color. it's blurple now. if you don't understand the art of smushing words together, than means blue/purple.

Meg has created an awesome site based off the characters of Dark Shadows from our RP group Carpe Noctem. She has her own domain name and everything ^___^ Full Dark. On top of the shibby site, i am basing the novella i'm writing off the RP group as well. we's both jus' busy girls.

well, that's about all i have for now. bai bai


(8:57p.m. EST, October 1, 2003)