Falos's Raps
(O r--i f--y o u--p r e f e r--E z r a)

Don't forget you can comment these to me here, where I DO check my mail often.
And, all of the below are by me and me alone, thought there may be notes.
Josh's raps are also here if you like em. I have a few in there too.

Unfair - I used the first line as inspiration; it's my display name on MSN. It's one of those songs that are cool and need more verse(s)

Grown Alone - Not too shabby, has potential. I like the "forfeit society" bit. "Rock/Island" is from another song, so it may sound outta place

Stuck Again - Kinda short. I could probably add more. Title took some time to get. I'm likely to keep working on it soon as I wanna

Worthless - I liked the first rhyme, I build from there. Chorus was kind of hard to develop, tho. The last line was a good one, very sad.

Scared - The title matches the chorus but not the song...=(...Meanwhile, it's one of my more positive songs. It surprised even me.

Dark World - Needs a less cheesy title! Please e-mail me with suggestions! Or if it really is okay then lemme know that too.

As They Dig My Grave - MAN that is one helluva cool kikazz title. I worked this one with Josh, so it sounds real cool what with blending.

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