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Wade Wilson

F) In40
A) Rm30
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Ex20

Health: 120 Karma: 60
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Regeneration: Un (10 per round), with a power FEAT he can also speed-up the recovery of lost limbs. He can then regain tissue the size of his hand with 2 rounds concentration. Due to recent developments Deadpool has lost the ability to regenerate lost limbs, it is not known if that ability will return in time.
Recovery: Un

Body Armor: Gd vs. Physical and Energy
Teleportation Device: 10,000 mile with up to 2 people
Image Inducer: Rm holographic ability to assume other humanoid form
Bolos: 2 areas to grapple with Ex strength
Bo Staff: Ex material, Rm damage
Cluster Bombs: 1 area, Rm damage to entire area
Long Swords (x2): Rm material, Rm Edge
Throwing Stars: Ex Thrown Edge, 3 areas
Guns: various guns for up to In damage but he has access to greater damage weapons and all kind of ammo.

Talents: Martial Arts A,B,C,E, Military, Sharp Weapons, Thrown Weapons, Marksmanship, Guns, Detective/Espionage, Weapon Master: Swords, Guns

Contacts: Weapon X


Deadpool was an original member of the reality-hopping team known as Weapon X.

In a world where Wolverine stayed to lead Alpha Flight, Deadpool was seen with Sabretooth and Kane attempting to capture the Hulk. Weapon X wanted the Exile known as Thunderbird and the Shaman, that timeline's version of Thunderbird, to beat the Hulk into submission so, while they were bonding with Green Giant, Deadpool shot the Hulk in the head causing him to nuclear on the two John Proudstars. Thunderbird would successfully defeat the Hulk, but the Exiles would teleport in and take him away before they could ever lay hands on him and Weapon X had to teleport out of that world even though they failed.

When both the Exiles and Weapon X teamed up to rescue David Richards from a prison camp a world overrun by Sentinels, Deadpool helped occupy the Sentinels outside the facility while Blink teleported another group to where Richards was being held.

After the discovery that they were to kill the Richards child, Weapon X's leader Sabretooth and the Exiles did not want to follow through with their orders. Deadpool openly objected and argued against them because Weapon X had faced a similar situation before where they had to stay in a timeline for months because Sabretooth would not let them kill Gambit. Wade grabbed the Richards, held a gun against the David's head, and was preparing to murder the child when he was grabbed by Sabretooth who then killed Deadpool by snapping his neck.