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The story of life, death, war, and love.

Updates: 5/17/03
Tigerlily 'Tis Andra in that there pic! :D Comp's been done, so I haven't been able to upload.

Starfish: We've uploaded 4 pages - now you have 11 - and fixed the stretching. x.x
Tigerlily: Also, now you don't have to remember this big long URL.. we've got a one! It's Huzzah!

Starfish: Guestbook yay!

Starfish: Heya, it's me again! Finished revamping the site. Tigerlily and I nixed the author comics (we won't tell you why! It's part of why we nixed em... suffice to say some people wouldn't like it).. Ah well, now you can navigate better in every frame! Hope you're enjoying your 7 pages *blush*. We finished the first book! Now we're on the sequel. And Andra and Monroe's surprise has been unveiled! Yeah! But you won't know for a while...

Starfish: Not much uploaded right now. We're on the final chapter in our notebook! *waves victory flag* Tigerlily's working on getting up an author comic or two*... I'm also trying to give the site a bit of a sleeker look, less lame I guess. We're gonna try to get a guestbook too so yall can talk to us! ..I guess I'd better go.. Love ya!
*Author comic: A comic featuring us, the authors!

Starfish: Heya, we're well after 200 pages in our notebook now! ^.^;; Tigerlily will be uploading as often as she can, but other than that not much.. x.x
Tigerlily: We're looking into getting our own domain.. is what we want but we don't know... If we are then we'll know by this summer!

Tigerlily: Woot! Welcome to Eternal Vengeance, an online manga!