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Character Index

Issues #1 - #25

A listing of all characters appearing or mentioned in Promethea as well as some places and things

5 Swell Guys - New York's resident science heroes


Abel: Biblical brother to Cain slain by his brother. Mentioned in commentary on Tarot Card VI

Aetherean Meta-Mirror: captured by the 5 Swell Guys in September 1989 and kept as a trophy on High Five

Agares: One of the demons from the Goetia sent to kill Promethea

Alice: from Crowley’s personal homosexual pseudonym Alys Cusack
"...when I'm like this you can call me Alice"

Allegorical figure from 16th Century Engraving

which is on the title page of the Portae lucis printed in Augsburg (1516)

America's Worst: Science villain syndicate from the 1950s whose members included Jack Faust, Paul Dorian Saveen, Octavia Price and Edward "Flipface" Platty
Andras One of two demons from the Goetia sent by Benny Solomon to try and kill Promethea

Pamela Andursen: rock singer(?) whose poster can be seen in Sophie's bedroom. Boston

Anna Charlton Sennet's maid who became his dreamlover Promethea(1) transformed by the poets' imagination as he wrote A Faerie Romance for her
She died giving birth to their imaginary child

Aphrodite: Greek godess of love

Apollo: Ancient Greek sun god

Apollo's Oracle at Delphi

Arabic Promethea: (or Islamic Promethea)

Arcadia: A region of ancient Greece in the central Peloponnesus. Its inhabitants, somewhat isolated from the rest of the world, proverbially lived a simple, pastoral life. Any region offering rural simplicity and contentment. The term Arcadia is used to refer to an imaginary and paradisal place

Asmoday: One of the demons from the Goetia sent to kill Promethea

Asmodeus: variant name for Asmoday. First appears to the Prometheas in Geburah as a giant spider

Associated Shades: Described by Charon as the Swellest Social set in Hades. Its' members include Shakespeare, Napoleon, Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Johnson, Noah and Confucius

Astaroth: A demon from the Goetia

Mrs. Atansi: woman who gives birth to twins (boy and girl) into which the reincarnated spirits of Barbara and Steve Shelly descend

Athena: Greek goddess of wisdom

Attis: god of growth and fertility

But even down here, at the lowest Auschswitz ass-end of what humans are, and what humans do our highest point is still here with us



Lucille Ball: no relation to the more famous person with the same name. FBI agent partnered with Karen Breughel

Bael: One of the demons from the Goetia sent to kill Promethea

Baldur: also called Balder

John Kendrick Bangs (1862-1922): author of A Houseboat on the Styx and Sophie's great great granduncle

Patricia ("Trish") Bangs Sophie's mother

Sophie Bangs the current incarnation of Promethea from 1999 onwards
See also Promethea(6)

Baron Fireglove’s Chuckling Orchard: one of the quaintly named regions of Misty Magic Land from Little Margie in Misty Magic Land

John Barrett: Jack Faust's real name. Not revealed until issue #25
Sonny Baskerville: New York's multi-personality disorder Mayor. He has at least 42 different personalities including Doug a shy albino, Big Rudy and the Squealer. One multiple personality that also has multiple personalities of his own is Little Sonny

Beanstalk Kingdom: the land of the giants from Jack and the Beanstalk
a memorable extended serial which depicted Margie helping depose a Jack who’d grown tyrannical and taken over the enormous Beanstalk-kingdom previously inhabited by giants

The Beggar: lost tarot card figure used when entering Daath
The Beggar led from Chesed to Daath

John Belushi (1949-1982): American comic who became famous on Saturday Night Live. Died of a drug overdose
If I don't think about Steve, how his laugh sounded, watching Saturday Night Live...Poor great, John Belushi...

Ray Bennet: One of 5 writers behind the pseudonym Marto Neptura
Ray Bennet's descriptive passages are often both distinctive and surprisingly good

Bernie: the 9 of Coins card. Owner of Club Gain

Betty: ex wife of Kenneth from the 5 Swell Guys. Divored after he discovered she was sleeping with her aerobics instructor

Big Bad Wolf: Fairy Tale Character who harasses Little Red Riding Hood, Promethea and Stacia in the Immateria

Big Bill: oversized version of Promethea(4)

William Blake (1757-1827): English mystical poet
Mentioned in the commentary to Tarot Card XV
Materialism's steady creep
Which William Blake called "Newton's Sleep"

Bloodroosters: large roosterlike monsters ridden by manigators like horses in the land of Hy Brasil

The Blow Meez: Presumably the name of a rock band. Seen on a T-shirt worn by a student at the School of Elevated Minds just before Sophie and Stacia have their big fight

Book of Promethea: a real book by Helene Cixous originally published in French as Le Livre de Promethea in 1991. English translation is by Betsy Wing

Book of Tobit Apocryphal book of the bible which tells the story of how Asmodeus killed 7 husbands of the woman he loved

Grace Brannagh
See also Promethea(3)

Karen Breughel: FBI agent partnered with Lucille Ball

Brimstone Boy: Boo-boo's nickname for Asmodeus

Margaret Brundage (1900-1976): comic book illustrator
Grace Brannagh, a pulp cover illustrator with a style that’s been compard to near-contemporary Margaret Brundage

Buer One of the demons from the Goetia sent to kill Promethea. He governs 50 legions


Cain: Biblical brother of Abel who slew his brother
Mentioned in the commentary to Tarot Card VI

Uvula Cascade: Porn actress set to become the next mayor of New York after Sonny Baskerville's resignation

Margaret Taylor Case
See also Promethea(2)

Chalky: Soldier killed in WWI

Chaos: grandfather of Charon

Charon: ferryman of the dead from Greek Mythology

Chinky the Chinese Imp: Promethea’s companion in Little Margie in Misty Magic land
a grotesque and demonic racial caricature complete with pigtail and gibberish dialogue (“Moo foo boo”) while obviously offensive to contemporary audiences, was hardly out of keeping with the outlook of the times, in which racial minorities were case, routinely, as degrading comic stooges and buffoons. Chinky can never be said to have developed as a personality during his lengthy tenure in the strip

Choronzon: Demon who is the lord of Dispersion summoned by Aleister Crowley and Victor Neuberg

Christ: Jesus Christ. In Christian belief the son of God. Mentioned in commentary to Tarot Card XV
Thus Satan offers Christ, unfurled
The wealth of the material world

Also seen on the cross in Tiphereth

Christian mob: a group of 5 Christians who kill the original Promethea's father in Alexandria in 411 AD
Their descendants are known as The Temple

Chucklin Duck Comic Book character. An optimistic character to contrast with the pessimistic Weeping Gorilla
A quote is given in Issue 9 Page 1, Panel 1
Both Chucklin Duck and Weeping Gorilla can also be seen in Greyshirt Indigo Sunset (not written by Alan Moore)

Circe: Beautiful sorceress who enchanted Odysseus and kept him a prisoner on her island

City of Pyramids:

Helene Cixous: real life lesbian feminist author who wrote the real Book of Promethea translated into English by Betsy Wing

Conan: Ancient Barbarian warrior originally created by Robert E. Howard but later adapted into comic books and movies starring Arnold Schwarzenegger
So, did you see Conan? I can do the voice

Confucius (551-479 BC): one of the most famous Chinese philosophers. A member of the Associated Shades

Cowslip: Fairy mentioned by name in Charlton Sennets' A Faerie Romance

Aleister Crowley (1875-1947)

The goddess Cybele castrated [Attis] so nobody else could have him

Cynocephalus: Thoth's ape


Daath Vader: joking version of Darth Vader from Star Wars
I think it says Daath over the arch
Daath? What, like Daath Vader?

Daddy Warbucks: is the father figure in the comic strip Little Orphan Annie

Richard M Daley: Mayor of Chicago
I worked with Daley in Chicago. He wasn't a patch on this guy[Sonny Baskerville]

Dave: Bank guard almost suffocated by Jellyhead

Dayglo centipede: monster seen in Daath

Dirk Dangerfield: Fictionalized version of Dennis Drucker as drawn by Bill Woolcott in his Promethea stories

Lamont Davies: One of 5 writers behind the pseudonym Marto Neptura
Lamont Davies was the most prolific of the 'Neptura' authors

Death: major arcana tarot card usually represented as the Grim Reaper
Doesn't just refer to physical death but to change or the death of the old to be replaced by the new

John Dee (1527-1608)


Diana: Many-breasted deity of the Ephesians

Dionysus: Greek god of wine

Disneyland: Theme park built by Walt Disney
“How come there’s sorrow in heaven?” – Promethea(5)
“Well, if there weren’t it wouldn’t be heaven. It’d be Disneyland” – Promethea(6)

Dolly Demon: Promethea(4)'s disparaging nickname for one of the demons from the Goetia

Dogworm’s Fuming Terrace: one of the quaintly named regions of Misty Magic Land from Little Margie in Misty Magic Land

Dollograms: Holographic(?) duplicates of the Painted Doll used by him to distract his enemies away from the real Painted Doll

Dennis Drucker: Real life FBI agent who fell in loved with Bill Woolcott's version of Promethea but killed him after he found out Bill was a man. Ends up in a straitjacket in a padded cell at the Laing Clinic.


Albert Einstein (1879-1955) : probably the most famous scientist of the 20th century. Quoted by Promethea in Issue #10

Will Eisner (1917- ): comic book creator who had an award named after him
Eisner the movie

Elastagel: Computerised smart-slime which runs amok on New Year's Eve 1999
Described by TEXTure as Twangable Technogoop and by Promethea as cyberslime
Other Elastagel products include
Elasta-valet, Elasta-Pet and the very popular Joy-Gel
also the Gel-chair and other Elasta-wear products

Emily: Charlton Sennet's wife. Leaves him after she discovers he is having an affair with their servant girl

Emily: another Emily. The dead sister of Teddy a member of The Temple
Promethea reminds him of her

Endymion: Ancient greek shepherd boy who falls in love with Selene. Found sleeping on the moon

Enoch: Biblical figure and grandfather of Noah.The Book of Enoch was an inspiration for John Dee

Erebus: Father of Charon

Ereshkigal: Ancient Sumerian Queen of the Underworld

Ernie: Benny Solomon's minder. Killed by the Painted Doll

Juan Philippe Estrada: Sophie Bang’s father

Evil 8: Science-villain counterparts of the 5 swell guys

Evil Lord of the Eye Spiders: captured by the 5 Swell Guys in 1991 and kept as a trophy on High Five


Jack Faust: Magician who helps Promethea(6) to realize her full potential
His name might derive from a 1997 novel by that name by Michael Swanwick. Click on any of the images below for reviews of the novel. I haven't read it so can't comment on it.
same cover

Another review
Yet another review

Femtoverse engineered by the Jeweller in March 1993. Kept as a trophy by the 5 Swell Guys on High Five

Flax: Fairy mentioned by name in Charlton Sennets' A Faerie Romance

The Fountain: lost tarot card figure used when leaving Daath
the path leading from Daath up to the third sphere, Binah

Anne Frank (1929-1945): Jack Faust tells Promethea(6)
that crease is Anne Frank

Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983): Futurist and global thinker. Mentioned in commentary to Tarot Card XII
True Wealth, Buckminster Fuller said,
Is information in man's head

Edward "Ed Zepellin" Furniss: One of the Evil Eight


Galileo (1564-1642): Jack Faust tells Promethea(6)
that worn patch, that's Galileo

Theophile Gautier (1811-1872): French writer
We are all of us in Gautier but some of us look like stars

Gerontius: Main character in Cardinal Newman's poem The Dream of Geronitus "It's all a Midsummer Arabian Night's Dream of Gerontius, lar"

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832): German poet.
"Ooh, Stace! It's so groovy! There's this dead British guy named all the different types [of clouds], like cumulo-lingus, and Goethe used to write him letters!"

The Goetia: or Howling a sojourn of demons amongst them Andras and Marchosias

Goofy: Walt Disney cartoon character
Mars sort of symbolizes anger
Nah. You're thinking of Goofy, the planet of tantrums and brawls

The Grim Reaper: See Death


Hades: in mythology the land of the dead

Agent Hansard: FBI agent who shows the reconstructed Smee to Agents Ball and Drucker

Hanuman: trickster god who fights with the cynocephalus

Harebell Fairy in the Immateria

Oliver Hardy (1892-1957): one half of Laurel & Hardy
Jack Faust tells Promethea(6)
That busted spring? Oliver Hardy

Harpocrates: Greek god of silence.
Mentioned in the commentary to tarot card XX where he is compared to Harpo Marx
Says Crowley when not telling jokes,
This Aeon Harpocrates evokes

Harry: Soldier killed in WWI

Bernard Haupt: One of 5 writers behind the pseudonym Marto Neptura
The second most prolific of the Neptura authors
notable for his misogynistic bondage scenes

William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951): Newspaper tycoon and publisher of the New York Clarion in which Margaret Taylor Case’s Little Margie in Misty Magic Land was published
Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane is based upon him

Hecate: Greek goddess of the crossroads.
Mentioned in commentary to Tarot Card XVIII
Mankind's long path is fraught with pain
Through Hecate's nightmare domain

Helloak: Monster tree planted by Marto Neptura in Promethea's terrace in Hy Brasil. If you cut one down try to avoid the sap as it tends to blind you and send you mad

Helen of Troy: Jack Faust tells Promethea(6)
Imagine this is where Paris and Helen gasped and struggled together

Hera: wife of Zeus

Herod: Biblical figure who slew all the infants around the time of Christs' birth

Leah Hirsig (1883-1951): one of Crowleys’ numerous Scarlet Women
Then am I the Scarlet Woman, Mistress to the Beast, called Crowley
Leah Hirsig, prostituted in the Paris streets, my star gouged in her breast

Houseboat on the Styx: Just what it says taken from the book of the same name by John Kendrick Bangs

Hermes: One of the two gods who save the original little girl Promethea(0) and take her into the Immateria
Sometimes referred to as Hermes Trismegistus or Thrice great Hermes

High Five: the orbiting satellite Headquarters used by the 5 Swell Guys

Sherlock Holmes: Conan Doyle's famous literary detective. A member of the Associated Shades

Hy Brasil: Trancipality within the Immateria overlapping with Fairyland and Tir-na-nog

Thomas Hyde (1636-1703): Author of Chess History(1694)

Hypatia - presumably Promethea(0)'s real mother. Just before he is killed Promethea's father says "They are coming for me just as they came for beautiful Hypatia". She is never referred to again.


IHVH: spelling for the unprounounceable name of God in Hebrew Jehovah

The Immateria: An immaterial realm where stories and legends live

Inanna: Ancient Sumerian Queen of Heaven

Islamic Promethea:

Ishtar: Jack Faust tells Promethea(6) You are Ishtar



Jack: As in Jack and the Beanstalk
a memorable extended serial which depicted Margie helping depose a Jack who’d grown tyrannical and taken over the enormous Beanstalk-kingdom previously inhabited by giants

Jellyhead I: new science villain who attempts to replace the Painted Doll when he disappears.
Destroyed by Promethea(4b)
The body's customized Elastagel, incidentally, controlled from a remote distance. I got the idea from that big elasta-gel wig-out last New Years
See also Bruno Smiliac

Jellyhead II: replacement for Jellyhead I
See also Bruno Smiliac

Jenny: grand-daughter of a member of The Temple. One of two children celebrating their birthday when Promethea attempts to bring down the Temple

Jenny in the Wood: Fairy mentioned by name in Charlton Sennets' A Faerie Romance

Jimmy: the 9 of cups card. Owner of the Lido of Happiness

Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) : referred to as Dr. Johnson. A member of the Associated Shades

Jupiter: Father figure god


Edward Kelly (1555-1595): Magical partner of John Dee

Kennedy: take your pick John F. (1917-1963) or Robert (1925-1968)
Jack Faust tells Promethea(6)
that faint stain, that's Kennedy

Kundalini: the fire serpent of Hindu Yoga coiled at the bottom of the spine


Ronald D. Laing (1927-1989) : The Laing Clinic is where Dennis Drucker is kept

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) : Jack Faust tells Promethea(6)
Imagine this is where...Stalin, or Leonardo, or Eva Peron were conceived born, died...

Eliphas Levi (1810-1875)

The Limp: English invalid rock band sensation whose lead singer is Montellimar Sykes

Little Margie: comic book character written and drawn by Margaret Taylor Case in Little Margie in Misty Magic Land

Little Red Riding Hood: Fairy tale character harassed by the Big Bad Wolf in the Immateria

Loki: Norse god best known as Baldurs' murderer

Howard Philips Lovecraft(1890-1937): Horror writer
"It was like something HP Lovecraft pulled out of his nose"

Mrs. Lucas: One of Sophie's teachers at the School of Elevated Minds

Lucian (c. 120-180 AD): Ancient Greek author of A True History. Accompanies Barbara across the bridge to the moon

Lucy: name give to a skeleton found in east Africa. A member of the species Australophithics afarensis. Mentioned in the commentary to Tarot Card V


Mack: one of the two snakes on Prometheas' caduceus. Short for macrocosm

Stephane Mallarme (1842-1898): French symbolist poet

Mandrake: Magical plant with special powers

Manigators: Monsters who are constantly trying to kills Sophie in Hy Brasil. She refers to them as Lizard Men although they might also be Man alligators

Marchosias: One of two demons from the Goetia sent by Benny Solomon to try and kill Promethea

Marie: Queen of heaven
Variant spelling for Mary, mother of God (ie. Jesus)

Mars: God of war

Harpo Marx (1888-1964): Not actually mentioned but shown on the Tarot Card XX

Meadowsweet Fairy in the Immateria

Angela "Queen Bitch" Mendez: one of the Evil Eight

Mercury: Messenger of the Gods

Les Miserable: Rock singer whose poster can be seen in Sophie's bedroom

Mike: one of the two snakes on Prometheas' caduceus. Short for microcosm

Mr. Goodbuns: Boo-boo's nickname for Baldur

Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) : Jack Faust tells Promethea(6)
That faint stain...that's Monroe

Baron Munchaussen (1720-1797): real life person who become mythologized as a teller of tall tales. Accompanies Sophie across the bridge to the moon


Napoleon (1769-1821): full name Napoleon Bonaparte. One time conqueror of Europe. A member of the Associated Shades

Victor Neuberg (1873-1940): poet and lover of Aleister Crowley who performed the Choronzon working with him
There is a biography of him called The Magical Dilemma of Victor Neuberg by Jean Overton Fuller

Noah: Biblical builder of the Ark. A member of the Associated Shades

Nox: Mother of Charon

Nuit: Jack Faust tells Promethea(6)
The milk of the star goddess Nuit runs across the skies forming our galaxy

Marto Neptura: Pseudonym for one of at least 5 authors who penned Promethea stories for Astounding

  1. Ray Bennet
  2. Lamond Davies
  3. Bernard Haupt
  4. Gerald Summers
  5. Louis Werner

Night Queen - referred to several times but never makes an appearance. Responsible for Promethea(3)'s death.
I'm only guessing but she might actually be Lilith, Adams' first wife and Queen of the Night who also makes an appearance in Mozart's The Magic Flute. Also here
She is also rumoured to be a Vampire


Odin: In mythology the chief divinity of the Norse Pantheon
Mentioned in the commentary to Tarot Card XII
Yet Barbarous Norse Mythology
Has Odin hung on gallows-tree
So to be made initiate
In the last mysteries of Fate

Odysseus: Ancient Greek warrior who fought at Troy and spent many years wandering before he came home
This must be Moly, a flower that Hermes gave Odysseus as help against Circe's magic

Wilfred Owen (1893-1918): English poet killed in World War I


Painted Doll: Celebrity omnipath who fights with the 5 Swell Guys and wounds Marvin. He also kills Benny Solomon and other people. Appears to be killed himself at various times but always comes back alive later
Reminiscent of The Joker from the Batman comics. See also Alan Moore's Batman: The Killing Joke

Pan: Ancient Greek God of ecstasy. Shown raping Selene

Pandeliriums: mythical creatures with bodies of birds but human faces that bother Sophie in the Immateria.
Distractions, gibbersih, fluttering thoughts to lead the mind astray

Paris: Jack Faust tells Promethea(6)
Imagine this is where Paris and Helen gasped and struggled together

Jack Parsons (1914-1952): American rocket scientist and magician.
Upon another young Jack Parsons sits, betrother to She who reigneth here. She promised if he loved Her he should burn eternally, and so he does in endless ECSTASY

Eva Peron (1919-1952): Jack Faust tells Promethea(6)
Imagine this is where...Stalin, or Leonardo, or Eva Peron were conceived born, died...


Philomenus Phrog: A frog barrister from a Little Margie in Misty Magic Land story who prosecutes Promethea(6) in the Immateria Issue 25

Edward "Flipface" Platty: Science villain. Member of America's Worst in the 1950s.
Enemy of Splash Brannigan in Tomorrow Stories
Nicolas Poussin (1594-1666) : French painter. One of his most famous works is entitled Et in Arcadia Ego

Octavia Price: Science villain. Members of America's Worst in the 1950s
She is "The Money Spider," the arch-nemesis of Cobweb from Tomorrow Stories
Promethea overview

Promethea(0) - the original little girl whose father was killed in Alexandria 411 AD. She escaped into the desert where Toth and Hermes take her from our world into the Immateria for safe keeping. There she is no longer a little girl but a story living eternally.

Promethea(1) - Charles Sennet's servant girl Anna becomes Promethea when his poetry manages to bring her through from the Immateria but Anna dies giving birth to their child.

Promethea(2) - Margaret Taylor Case writes and illustrates Little Margie in Misty Magic Land between 1901-1920. Promethea appears as a fairy companion for Little Margie.
See also Margaret Taylor Case

Promethea(3) - Grace Brannagh draws Promethea Warrior Queen of Hy Brasil covers for Astonishing Stories between 1924-1938. In this version she also appears to soldiers in the trenches during WWI.
See also Grace Brannagh, Stacia Vanderveer

Promethea(4) - William Woolcott draws Promethea as a science hero comic up to 1970.
See also William Woolcott

Promethea(5) - Barbara Shelley is the wife of the last person to draw Promethea until his death in the 90's
See also Barbara Shelley

Promethea(6) - Sophie Bangs manages to become Promethea by writing about her when she is attacked by a Smee
See also Sophie Bangs

Promethea's father - never named. a hermetic scholar and magician killed by a Christian mob in Alexandria in 411 AD.

Prometheus: ancient Greek mythical figure who brings fire to mankind and is punished by the gods. He is chained and bound to a rock and a bird feasts on his liver eternally.

Pru: One of the members of The Temple, wife of Henry Royce

Purson: A demon from the Goetia

Pythia: Priestess of Apollo's Oracle at Delphi


Qlippoth: The world of shells, the adverse tree of life
The Qlippoths are generally understood as hells, although the word means husks or shells. It's what remains once the sacred energy in things has departed


Ragnarok: Death of all the Gods in Norse Mythology

Barbara Ramirez: Barbara Shelley’s maiden name. See also Boo-boo Ramirez

Boo-boo Ramirez: Barbara Shelley's Holy Guardian Angel which is herself as she was when she was fifteen


Riley policeman or woman rescued by Promethea on New Years Eve 1999

Ronald old boyfriend of Sophie
I think Sophie maybe got laid about four times, if you count that thing she dated in high school...

Ronove: (Earl Ronove) - One of the demons from the Goetia sent to kill Promethea.

Henry Royce: One of the members of The Temple trying to kill Promethea. Has the same name as one of the two inventors of the Rolls-Royce motor car.

Philip Craig Russell: comic book illustrator
Promethea was handed to a young and radical new comics writer, Steven Shelley, for a revamp, ably assisted by a number of comics artists (including a memborable [sic] stint by artist P. Craig Russell


Sal: One of Benny Solomon's workers at his Casino Club

Sanchez Policeman rescued by Promethea on New Years' Eve 1999

Sandroid Bio-silicate sentry of the Dust Emperors: Trophy kept by the 5 Swell Guys on High Five and dated July 1995

Sangreal: The Holy Grail sought by King Arthur’s knights of the round table

Satan: The personified concept of evil.
mentioned in the commentary to Tarot Card XV: The Devil
Thus Satan offers Christ, unfurled, The wealth of the Material World

Paul Dorian Saveen: Science villain. Member of America's Worst in the 1950s. Also the nemesis of Tom Strong
Scarlet Woman: Name given by Crowley to his numerous mistresses. Also used to denote the fallen churches
See various links
The Scarlet Woman and Antichristendom
Thesaurus definition
Christian Resource Centre

Hal Schnapps: Reporter on TEXTure

School of Elevated Minds: college that Sophie and Stacia attend

Selene: Moon Goddess


Charlton Sennet(1751-1803)

Set: Egyptian diety mentioned by Jack Faust
For Set's sake

William Shakespeare (1564-1616): Most famous English dramatist of all time. A member of the Associated Shades and author of A Midsummer Nights Dream which was the inspiration for Charlton Sennett's A Faerie Romance

Shekinah: The divine presence of God

Barbara Shelley
See also Promethea(5)

Steve Shelley: Barbara Shelley's husband responsible for turning her into Promethea

She-Ra: Comic book character. Save me it's She-ra

Sheba the love of King Solomon
...then I can return to the source of wisdom and eternal copulation with my black love Sheba
Shirley: One of Benny Solomon's workers at his Casino Club

Simon: grandson of a member of the Temple. One of two children celebrating their birthday when Promethea attempts to bring down the Temple

Sissy: girlfriend, wife or sister of soldier helped back to safety by Promethea in WWI

Smee - Semi Mindless Elemental Entity sent to kill Promethea by Benny Solomon but fails.

Bruno Smiliac: person responsible for Jellyhead and the Evil Eight. Killed by the Painted Doll

Benjamin Meyer Solomon: Magician who working for the temple sends a Smee and then some demons to try and kill Promethea but is himself killed by the Painted Doll

Austin Osman Spare (1886-1956)


Sphinx: Mythological creature with head of a human and body of a lion and wings. Stacia mistakenly calls one a Pegasus

Splendid Strand of Yawn: one of the quaintly named regions of Misty Magic Land from Little Margie in Misty Magic Land

Stalin (1879-1953): Jack Faust tells Promethea(6)
Imagine this is where...Stalin, or Leonardo, or Eva Peron were conceived born, died...

Stolas: One of the demons from the Goetia sent to kill Promethea.

The Styx: in mythology a river seperating the land of the living from the land of the dead

Gerald Summers: One of 5 writers behind the pseudonym Marto Neptura
Of the authors behind the Neptura pseudonym
Gerald Summers had the most solid plot construction

Immanuel (or Emanuel) Swedenborg (1688-1772): Swedish mystic and author
And like the visionary Immanuel Swedenborg said, "Angels know nothing of time"

Montelimar Sykes: Ironically non Ironic lead singer of the Limp
Don't call me Dave


Tania - Fetish Girl: poster visible on New Years Eve 1999 of a girl sucking a lollipop

Teddy: One of the members of The Temple

Teddy bomb: presumably a bomb disguised as a teddy bear. The Painted Doll uses one in his attack on the South Tower hospital. Roger takes the brunt of the blast

The Temple: An ancient occult organization. Descendants of the original Christian mob who killed Prometheas' father in 411 AD. They attempt to kill the present Promethea in 1999

Terri: Student at the School of Elevated Minds who helps FBI agents at a Limp concert
TEXTure: Futuristic Television on large screens throughout the world of Promethea

Thelma and Louise: film named after its’ two main characters

Thor: Norse God and father figure

Thoth one of the two gods who originally save the little girl Promethea(0) and take her into the Immateria
Seen in his non-syncretic form in Issue #15



The Universe: Tarot trump card XXI. As drawn by Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley's specifications represented by a snake and a dancing naked woman


Vepar: demon from the Goetia
You for example Vepar. You cause turbulence. You kill men, cruelly. I've done that. I accept you Vepar. I own you

Verve: Rock group

Stacia van de Veer or Vanderveer
Sophie Bangs best friend. She becomes Promethea on earth in conjunction with Grace Brannagh during Sophie's journey in Issues 14-23
See also Promethea(3)

Vince: One of Benny Solomon's workers at his Casino Club

Vito: the 9 of wands card. Owner of the Tower of Strength Gymnasium


Richard Wagner (1813-1883): Jack Faust tells Promethea(6)
it's like the end of the Grail Quest in Wagner's Parzifal...

Wally: Paedophiliac cab-driver who drives the two demons Andras and Marchosias to the Limp rock concert at St. Mark's place and then commits suicide after one of them hands him a gun

Weeping Gorilla comic book character published by Apex Comix. Stacia and Promethea meet him in the Immateria
See also Chucklin Duck
Weeping Gorilla and Chuckling Duck can also be seen in Greyshirt Indigo Sunset (not written by Alan Moore)

Louis Werner: One of 5 writers behind the pseudonym Marto Neptura
Astounding editor Louis Werner, who seemed obsessed with medieval weaponry

Betsy Wing: real life English translator of Helen Cixious' Book of Promethea

Bill Woolcott
See also Promethea(4)

Wotan: Teutonic spelling of Odin, Norse God of war and death


Xena: female warrior in a TV series Xena: Warrior Princess
Hey, like I'm desperate to be on some cosmic chorus line with Xena's mom here!



Zeus: head of the Greek gods and father-figure

Last Updated: 7 March 2003