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Thu 08/06/2009
ConnectiCon 2009 - Wrap-Up
Mood:  a-ok
Even though this is the hometown convention for me, this wrap-up will be brief. It isn't because things were slow or anything. I pretty much tied myself to the table the whole convention. = )

My friend and I showed up at the convention center Thursday to scoop up our badges and check out our table in Artist Alley. The line was long but it was oddly filled with CosPlayers. Not folks wearing clothes that just happened to look like they were in costume but folks straight up dressed like anime characters. It was actually kinda' funny, really.

Friday, we got in late but got set up nonetheless. My phone took the opportunity to not charge up when I needed it to that morning so I was a little frazzled from that but the folks in the Alley made it a lot better. Our table was between Misfile and the guys from Kitsune Kiki. They made the con a little brighter considering how deep in we all were. It still holds true - make friends with the folks around you. They may just save your sanity!

Saturday saw my friend and I arriving late once more. It was a pretty typical Saturday crowd, with passersby stopping to check out the product we were selling every now and again. Oddly enough, a guy dropped by my table. With the roar of the Alley, I couldn't make out his name but one thing was clear - He was a fan of the strip! Yeah, it may seem kinda' geeky but I don't normally meet folks outside my family/friends that read my comic. This was the first time I not only met someone who reads but asked for an autograph. I was (and still am) groovin' on that moment. = )

Saturday night and Sunday were slow but it gave me a minute to chat up the surrounding folks. I chatted comics with (and grabbed a button from) the gals who do The Paul Reveres. I dropped by the White Rose table and got to talk comics even more. I even met Smith and Hepting of Slackerz. In fact, I think I surprised Smith with exactly how long I've been reading the strip for. For those curious: It's been a Very long time.

Two things of note happened: I got the chance to drop by Dealer's Room and see Brad Guigar of Evil Inc. Not only did he remember me (which I wasn't expecting) but I also got to drop off the card for my strip to him. If I say I'm going to do something, understand I'll do all in my power to get it done. The second thing was the Tax Folks dropped by for a visit. You'll here more on that one later. Right now, it's time for the Break Down!

The Break Down

A special shout-out goes to the crew at Angry Viking Press. I got the opportunity to talk with the top guy there. It was cool to chat with someone who is knee deep in the independent publishing business as well as getting the chance to get the order numbers for some their titles. Seriously, if you're looking for some awesome titles with great talent you should ask your comic shop to carry Angry Viking Press!

That's it for now. I needs me some quality time with some Ragnarok Online. = )


Posted by Erik Amill at 10:42 PM EDT
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Mon 07/27/2009
Countdown to ConnectiCon '09
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: with sharp objects and paper.
Topic: Life

It seems as thought this has become the "Announce I'm Going to ConnectiCon" blog. = P

As with years past, I'm going to be at the con again. I managed to snag a full table in Artist Alley thanks to a neat little art job I did just a week before they opened up. Beautiful serendipity. = )

For those curious, the table should be Table 17 - listed as House of Amill/Get A Life in the program book. I'll be parked there for the bulk of the con so drop by and see me. This year brings the first in what I hope will be a series of art books - HoA Presents: House Special Volume 1. It's a massive bit of work and it even has a pull-out poster!

The old stuff with be there: magnets (including a new one) and small buttons. My friend with have some posters with him. There's a crap-ton of neat stuff that won't see the light of the 'net until after the con so, if you can make it, drop by and see it early. You won't be disappointed (hopefully)!

Time for me to take care of some last minute details. Bank stuff and whatnot. See you at the con!


Posted by Erik Amill at 2:11 PM EDT
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Thu 07/31/2008
Countdown to ConnectiCon '08
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: TWiT Live
Topic: Life

Nothing special this year. No table this time around but I'm still on top of things. The shindig starts tomorrow and runs through the weekend. I'll still be there but I'll be floating around the con. Just look for my ugly mug darting around the Dealer's room and elsewhere at the con.

For folks who still come here - let me fill you in. I think I've pretty much replaced this ol' blog account with Twitter and Pownce. Needless to say, there is a reason the last post I made here was just about a year ago as a wrap-up of ConnectiCon '07.

Now on to happier things: I'm currently working on my strip - Biff the Vampire - and I'm pushing to post it either tonight or set it up to go live on Sunday. Either way, there will be new Biff funny soon. As for my lack of a table this year, Artist's Alley filled up remarkably fast this year. Bad for me but excellent for the convention. That means that folks from all around are coming to Hartford to show their work. That means very happy con-goers like me. = )

I promise I'll post up one last post here as the con wrap-up next week (Hopefully) then I'll simply let this ol' blog go. Might post again, might not but I do know I'll leave quite the trail for folks to follow if they are still curious of the go-ings on of your favorite Artist-type guy.


Posted by Erik Amill at 3:06 PM EDT
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Wed 07/18/2007
Post - ConnectiCon 07 Wrap-up
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Nothin' in particular
Topic: Life

Caught the Con Crud. I did however have a hell of a time.

Christian and I made it to the con a little late on Friday. It was due to printing issues and a car that seems to have it out for Christian. Honestly, I really think it has a grudge against him or something. o.o

Well, Friday was a bit slow. Had a hell of a time finding the table at first as there were many a cosplayer with fairly large costumes in the way. After setting up my gear, I got to chat with my next door neighbors for the weekend - Planet Access. Great group of cats (and one rather tall werewolf!). They run a local public access tv show on all things geeky and fun. They also have videos online if you are so inclined to watch. 'Tis good stuff, indeed.

On Saturday, I was discovered by a couple of devs - Naerrin and Megz. Apparently, we were a bit too out-of-the-way and folks hunted me down. Missed the Uber-Webcomic Panel as it was during the early morning... Okay, it was like 10am. That's early for me.
I got to snap a pic or two that day but most of my time was spent at the table or sweeping the other side of Artist Alley (I know, they call it a colony. I'm just so used to alley, it's a hard habit to break) and doing a run or two through the Dealer's  Room. Bought myself a Tachikoma plush and got the nephews a little Godzilla plush (one of
hatsukoi's designs for Toy Vault, actually) and a Skull doll. Ran into Chi in time to get a very badass chibi pic from her. Always good to see some happy faces at the con. = D

Sunday was an interesting day in general. Got up late again but this time I went into the con with a mission: to sell some product and pass out some cards. Slipped one to the guys from Applegeeks, Staccato, and a couple of others whose cards escape me at the moment. I'd post a run-down of the charges but I'm not too sure of them so I'll just post the gear.

The Break-Down
Days Gone: 3
Cash Spent: Unknown as of yet.
Comics Bought or Acquired: 2
Graphic Novels/Collected Ed. Bought or Acquired: 2
Posters/Pics Bought or Acquired: 1
T-shirts: 1
Plush: 3
Pins: 2
Hugs from friends I haven't seen in a while: 2
Strangest comment: Man refering to his iPhone as a "God Phone." People, it's just a fancy phone. Raising the dead, turning water to wine, and other such miracles won't come until Rev.3. o.O

I have some pics up in the gallery. Enjoy the show and a fine howdy-do to all those who are here who stopped by the table at the con! = D


Posted by Erik Amill at 3:10 AM EDT
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Fri 07/06/2007
Countdown to ConnectiCon '07
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: Austin Lounge Lizards - Drugs I Need
Topic: Projects

Well, life has been interesting since last I posted. I'm out of school for good this time and I got a nifty piece of paper to prove it! BA in Graphic Design for those wondering. I pimp it because I am kinda' proud of the achievement. Considering I'm not known for finishing things, this has to be the biggest win I have right now. o.o

Got much in the way of product done for ConnectiCon '07. Stop by the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford July 13th through 15th and witness the awe and mystery the reaches from the deepest inner mind to... the Artist Alley! They call it a colony but I kinda' think bacteria when I hear that word. Anywho... my friend Christian and I shall pimp our wares and attempt to make some scratch this year. Stop by and say hi if you come. It's always a blast.

As for right now, I'm pretty beat but I have found a few breaks since I finished all that Con prep. I bought the DSBrowser - turns out I can browse, update and do just about all I normally do on my big system only I can do a quicker switch to PW2: Justice for All. = P Working on Biff comics (I should be inking, I know) and working on the usual business stuff.

That's as good an update as you get for now. I'll post up some pics from my recent stuffed animal related mod soon. I think folks will get a kick out of it. Lates.


Posted by Erik Amill at 7:59 PM EDT
Updated: Thu 08/06/2009 10:46 PM EDT
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