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October 2, 2003: UPDATE!:
For all ya'll who agree with me that this comic is terrible, NEVER FEAR...i agree with you.
Its ugly. I'm re-doing everything. NEW ARTIST!! My friend Kevin is joining the dorei staff * okay, so
he's the only other one working on it.* We're completely re-doing dorei.
with better everything. DONT LOSE HOPE! COME BACK!

January 2, 2003: UPDATE!:
Added two pages of manga and a BOARD! A BOARD!
HALLELUJAH, it's a board! Go there! NOW! lol. peace!!!

January 1, 2003: UPDATE!:
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Yes! I finally got my site banners up, in the top frame and the "links" section.
LINK TO ME! If you will ^_^. I've got all of the site's make over complete.
Hopefully i'll be adding the Misc section soon. The Misc. section probably will have nothing to do with the rest of the site, but oh well ;)
God Bless!

December 28, 2002: UPDATE!:
*phew!* angelfire's been giving me some major problems. ..well, maybe its just my computer.
So i'm sorry for no updates. I finally got the holiday picture up.
I'm going to try to get more of the manga up soon, seeing as that's like...the core of the site and all :)
I'm also adding more frames n links, and basic sight fixes.
Well, have a good holiday! God Bless :)

December 23, 2002: UPDATE:
Hey guys, I added another page of the manga * FINALLY! * hehe. And i've deleted the right bar.
It may go back up later, maybe not. I'm working on getting more content up soon.
Maybe some color changes to the site. I hopefully will be adding a holiday header image soon :)
Merry Christmas everyone!~

December 19, 2002: UPDATE:
Hey! I'm going to be adding more artwork and manga soon. I added one today. *YAY! ANGELFIRE LOADED TODAY! So I worked on a lot!*
I fixed A LOT of links today, and "Timescapes" is no longer stuck in my frames! YAYNESS!~

The Characters 0o0 The Manga 0o0 The Artwork 0o0 Links