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About this Layout:

This layout features some random guy that I thought would make for an interesting layout.  I can't remember where I got the image from but I do remember where I got the brushes from :Insomniac Brushes.  This is a basic frames layout.

How to Install:

Download it and unzip using winzip or whatever program you use to unzip.  Edit the "bottom.htm" for your links and such.  And also edit "middle.htm" to put all your content and text inside.

Copyrights and Credits:

Day Dream Graphics and Credit me for making this layout the name is already there so just don't remove it  my name doesn't link anywhere YET but still just keep it there. Also Credit to Insomniac Brushes for some of the brushes here sorry I can't recall the other brushes but if you do know please give them credit.

Extras: 60X60 Icon