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You start off in welcome stairwell as Clark informs you to get in and out as fast as you can without shooting. This mission frustrated me because if you are seen by an enemy or fire or throw a grenade at one, the mission is over. He also tells you that he's marked terrorist positions on your mini-map, which are represented by blinking red dots. Now head open the door here and then make a U-turn around to the left and head back down this way to some double doors. Open them and proceed ahead to some glass doors, which you should also open and proceed through. Continue on ahead and you will come to a split. Head left from there and you should here a crowd roaring, which is coming from a television in the room to the left. Crouch and slowly creep into the room and you should notice a guard sitting on a couch watching soccer. Now SLOWLY, and I emphasize slowly so that you make as little noise as possible, creep over to the kitchen over to the left. Head up some steps and then continue up some more steps just to the left to get up to the second level. Now look on your map to check that there are no terrorists in the hallway to the right and then proceed into the doorway ahead, still ever so slowly as the tango down below will hear you if you make noise up here. This room is where the telephone is, so head up to it on the little table with the lamp and hold A to bug it. o---------------------------------------o | Objective Completed: Bug telephone. | o---------------------------------------o o---------------------------------o | New Objective: Hack computer. | o---------------------------------o Now open the door at the other end of the room. Peek out into the hallway to the right from the room and wait until you can see a guard. He will patrol this area for a while, so wait until he leaves. You will know that it is okay to go when he is far down the hall and walking away from you. When this happens, though it may take a while, Follow him all the way down this long hall to the end. Open up your map and wait until his red dot is around the other corner before you turn this one. Do so when it is clear and then follow the path to the left to some more glass doors. Look inside and Clark will tell you that Vargas' accountant is here without Intel knowing it and he is occupying the main computer terminal. He advises to find and bug the alternate terminal in the master bedroom, so head just past the glass doors and to an opening on your left. Ascend the stairs here to get to the second level and then turn just to the left so you are facing a plant. Open your mini-map and look at the room just above here with a terrorist inside. That is the master bathroom, and the large room just above that is the master bedroom. Wait for the terrorist inside the bedroom to leave and then head right from the stairs and then left at the split to reach the door to the bedroom on your left. Look on your map again and make sure that the patrolling terrorist is not in sight of the door and then open and enter the room. Make your way around the screen to the right where a laptop is. Head up to it and hold A until it is sufficiently bugged. o---------------------------------------o | Objective Completed: Hack computer. | o---------------------------------------o o--------------------------------------------------------o | New Objective: Escort accountant to extraction zone. | o--------------------------------------------------------o Just then, Clark will inform you that Vargas was on the phone telling his thugs to take out the accountant. You need to escort him out of danger, and weapons are free now, so fire at will at enemies. The terrorist patrolling the area should have run into the room very soon after you bugged the computer, so shoot him down and then open the bathroom and take out the tango in here after eliminating any more threats in the hall from the doorway. Now save your progress on this level and then exit the bedroom. Proceed right down the hall a and then down the first path on the right, proceeding back down the stairs once you come to them. Peek out into the hallway to the right from the bottom of the stairs and eliminate a terrorist here. You may hear shooting now to the left, which is the terrorist in the computer room trying to take out the accountant. So hurry up to the glass doors ahead and shoot down the tango here. Now leave the accountant for now and head over to the left from the computer room to a closed door. Put a few rounds through the door to kill the terrorist just behind and then turn back around. Stay put here and watch the hallway ahead and the stairs to the right for terrorists that show. Around three come down from the stairs, so pick them off as you see them and then proceed down to the end of the hallway. Look over to the right and left to make sure it is clear and then head back to the computer room and get the accountant to follow you. Now head back out into the hallway and left to a split. Look to the left for a couple terrorists coming up the stairs and take them out before they can get you with their shotguns. Now head left down the stairs they were coming from and peek around the corner to the right at the bottom. Shoot down the terrorist watching the soccer game and then look to the right at the long narrow window by the kitchen where you should spot another terrorist's head. Shoot it down and then wait for one more tango to come running from that hallway into the room. Take him out as well and then proceed ahead, down the steps to where you first entered the room. Head right down the hallway from there and then down the opening to the left. Make your way back through the glass doors and the double doors beyond them. Continue on straight ahead from there and make a u-turn to the right at the end, heading through the doorway here to get back to the stairwell where you started the mission. Now ascend the few flights of stairs all the way to the opened doorway at the top, and look out to the rooftop from the doorway to take out one guard here. Now head up to the large patio area with the table and lawn chairs and then head right from there over to where the air conditioning unit is and look back to see a helicopter comego to top up to get you out of there.