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Welcome to the official webpage of EVIL, a guild for Gaia Online. Our purpose is global domination of the Gaian world. We serve as one of the few enemies of Gaia's many heroic guilds. But what we may lack in numbers we make up for in savagery and brilliance. With Lord Dark Koala as our founder and leader, we hope to bring new dimension to roleplaying on Gaia Online.

Applying for EVIL

In order to apply for EVIL, you must first select a position you would like to apply for. Below is a list of positions I have come up with that have not been filled, though you may feel free to come up with one of your own.
• Mad Scientist
• Relectant Villain
• Arogant Bishonen Playboy
• Cute Little Girl with Psychic Powers
• Biologically Engineered Super-Soldier
• Bloodthirsty Werewolf (or other beast-like creature)

Etc, etc. The only condition is that you may not select a position that is already taken, or is too similar to one that is already taken. For instance, you cannot be a Big Dumb Lug, since we already have a Big Stupid Muscely Guy. So please, use your imagination.

As an evil organization, EVIL does not have a lot of hard and fast rules. In fact, there are only two.
• #1: Your affiliation with EVIL must show up somewhere in your signature. This means that you should either have the EVIL banner or your EVIL membership I.D. somewhere in your signature. However, if your signature is already over-burdened with images that you just can't stand to part with, simply put a link to either the banner or the member I.D. somewhere in your handle.
• #2: You must have some contact with Supreme Overlord Dark Koala at least once a week to maintain your membership. EVIL welcomes most any villainous individuals interested in joining, but requires some level of dedication, if not loyalty. If you're not going to be active in the guild at all, then I'm afraid you aren't going to be part of it.