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Get free NP or items!!!!!

Hi!! I made this charity service for people who play neopets and don't have as much as everyone else. Maybe youre just getting started or you got scammed or you just want more NP. All you have to do is e-mail me your neopets name and password (password is just 2 verify ur user name) and tell me what it is you want. i'll send the items ASAP and i can give u NP through a trade. :)

e-mail me your user name and password at and i'll be happy to send you your items/np!!!! :) :) :)

ive been getting e-mails saying this is a scam and its NOT!! i have been playing neopets for 3 years and have a lot of items and np and i just want to share it with the rest of the neopets community.

p.s. plz vote for my pets in the beauty comp!!!!

things i can send you: