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Saturday, December 7, 2002
Added more picture in the color and fanart sections. I'll add more throughout the day. I need to sort out all the pictures on my compy to put up here.


>>I drew this for a contest in the Tsunami Channel Forums. I like. Inu Yasha's my favorite anime.
>>Another contest picture. Whoosh. I like this one. My change in style is more evident here.
>>Not quite sure who I drew this for. But it was just a really quick drawing.



>>a blue furry, ain't she cute?! ^_^
>>icky blondey chick
>>whooo look at the green!
>>Ai, the main character of a manga I started, but didn't finish
>>slight nudie, not detailed, this picture's crappy -_-
>>guy on crack XD or posessed, whichever you like
>>pixie who is hungry and also on crack..
>>which witch is which? wah~~
>>angely ...with no right thumb...?


>>Tsunami Channel fanart, Haruna, Laika, Kotone, and a chibi me!
>>A gift to Akira for hallaween. Kotone in a black and pink witch costume. ^.^
Artwork Copywrite ©2002 Deena Beck Do not modify or redistribute without permission.