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Disco Jimmy!

Mischevious Funtions:


Welcome to Jim and OoGiE's Website!

The Current Day/Time is...

Whats on the site?

Email the characters! New!

Halarious Video! New!
Bike Race: Here's what happens when you try to cheat!
Ping Pong: Here are some people who really get into it!
Soccer: Check out the unbelivable save this guy gets!
Bus Ride: Be sure to watch the kid in the back!

Alert Pop-up Episodes, a new trend on my site.
Containing character dialogue on numerous alerts.

Gullibility is Heredity
Scientific Consumtion
The Lunk behind the Chunk
Sheer Stupidity
OoGiE's Birthday New!

Note: If you want to exit the Episode at any time,
Access the Windows Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Delete)

As some of you know, there have been numerous problems with Jim's sleepwalking. So I rigged up a fence to solve the problems, but it only created more. This is the story coming soon that will feature exclusive interviews, lots of dialogue, and even pictures. Stay tuned for more info!

There's even a Forum! But please, this is only for people who know me.
(Sorry, but this site was originally intended for my friends, but I know other people may come on, but visitors are welcome on the site [but just please don't use the forum.])

Ah, what a great website needs: Games!
In Ask Jim, you can ask Jim many questions, Pretty much asking questions to a guy who can't answer his own. In Hit-the-Dot, the object is to get the dot as many times as you can within 30 seconds, and finally, in Typing Test, you type whatis given to you to calculate your wpm (words per minute), and be careful not to laugh, cause that'll slow you down.

Insults- Halarious Insults for OoGiE and Jim. They include OoGiEs weight and nastiness, and Jims gullibility. Be sure to check out the Jokes for more laughs.

Did you Know?- Interesting facts about Jim and OoGiE. For Example do you know who OoGiEs college roommate was? Read all about it!