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July 16, 2003- Slacking

Ok, so I and along with a some other bloggers have been labeled as slackers by her . We can't all be swamped getting a new business off the ground ya know! (good luck with that, btw!) It's not so much that I've been slacking, or even the same old excuse that I've been busy. I actually haven't been here to do it. I was enjoying some much needed R&R.

Those readers who are on the Fun Fact list know it's on hiatus right now. There aren't even any Fun Fact re-runs so you can catch the facts you might have missed. I haven't decided when it will return yet. It's kinda nice to take a break from the regular day-to-day stuff. That's what vacations are all about, right?

I know the blog has been neglected and I'm going to try and work on that. Hopefully that will all change when I migrate the blog to it's new locale (and figure out all tricks of it's new host) The domain has been registered and set, I just need to unpack my adjectives .

but anyhow, on to other stuff...

This guy makes me laugh almost everyday. Always a good read. Check out his archives too. A very clever guy with a twisted sense of humor. You can also check in with him for a view of life on the left coast.

This weekend is the Ann Arbor Art Fair. A pretty big deal around here and usually the hottest days of summer. This year might be the exception though. At last check we weren't supposed to have any 90 degree days this week. It could be the most pleasant weather for Art Fair in a while- at least that I can remember in the 8 years I've been around here for it.

One more piece of good news- My pal Bob was offered and is taking a job with Proctor & Gamble (yeah, the people who make all those products that are advertised during the soaps!) He's moving to Ohio (gawd, of all places!) for the job. At least he'll still be within driving distance. While it sucks that he's moving away, I'm happy he found a job that will challenge him and pay him well. Congrats Bob-O!!



June 19, 2003- Tidbits

Things have been busy and I need to get caught up. Let's address a few things...

First, a Mini-Rant...

I'm not pointing any fingers but let's just say that I think if you're someone who needs an "English as a Second Language" class then you should be required to take "Driving as a Necessary Skill" No license should be granted until you've adequately proven you can drive your Honda more that 35 miles an hour and you understand those blinking lights on the dash board aren't Christmas decorations.

We now return to our regularly scheduled blog, already in progress

I got the car back. It lookes really good. You'd never know it was hit. It just seems to have developed another problem. The "service engine soon" light has been on since I got it back. It wasn't on when I dropped it off. Just another point to support my theory that I'll always have an oil and water relationship with cars. I really should consider other transportation. Maybe a horse (but where would I put the parking permit??)

I was reading thru the procedures at work for what we're supposed to do if there is a violent person with a weapon: 1) Call 911 2) Notify Administration 3) Evacuate the area of all non-involved people 4) Take cover a safe distance away. Does anyone else but me see a problem with this plan? Can't you just hear the conversation "Ok, the guy has a gun, but no one leave until I call Administration and let them know we have a lunatic down here who wants to blow our heads off" Yeah, I'm gonna wait around for THAT call to be made!

The blog will be moving soon. I registered a new domain for it and as soon as
Shawn finishes up moving her page to it's new home she's going to help me move mine. The new page will be more interactive and hopefully a little more fun for you regular readers. I'll probably even include some links to some other blogs I've come across that I think are fun, make me laugh or are just a good read. Before I put up any links to any blogs I'm going to remind you all that I'm not responsible for their content. If you read something on a linked page that offends you and your undies wind up in a knot, don't cry to me about it. Knowing me, I probably thought the very point you were offended by was funny. Simply click on your handy-dandy "Back" button and leave the page. Pretty easy, eh? If any of you know of any cool blogs or web pages, pass them along.

That's it for now. Watch for the new stuff here soon. Only 2 weeks until vacation!