I understand some of you are bringing newbies into the world of "The Outcasts," and
undoubtably these newbies are all like, "What the hell...???" So this is where I will
try and help them understand what we're all about.

What the hell is "The Outcasts"?
"The Outcasts" is a comic about my friends and I. It takes place our Senior
year in high school. The catch: We now have super-powers. In this comic, I try to
imagine what would happen if your everyday average idiot recieved the gift of
superhuman abilities. In doing this, I try to keep the traits of all of my friends (and
enemies) intact. I'm a woosie, so I play a woosie in the comic. Mark's an asshole,
so he plays an asshole in the comic. Weldon's a redneck, Jerod's a pervert, Gus is
a violent Mexican, and so on and so on... Now take these stupid people, give them
powers, and unleash them on the world. THAT, my friend, is "The Outcasts."

Why can't I understand this comic?
Seeing as how this comic is about my friends and I, this comic is first and
foremost dedicated to them. I make it a point to include random inside jokes that
only my friends and I will understand into every issue. Thus, you may not laugh, but
my friends will fall on the floor with split sides. Of course, that doesn't mean you
can't enjoy "The Outcasts." Just follow the overall story, and if something happens
that seems odd or out of place, just ignore it and move on because its simply an
inside joke and you're just not meant to understand it. Keep reading to learn more
about inside jokes that are in the issues currently posted on this site.

What the hell is Headball?
Its a game we made up our junior year in high scool. We take a soccer ball
(the softer the better) and we form a circle. We proceed to hit the ball, only with our
heads, as many times as we can before it hits the ground. Being as how we are all
very screwed up individuals, we developed some rather odd terms for our little
game, such as "Giving Head" (or as normal people would say, "serving" the ball),
"Cracker" (when two people collide when going after the Headball), and getting
"Shitfaced" (when the ball hits your face as opposed to your head). Headball was
all the rage in high school. Everyone from jocks to choir-boys wanted in on the
action. Headball was truly a sport for everyone. Well, everyone with a head. Our
high score (and Headball record): 19.

What the hell is a "White Mexican"?
Another inside joke here. Our friend Gus is a Mexican, but he's as white as
us. Thus, we dubbed him "The White Mexican," sort of a high school nickname. I
impemented this into the comic book and expanded the idea of what a "white
Mexican" is. Sort of like the mutants of "X-Men," White Mexicans are feared by
mankind because of their "V-Genes." V-Genes are what make White Mexicans so
violent. (Get it? "V" is for violent, and boy can Gus be violent.) Anyway, Gus had
his V-Gene mutated by a mysterious serum. Now when he gets angry, he turns into
"The Incredible Gus." Completely original concept, I must say. Maybe not, but this
certainly proves the point about my incorporating inside jokes into "The Outcasts."

To learn more about who each Outcast is, click here for character profiles.
Inside Jokes
1) Christina Ricci (#25) - Chad has an obsession with her.
2) Nice pants, Gus (#25) - Drew helped Gus pick out some pants, even made Gus turn around and
model them. Um... is that gay? Nah.
3) Taco Bell Chick (#25) - There was this chick at Taco Bell that Chad had the hots for. She
smiled at him alot. He should have talked to her, but a) he's a puss and b) see
4) Dusty, eh? You look pretty clean to me. (#25) - Yes, Jerod actually said this to a waitress
named Dusty at Applebee's. That night, she quit her job and moved to LA to become a lesbian
pole-dancer. Way to go, Jerod.
5) Zoo Boo Chick (#25) - Yet another chick Chad failed to talk to. This one even seemed a little
interested, too. Chad sux.
6) KTREvil (#25) - KTRE is a local news station that had the nerve to compare our friends and
some of us to the kids at Colombine just because we had put up an offensive website with a list of
people who were "uncool." Apparently uncool is synonymous with "YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE!"
7) Hi, I'm Chad Watts (#25) - It was a joke in high school (and even now, I suppose) that whenever
Chad introduced himself to a woman, she would instantly scream in fear.
8) I wanna **** your sister! (#25) - Everyone wanted to believe Drew was gay for Gus, but lets face
the facts. Drew wanted Beatriz, Gus's sister. He even went out with her eventually.
9) There is no Fate (#25) - Mark is very adamant in his view that everyone makes their own Fate,
even though we met Fate in issues #8-9.
10) Dickhead (#25) - Zach called himself a dickhead very loudly at Taco Bell. Several times. In
front of Pentecostals and the Taco Bell Chick. We got kicked out. Thats right, this issue was
based on true to life facts. Damn you, Zach. I really wanted to talk to that chick.
11) Cheetos (#25) - I saw a Pentecostal stick cheetos in her nose just for the fun of it at Subway.
It was very disturbing so I had to share it with you all in the comic.
12) Dammitt (#25) - This is the nickname of Zach's real brother Daniel. However, Richard is no
relation to Dammitt.
13) Mortal War (#26) - In high school, Zach and Jeff beat the hell out of each other on a regular
basis, claiming it to be a Mortal War.
14) Evil Onion Guy (#26-27) - Mark drew evil Onion Guy in my sketchbook the smae day I created
Glacia. He always wanted me to put him in the comic, so I did. I even drew him crappy just for
Mark's sake.
15) Battle of the Beanie (#27) - Mark wore his beanie to Senior Night, and thus demanded I put it
in the comic. Thing is, I had made the beanie one of Smurf's accessories already. Therefore, I
made them fight over it in the comic.
16) Amy and The Masked Pervert (#27) - Great, now everyone knows. Mwa ha ha.
17) Lora Church (#27) - Lora always asked me to "do her." As in, she wanted to be in the comic.
I finally caved in and did her. I hope I satisfied her...
18) Mr. Adams (#27) - Mr. Adams asked me to never put him in the comic book. Oops. I
remember him telling us once that he didn't like people, which would account for his behavior in the
comic. Hey, he was one of my favorite teachers, mmkay?
19) Chase and Jeremy (#27) - I didn't like them in real life, so I killed them off in the comic. And
you know what? I feel pretty good about it.
20) Bobby Keller (#27) - A good guy, that Bobby. But his obsession with girls was always a little
creepy. He would offer them gum in trade for friendship and hope for a phone number. Hey, at
least he tried. More than I ever did...
21) Roll Call (#27) - Wondering who all the students were on page 11 (where Mr. Adams is
"protecting them")? Well, here's the list, from left to right: Adam Hendry, Mr. Adams, Angela
Smith, Angela Oliver, Melissa Hannabas, Amber Shoemaker, Bobby Keller, New Guy, Leigh Ann
Lumpkin, Jason Machovsky, and Mosely.
22) Lora's pregnant? (#27) - Everyone knew this. Its not like Lora tried to keep it secret. Yet
somehow, Weldon never figured it out and was mad that we never told him. He always seems to
be the last to know about everything.
To Interesting Facts and Rumor/Truth