Monday, October 28

Well, here goes. After thinking about all the different ways webcomics handle their first strip, I tried to imagine what could possible be the best way to start. I decided there isn't one. So, for whatever it's worth, here it is... our page number one. Enjoy!

Postscript: Linking banners are up at Links. The button to the links page will be up by tomorrow. So will the archive page. (Alas, that page will be empty for a short while.) Oh, and at the moment, we're expecting updates to be once a week, until we can get a faster production schedule going.

Mon-10-28-02 [Half past too late]

We've got our own com-MIC! We've got our own com-MIC! [sung to the tune of 'I am Evil Homer!' The accompanying dance need not be imagined] Unfortunatly, there will be no rant here. I'm in much too good of a mood to gripe about anything right now. Please, be gentle, we're still finding our feet comic wise (there are some panel format issues that are probably going to cause us to completly revamp subsequent designs... It's also going to take us a bit of time to find our feet storywise too. As things currently stand, the strip is rather Seinfeld-esque (yes, I just said what you thought I did) in tone. It's really about... nothing. So far we have a series of rather anthological strips. We're still working on putting together the greatest destiny altering story of all time, and until we get that done, we're just going to have fun. There are a couple things readers should probably know right off the bat: 1: I am not Davery. All similarities are purely coincidental. I swear. They are. Really. 2: I've seen a million, 'hey, let's do a wacky comic vaguely based on ourselves!' strips go deservedly into the night. I am determined that this will not be one of them. So at least, be humane. Things will get better.

*next rant* Everything you're probably going to want to know about the setting of CDU.