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This CotM marked the one year anniversary of the contest, going stronger than ever.

Rimes' vote to elect Tim Drake CotM included this message:


Tim Drake deserves our vote for May. He contributed interesting posts to many threads all over the boards. Heck, sometimes his post would be the only one I'd read in a least I could be sure of good reading by reading his post. When a certain poster* made an issue out of him putting his name at the bottom of his posts -- as many of us do, both in real life when we write letters and when we write posts online -- Tim Drake kept his cool and defended the practice calmly. That day, he spoke for many of us who sign our posts, and represented us well. Other posters might have lashed out or got drawn into a flame war, but not Tim Drake. If a calmness in the face of attack is the mark of a Citizen of the Month, then Tim Drake has what it takes!

Tim Drake replied to many posts which, due to their thought-provoking nature, produced many more replies, lengthening threads which had been started by others. For example, take a look at Raw-diggity's "writers" post on this very board. One of his replies in that thread got 18 replies of its own. And Tim engaged in conversation with those that replied to him through the rest of that thread. Sure, we didn't always agree with everything Tim said. But the way he said it indicated that he was open to being persuaded to your view. If a willingness to be fair and open-minded, when presented with an alternate view, is the mark of a Citizen of the Month, then Tim Drake has what it takes!

Tim Drake also intitated his own threads and replied thoughtfully to those who replied to his post. His "Greatest (Whatever) Stories Ever Told" post spun-off into a specific thread about Capt America issues...a thread to which I contributed. Tim Drake cited as some of Cap's best stories ones that "come from a list Rimes posted a while ago." In other words, Tim Drake had kept my earlier post in mind -- who knows, maybe even having saved it onto disk or having printed it out! That shows how much he values the opinions of his fellow posters. If consideration of others is the mark of a Citizen of the Month, then Tim Drake has what it takes!

He's posted items on the following boards: Continuity, DC, Independents, Legion, Marvel, Misc, Spider-Man, and Surveys boards. Chances are that you've run into this poster who has seemingly come out of nowhere to engage in good comics talk. If you want a good read, check out his thread about Alan Brennert and Alan Moore over on the DC board, or the posts that he's contributed to this Survey board. After reading those posts, you will surely agree that, if being a writer of good posts is the mark of a Citizen of the Month, then Tim Drake has what it takes!



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