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How To Play



Here are the rules on how to play straight from Wiz Kids Games themselves. Yes, it is the rules for DC HeroClix but if you substitute the DC character names for Marvel character names then you will have the Marvel rules. Trust me they are the same. :)



Imagine a world of uncharted possibilities. One where the laws of time are flexible, where past, present, and future collide, creating timestreams similar but strangely different from the ones you are familiar with.

This is Hypertime, where anything can happen. A place where you create the reality-a world where Superman and Doomsday are no longer enemies, but instead friends and allies, or a world where Batman forms his own super-hero team with Catwoman, Clayface, and Riddler fighting alongside the forces of good.

Welcome to a world of amazing potential-one that is only limited by the boundaries of your own imagination.

Welcome to Hypertime!

DC HeroClix: Hypertime is a fast-playing game of tabletop combat using collectable miniatures of DC comics personalities. Each miniature is called a figure. The figure, base, and combat dial together make a character.

When you and your friends get together for a HeroClix game, you each build a force from your own collection of characters. You can build a force hundreds of different ways, using characters from a single team or mixing characters from several teams together. In this temporal crisis, no one can predict who might join together at any given moment to clash in battle on the streets.

HeroClix can be played by any number of players, but it plays best with 2 to 4 players.


The HeroClix starter set includes everything you need to play. In addition to your characters and this rules booklet, you should have one 2-sided battle map, 2 six-sided dice, 6 tokens, 1 HeroClix ring and 10 two-sided terrain markers (two Special/Broken Wall tokens, 4 Barrier/Broken Wall tokens and 4 Smoke Cloud/Broken Wall Tokens). You may find a length of string or other straight edge, and a few coins or other small objects (to use as tokens) useful during the game.

Each box of HeroClix characters also includes a strip of blank stickers. Write your initials on these and stick one under the base of each of your. They'll help you sort out which characters are yours at the end of a battle.


A DC HeroClix character is made up of three main parts: the figure, the base and the combat dial.

Each character's base contains important information, shown below. Some figures look the same, but have different ranks, team designations and combat dials. Each figure's base includes a collector's number; use the Collector's List on the Powers and Abilities Card to track your collection.

Its unique combat dial sets the HeroClix system apart from other miniatures games. The combat dial is the rotating disk found under each figure's base. Each character's combat dial shows sets of numbers that tell you how well your character does certain things.

Each time your character takes a click of damage during the game, you click the combat dial clockwise to the next set of numbers. Each time your character takes damage; his combat dial numbers change, often reducing his effectiveness. When your character takes a click of healing during the game, click his combat dial counter-clockwise.


Each character has five combat values. Four of these values can change during the game: speed, attack, defense and damage. They are on the combat dial, and can be seen through the stat slot. The fifth value is range, which never changes and is printed on the base. Each value appears next to its symbol.

Some HeroClix figures have a wing symbol in place of the boot to indicate speed. These figures are considered to be flying. Flying figures follow all of the normal rules for HeroClix figures, except where noted in the rules. Flying figures have two different levels of flight-hovering and soaring, indicated by moving the flight indicator on the clear center post.

Some HeroClix figures have a dolphin symbol in place of the boot to indicate speed. These figures can swim. Swimming figures follow all of the normal rules for HeroClix figures, except where noted in the rules.


Before you play a DC HeroClix game, each player must build a force. When each player has chosen a force, together the players prepare for battle.

Everyone in the game should agree on the build total that all players will use to assemble their force. Build totals are set in 100 point increments. When you are learning the game, start with a build total of 100 points. When you feel you understand the rules, begin using build totals of 200, 300 or more points. This allows you to develop more complex strategies.

Choose characters for your force whose point values add up to your build total. You can choose characters whose point values add up to less than the build total, but not more.

A force can consist of two or more of the same character. The only exception is that only one Unique of any given character can be chosen for a force. A Unique figure can be teamed-up with non-unique figures with the same name. Two players may have the same figures in their force including Uniques. A Unique figure has a silver experience ring. Strategy Tip: One way to build your force is to start with a theme. For example, you can create a force that can stand off opponents with ranged attacks, control minds, or inflict massive damage by throwing objects. However, it doesn't pay to make your force too specialized. For each building strategy, there is a counter-strategy, so it's important to make your force diverse enough to handle a variety of threats. Sharon is creating a force with a build total of 100 points. She first takes the Rookie version of Catwoman (48 points) for her Outwit ability and her close combat ability. Next, she chooses the Rookie Huntress (18 points), because she has good ranged attacks. Sharon also selects the Rookie Robin (17 points) for his ability to team-up with Huntress and create Smoke Clouds. Finally, Sharon takes an Experienced Checkmate Medic (17 points) to give her force healing ability. Sharon adds up the point values of her characters. The total is 100 points (48+18+17+17). Sharon's characters could add up to less than the build total of 100 points. However, she could not have chosen figures whose point values exceeded 100 points.

Kelly wants to build a 200 point force. She has multiple Catwoman figures and wants to create a team. She begins with the Unique Catwoman for 85 points. She has enough points to play a second Unique Catwoman, but cannot play a second Unique Catwoman. She could play her Unique Joker, but instead she chooses to play two more Catwoman figures - both Rookie versions for an additional 96 points. She only has 19 points left to use and decides to add in a Veteran Checkmate Medic to equal 200 points.


Now it's time to create the battlefield. Each player rolls 2 dice and adds them together. Re-roll ties. Whoever rolls the highest result is called the first player. The first player chooses the map that will be the site of your epic battle. The map included in the starter set gives you a choice between a small office complex (indoors) and a service area (outdoors). Once the first player has chosen the map, the player to his left chooses the side of the map on which they will set up their characters. If there are more than two players, continue around the table clockwise.

Scenarios: Scenarios offer an easy way to begin playing right away. All players must agree to use a scenario before beginning the game. Check out the five scenarios below.


The six round tokens represent objects that characters might use in their battles: a scooter, a gumball machine, a hotdog cart, a recycling bin, a café table, and a display monitor.

Once all the players have chosen their starting areas, each player places 3 object tokens face down in a pile off to the side of the map. The first player takes an object from the pile and places it faceup on the battlefield. Objects must be placed on clear terrain (see Clear Terrain) and cannot be placed in any player's starting area. The player to his left then places an token, using the same rules as the first player. Continue in a clockwise direction until all tokens are placed on the battlefield.


When all the objects are placed, each player turns the combat dial of each of his characters so that a green line appears to the left of the numbers in the stat slot. This green line indicates the figure's Starting Position. For flying characters, choose the starting flight mode (see Flying) and move the indicator on the flight stand up or down.

The first player then places his force in his starting area on the battlefield. Each player's starting area extends 2 squares away from his edge of the map and at least 4 squares away from any other edge.

The player to the left then places his characters. If there are more than two players, continue clockwise around the table.

If you wish to use a scenario in this game, you may do so at this time, following the directions as given below.


In HeroClix, players take turns moving their characters and attacking opposing figures to win the fight. These rules describe how to move and engage in battle.


HeroClix is played in a series of turns. The first player takes the first turn. The player to the left takes the next turn and so on, clockwise around the table. If a player's force is eliminated from the game, the remaining players continue taking turns in the same order. You begin each turn with a certain number of actions. This number remains the same for the entire game. The number of actions you get depends on the build total of your force: you get 1 action for every 100 points of your force's build total. For example, a force with a build total of 100 points gives you 1 action every turn. A build total of 200 points gives you 2 actions every turn; 300 points gives you 3 actions, and so on. Your action total remains the same even when one of your characters is defeated. During your turn, you assign actions to your characters. You can see the result of one action before choosing the next action (if you have more than one action available). No character in your force may ever be given more than one action per turn. If you have more actions than characters, you cannot use the extra actions. You cannot save or accumulate actions from turn to turn. Each action must be chosen from the following four options.

Move one character
Make a ranged combat attack
Make a close combat attack
Pass. You can give this action to a character if you do not wish to move or make an attack.

Once you have resolved all your actions during your turn, it's the next player's turn. Play proceeds with each player taking a turn and giving all available actions to his or her characters.

Bruce has five characters in his 200-point force. He gets 2 actions at the beginning of each of his turns. During one of his turns, Bruce wants to take a shot at one enemy figure and move closer to another one. Bruce gives a ranged combat action to one of his characters, and after resolving his attack, he gives a move action to a different character. Bruce has now given his 2 actions to two different characters and his turn is over. Note that he could have given two characters move actions, or two characters ranged combat or close combat actions. There is no restriction to the mix of actions that you can give to your characters on any given turn.


The following game concepts are used in all the HeroClix rules.


Friendly figures are characters that you control. Opposing figures are any characters controlled by an opponent.

Joker is adjacent to Harley Quinn (indicated by orange). Flash is not adjacent to either character (indicated by blue).


The colored squares on each figure's combat dial are associated with specific values on the stat slot and represent your character's super powers. Super powers come and go as your character takes clicks of damage and healing. Descriptions of all super powers appear on the Powers and Abilities Card.

Super powers are in effect as long as they appear in the stat slot. If a super power is described as optional, it is assumed that the character is using that power unless the player controlling the character states the power is being cancelled. The owning player may cancel the effect at any time, in which case it is canceled until the end of the current turn. At the beginning of the next turn, it is assumed to be in effect again.


The icon on the base of the figure indicates the figure's team association. These teams have special abilities that affect their force. Team abilities are described on the Powers and Abilities Card. In general, team abilities are in effect as long as one member of that team is still on the map, though some team abilities require that more than one character in your force be from the same team. Some characters or versions of characters have no team association.


Some characters have colored combat dials, rather than the standard black combat dial. Two characters with the same color base are archenemies. For example, Batman and the Joker both have gray bases. Batman is the Joker's archenemy, and the Joker is Batman's archenemy. A character may have more than one archenemy.

You cannot build a force that contains archenemies. For example, Batman and the Joker cannot be on the same force. However, Batman and Superman could be on the same force, even though they both have archenemies. Characters with the same name (two different Batmans for instance) can be on the same team. They are not archenemies.

If a character delivers the defeating blow to his archenemy (3 KOs appear in the stat slot), the character's player receives a bonus at the end of the game.


Adjacent squares are squares on the map that are touching one center square, including squares on the diagonal. This means that most squares have eight adjacent squares.

Characters occupying adjacent squares are considered adjacent to one another. Characters on opposite sides of blocking terrain or on different elevations (see Terrain) are not considered adjacent. Soaring characters are only adjacent to other soaring characters (see Flying).


If you give an action (other than pass) to one of your characters, mark him with an action token. You can use any small object as an action token, such as a coin or bead. This token will remind all players which figures have taken actions during a turn. At the end of your turn, remove the tokens from your figures that did not take an action this turn.


If you give an action (other than pass) to the same character on two consecutive turns, that character takes 1 click of damage after he resolves his current action. This is called pushing a character. The click of damage represents the fatigue caused by taking actions back to back. You may not give any character an action (other than pass) on three consecutive turns. If you push a character, put a second token on that character and leave both tokens until your next turn. On that turn, the two tokens will remind you that you can't give the character any action other than pass. At the end of the turn, remove both tokens.


Your character's current speed value is shown on its combat dial. This is the maximum number of squares you may move your character when you give it a move action. A character can move on a diagonal. A character can move through a square occupied by a friendly figure, but cannot move through a square occupied by an opposing figure. Characters must end their move if they enter a square adjacent to an opposing figure. If a character moves or is moved in such a way that it will end its movement in the same square as another figure, the character must end its move before entering the occupied square.


If you give a move action to a character occupying a square adjacent to one or more opposing figures on the same elevation level, that character must attempt to break away. Roll 1 six-sided die. On a result of 1, 2 or 3, the character fails to break away and may not move. On a result of 4, 5 or 6, you have succeeded in breaking away from all opposing figures adjacent to your moving character and your character may move.

Only one successful breakaway roll is required to move away from all adjacent opposing characters. Once a character has successfully broken away, you may move that character through squares adjacent to every opposing figure from which it broke away. However, if your character enters squares adjacent to any new opposing figures, it must end its move.


Flying characters have two flight modes: hovering and soaring. A flying character can change flight modes when moving. Changing flight modes adds 1 square to the movement cost. Count this cost when you move the flight indicator.

Strategy Tip: Remember to reserve 1 speed point to change flight modes at the end of your character's turn if you wish. A flying character occupies the square over which he is flying. No other figure can occupy the same square as a flying character.

Hovering: A hovering character is floating near the ground and interacts with non-flying characters as if he were on the ground. To show that a character is hovering, move the flight indicator to the bottom of the flight stand. A hovering character may move through opposing characters and blocking terrain. A hovering character's movement is not affected by hindering terrain. Hovering characters may change elevation and even hover on top of elevated terrain. For purposes of breaking away and close combat, consider a hovering character to be at the level of the elevation the figure base is on. Hovering is the only flight mode characters may use indoors. Hovering and characters on the ground do not have to make a breakaway roll when adjacent to a soaring character.

Soaring: A soaring character is flying high above the battlefield. To show that a character is soaring, move the flight indicator to the top of the flight base. Soaring characters may move freely over all types of terrain, objects and figures. Soaring characters can only affect other soaring characters. Soaring characters can be attacked by hovering or ground-based characters who possess a ranged attack. Soaring characters only have to break away from other soaring characters. (See below for more on soaring and hovering attacks.)

Carrying Other Figures: Flying characters may carry other friendly characters. There is no cost for picking up a figure, though a flying character must be in hover mode in order to pick up a figure. To be carried, a friendly character must be adjacent to the flying character at the beginning of the flying character's move. During the move action, count the flier's movement squares as normal, including flight mode changes. At the end of the move, the flying character must be in hover mode, and must place the carried character in an adjacent open square. Flying figures can carry other flight-capable figures. A carrying character cannot carry a figure who is either carrying someone else or holding an object. The flying character receives an action token, but the carried character does not. The carried character may still be assigned any type of action after being set down.


Characters can take two kinds of combat actions: ranged combat and close combat. Both types of combat actions are described below.


The following rules apply to both ranged and close combat actions. These rules use some terms that are explained in the Ranged Combat and Close Combat sections.


To determine the success or failure of an attack, the attacking player makes an attack roll. Roll 2 six-sided dice and add the result to the attacker's attack value. Compare the attack roll to the defense value of the target. If the result is equal to or higher than the defense value, the attack succeeds. Certain super powers or game modifiers may alter attack values.


When your character makes a successful attack, look at your character's damage value. That number equals the number of clicks of damage inflicted on the target. Your opponent must click the target figure's dial clockwise that many times. Super powers and game modifiers can change the number of clicks of damage a target actually takes.


You cannot target a friendly figure with a damaging attack. Additionally, a character may never target himself with any attack or super power-damaging or healing.


As soon as three KO's appear in the stat slot, your character is defeated. Take him off the map-he is knocked out and no longer part of the game!


If you give a ranged or close combat action to a character and roll a "2," you automatically miss the target even if your attack roll result is high enough to hit the target. This is called a critical miss. Your character must immediately take 1 click of damage, which represents a weapon backfire or your character straining or wounding himself during the action. If your attack roll dice result is a "12," you have automatically hit the target. This is called a critical hit. If you were trying to damage the target, then the critical hit delivers 1 extra click of damage. If your attack is against multiple ranged-combat targets, this extra click of damage will affect all targets hit, for a total of 2 clicks of damage to each target.

Support Power: If you roll a 12 while using the Support power, your attempt to heal automatically succeeds. Add 1 click of healing to the die roll result.


If a player rolls doubles on the dice in a successful attack roll, the target suffers knockback. The knockback rule represents that the force of an attack throws a character backward. The target is knocked back 1 square for each click of damage that it takes. Move the target figure away from the attacker along a straight line, even if that path is on a diagonal.

If the knockback path crosses blocking terrain, the character stops before entering the square containing the blocking terrain and takes 1 additional click of damage for slamming into the blocking terrain. If a character is knocked off of elevated terrain, he lands on the ground in an adjacent square and takes 2 clicks of damage from falling. Super powers that reduce damage (such as Toughness, Invulnerability or Impervious) reduce knockback damage.

If the knockback path intersects with another figure, place the character in the last available unoccupied square of its knockback path.


Using super powers such as Support, Regeneration and Steal Energy, characters can heal clicks on a combat dial. When healing, click the combat dial counter-clockwise, but stop applying clicks of healing once you reach the character's starting position.


Ranged combat represents everything from thrown bombs, power rings and machine guns to energy blasts and mind attacks. A character given a ranged combat action is called the attacker.

Every character has a range value printed on its base. This the maximumnumber of squares that a character's ranged attack can reach. If the range value is greater than 0 and your character is not in base contact with an opposing figure, then you may give your character a ranged combat action. A character can attack in any direction, regardless of the direction he is facing.

Before making a ranged combat attack, you must determine if the attacker has a clear line of fire to the target and if the target is within range. To determine if there is a clear line of fire, use any straight edge or draw an imaginary line from the center of the attacker's square to the center of the target's square. Line of fire is blocked and the attack cannot be made if the imaginary line passes through a square that contains a fi gure other than the attacker or the target, or if the line of fire crosses blocking terrain.

If the attacker has a clear line of fire, then count the shortest route to the target in squares using the imaginary line as a guide. Do not count the square the attacker is standing in for purposes of determining range.

Mike rolled double 5's on a successful attack roll. Superman inflicts 4 clicks of damage to Doomsday. Doomsday is knocked back two squares, but slams into the wall and takes 1 more click of damage.

Huntress has clear line of fire (yellow line) and is within range of Riddler (orange squares). The building blocks Huntress's line of fire (red line) to Bane.

You can check the map for your character's range and line of fire before declaring your character's action for that turn. You may use a ranged combat action to target an opposing figure that is adjacent to a friendly figure.

Hovering: Hovering characters can attack or be attacked using ranged combat, even if the hovering character occupies a square adjacent to the attacker.
Soaring: A hovering or ground-based figure can make a ranged attack against a soaring figure. Reduce the attacker's range by half, and blocking terrain will block the attack. Soaring figures can be targeted using ranged attack super powers such as Perplex, Probability Control and Outwit.


Your character might be able to affect two or more targets with a single ranged combat action. However, a character may never target the same figure more than once during a ranged combat action. All figures show 1, 2, or 3 lightning bolt symbols beside their range value. The number of lightning bolts is the maximum number of different targets your character may attack with a single ranged combat action. If a character fires at more than one target, you must draw a clear line of fire to each target.

Strategy Tip: Certain powers, such as Energy Explosion, also allow ranged combat to be resolved against multiple characters, but you'll only have to draw a line of fire to the main target of the attack. Whenever a ranged combat action is used to affect more than a single target, the damage value of the attack is reduced to 1, even if the attacker has a higher damage value or super powers that would increase the damage value. Certain game effects can increase this damage.

When your character is attempting to affect more than one target with a ranged combat action, you make only one attack roll. Compare the attack roll result to every target's defense value. Some targets with low defense values might be affected, while others with high defense values might not be affected.

Superman can attack Bane, even though Batman, who is a friendly figure to Superman, is adjacent to Bane. Even though Hawkman is soaring, Gorilla Grodd is close enough to make a ranged attack. He could also attack Harley Quinn.


Kevin gives a ranged combat action to the Veteran version of Nightwing. Nightwing has 2 lightning bolt symbols next to his range value. Kevin chooses two opposing figures within Nightwing's range. Kevin can draw a clear line of fizre to each of the two targets. Nightwing has an attack value of 10. Kevin rolls 2 six-sided dice, with a result of 5. The attack roll is 15 (10 + 5 = 15). Kevin compares his 15 to the defense values of the two targets: one is the Veteran version of Bane with defense 16, and the other is the Experienced version of Riddler with defense 13. Nightwing misses Bane, but hits Riddler for 1 click of damage.


Close combat represents hand-to-hand and melee weapon attacks. Your character must be adjacent to and on the same elevation level as a target to perform a close combat action. Soaring characters can only make close combat attacks against adjacent soaring characters. Even though they are adjacent, Bane cannot attack Batman because Batman is on a higher elevation. Batman can attack Bane using a ranged attack.


Terrain can be walls or other objects drawn on the battle map, object tokens placed on the map at the beginning of the game, or barriers created by the use of super powers. HeroClix has three kinds of terrain: clear, hindering and blocking. These three terrain types can also appear on elevated terrain. There is no terrain at the soaring level of flight.


When playing on a map that shows the details inside of buildings, characters may move inside the buildings. This is referred to as indoor terrain, or indoors. Some maps combine indoor and outdoor terrain. Fighting indoors uses all the standard combat and movement rules, with the following exceptions.

Flying characters cannot use soaring flight mode. Hovering characters and characters with the Leap/Climb super power cannot move through indoor blocking terrain. However, characters with the Phasing super power can move through blocking terrain indoors. Indoor blocking terrain blocks line of fire to and from hovering characters.


If the interior details of a building are not shown, characters can move on top of the buildings but may not enter the buildings. This is called outdoor terrain, or outdoors.


Clear terrain is defined as open space with no obstructions, such as a rooftop or an empty street. Characters can move and fire through clear terrain with no penalty to their speed or attack values. Stairs and ladders are considered clear terrain that allow characters to change their elevation level. Moving onto squares that contain stairs does not cost extra movement points. Only the top square of a set of stairs is considered elevated terrain. Climbing up or down ladders adds 1 square to the character's movement cost.


Hindering terrain consists of trees, furniture, debris, objects and other similar items. Hindering terrain is marked on the maps by a thin black line. Characters must end their movement when they enter a square containing hindering terrain. Any character that begins a turn in hindering terrain has its speed reduced by half (rounds up). If a line of fire between two figures on the ground passes through any square or squares containing hindering terrain, including the square that the target occupies, add 1 to the target's defense value. This single increase is called the hindering terrain modifier. Add this modifier only once, regardless of the number of squares of hindering terrain. However, if an attacker is standing in a square of hindering terrain and it's the only square of hindering terrain between the attacker and his target, the target does not get a bonus to it's defense. This represents an attacker's ability to fire from the edge of hindering terrain: protected by it, but not impaired by it. Close combat attacks are not affected by hindering terrain.

Water: Shallow water features, such as streams and ponds, are treated as hindering terrain for movement, but have no effect on ranged combat actions. Characters with the Aquatic symbol on their base treat water terrain as clear terrain.


Walls and buildings represent blocking terrain, shown on the maps as thick black lines. Characters cannot move into or through blocking terrain. Blocking terrain blocks any line of fire crossing it. Adjacent characters on opposite sides of blocking terrain may not make close combat actions to affect each other, and do not need to roll for break away. Characters can destroy a single square of blocking terrain by making an attack and inflicting at least 3 clicks of damage in a single attack (the character must have a damage value of at least 3, or a super power that will allow him to infl ict at least 3 clicks of damage in a single attack). A character attacking blocking terrain hits automatically. The blocking terrain is reduced to hindering terrain if destroyed. Place a broken wall terrain marker in the squares on both sides of the destroyed blocking terrain.


Elevated terrain represents the presence of clear, hindering and blocking terrain at a single level above the battlefield. Objects, terrain features and characters that are on a rooftop are considered elevated. Elevated terrain can be reached in many ways, including climbing stairs or ladders, scaling or jumping walls with the Leap/Climb super power or by a flying character in either hovering or soaring flight mode. Elevated terrain cannot be destroyed. Characters, objects and terrain that are not elevated are called grounded. A grounded character may be hovering, or be simply a non-flyer. If both the attacker and target are on elevated clear terrain, nothing affects the line of fire except elevated hindering and blocking terrain, and other elevated figures. An attacker on elevated terrain can target a grounded character as long as the only blocking terrain the line of fire crosses is part of the square the attacker occupies. Line of fire from an elevated attacker is not blocked or hindered by other grounded figures or grounded hindering terrain, unless the terrain occupies the same square as the target. A grounded character can make a ranged combat attack against an elevated figure if the only blocking terrain the line of fire crosses is in the square the target occupies.

Adjacent characters at different elevations cannot make close combat attacks against each other, but may target each other with ranged combat attacks.


Object tokens can be moved, picked up and used by characters with certain super powers. Objects are labeled either light (yellow ring) or heavy (red ring). Light objects will inflict less damage than heavy objects. Objects are considered hindering terrain unless a character is holding them. An object being held is not considered terrain, and cannot be targeted or taken away from the character holding the object. Objects can be destroyed using the same rules as for destroying blocking terrain. (see Blocking Terrain)


Characters with Super Strength may pick up an object and use it as a weapon. A character may only hold one object at a time. Any time during a character's move action, he can pick up an object in a square he enters or on an adjacent square. A character can move, pick up an object, and continue his move. Place the object token under the combat dial of the figure to indicate that the figure is holding the object Once picked up, an object cannot be discarded until it is used. Characters cannot pick up an object during a close combat or ranged combat action. An object is destroyed once it is used, even if the attack is unsuccessful Remove the object token from the map and place it out of play. If the character with the object is knocked out or loses the Super Strength super power, the object stays on the square the character occupied Close Combat: A character carrying an object who is given a close combat action must use the object in their attack. On a successful attack, a light object inflicts 1 click of damage in addition to the damage inflicted by the character; a heavy object inflicts 2 additional clicks of damage Ranged Combat: A character with Super Strength can also throw an object at an opposing figure. To throw an object, give the character a ranged combat action, even if his range value is 0. A light object has a range of 6 squares and will inflict 2 clicks of damage on a successful attack. A heavy object has a range of 4 and will inflict 3 clicks of damage.


Characters with the Telekinesis super power can move objects and can use them as weapons. Characters must be adjacent to or in the same square as an object to use Telekinesis on that object. Moving an Object: To move an object, give the character a combat action. Move the object up to 10 squares in any direction and place it on a square containing clear terrain. Attacking with an Object: To use an object as a weapon, give the character a ranged combat action, even if the character's range value is 0. The character then can fire the object at an opposing figure up to 10 squares away, or at an opposing soaring character up to 5 squares away. The object cannot travel through blocking terrain, but can go around blocking terrain as long as its movement path does not exceed 10 squares. Add 1 square to the range cost for targets on elevated terrain. For example, if a target is 8 squares away from the attacker and is on the roof of a building, count 9 squares for determining range. Count range from the object, not the character. Use all other rules for ranged combat actions, except that the damage value of the attack is based on the type of object. A light object infl icts 2 clicks of damage and a heavy object inflicts 3 clicks of damage A character can use Telekinesis to make a ranged attack against an opposing character in an adjacent square. An object used in a Telekinesis attack is destroyed even if the attack is unsuccessful. Remove the object token from the map and place it out of play.


The game ends when one of the following situations is true:
1. When all of one player's characters are defeated.
2. A predetermined time limit for the game passes.
3. All players agree to end the game. A character may not leave the battlefield before the end of the game unless the scenario being played specifically allows such an action. The rules for ending a scenario override the standard rules for ending a game or victory conditions, if applicable.


At the end of the game, all players count up their victory points. Whoever scores the most victory points wins the game. If two players played as a team, score their points together. Here is how you score victory points.

Every opposing figure that you defeat during the game is worth a number of victory points equal to its point value. These points are scored during the game as soon as a figure is defeated. If a character delivers the defeating blow to his archenemy (3 Kos appear in the stat slot), the character's player receives double the victory points for that archenemy. Every friendly figure that started the game on the battlefield and remained there until the end of the game is worth a number of victory points equal to its point value. Points for figures who took their last click of damage from pushing or from using a super power are awarded to the opposing player whose character most recently damaged that figure. If no opposing player has damaged the character, split the victory points evenly between all opponents.

If there is a tie in the victory point totals of two or more players, the winner is the player who built his force with the lowest build total. If playing a scenario, use the victory conditions of the scenario to determine the winner.
After the game, all players retrieve their defeated figures.




To avoid or resolve arguments, we suggest the following points of etiquette.

1. Never spin the combat dial of any figure on the table unless it takes clicks of damage or healing. Also, players should only click the dials of their own characters the required number of times in the proper direction. In other words, don't click through a combat dial just to see what's coming up.
2. You will constantly pick up your characters during a game to look at or turn their dials. Mark the square your character was in with a token so that you return it to the correct square.
3. Situations that the rules don't cover might occur, and players may disagree about how to resolve those situations. In all such instances, roll one six-sided die. On a result of 1, 2 or 3, the action is not allowed. On a result of 4, 5 or 6, the action is allowed.



EDITING: Sharon Turner Mulvihill
INTERNAL PLAYTESTING: Jim Long, David Chase, Kevin Perrine, Jon Leitheusser, Isaac King, Will Littrell, Lucas McWilliams
SPECIAL THANKS TO THESE EXTERNAL PLAYTESTING TEAM LEADERS: Dan Chinnery, Patrick Dolan, Kevin Goddard, Adam McIver, Keith Marston Mike Schmidt, Larry Stewart
WIZKIDS SCULPTING STAFF: James Carter, Jeff Wilhelm, Tim Prow, Dave Summers, Elizabeth Dunlap
ADDITIONAL SCULPTING BY: Brady Bugge, Tim Kauffman, James Van Schaik, Phil Lewis
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ray Woodhouse Photography
WIZKIDS ART DIRECTION: Dawne Weisman, Sandra Garavito
WIZKIDS GRAPHIC DESIGN GROUP: Sandra Garavito, Kevin Perrine, Chris Steely, Ethan Pasternack, Tina Wegner
ADDITIONAL GRAPHIC DESIGN: Idea & Design Works, Kim Goddard


©2002 WizKids, LLC. HeroClix, HeroClix Hypertime, the HeroClix logo, and the WizKids Logo are trademarks of WizKids, LLC. All rights reserved. Patent Pending. The DC Bullet and all characters, names, logos, distinctive likenesses and related indicia are trademarks of DC Comics. All artwork and text featuring DC Comics' characters and related indicia ©2002 DC Comics. All rights reserved.

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