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Comics ||| Me ||| Dreams ||| Pics ||| dollmaker
Hey guys, Deni here; call me Lolly if you want, but that was my nickname two/three years ago. I'm just Deni now. So...I guess I should say..."Welcome to Bubble Gum, the best in the web!!!"...but I won't. HaHAhAah:) Oh - in case your wondering, :) is a smiley face, if you turn you head sideways. Here's some more:

  • :-) happy
  • :-( sad
  • :-0 suprised
  • :-D REALLY happy
  • :`-( crying
  • ;-) wink
  • ]:-[ big scowl
  • :-x secret!
  • :-@ cursing/stressed
Like'm? Love'm? ^_^ to my links. I love drawing, especially on the computer so I can send them to people or put them on my web page. The Comics section has some comics I done in my spare time, some are better then the others, but thats because of how much time i took on them or how i felt while i did them. I hope you like them!

Pics are done in spare time to, or when ever im bored:-D

My Dreams section tells you what dreams really mean, so have a dream, remember it and come to this website. I hope it helps you!!!

My favourite website is Neopets. It's really supergalactic fantastic and keeps u occupied ALL day!
lollyt got their NeoPet at

Alright, thats all I've got to say, so I'll shutup now and you can visit all my links on this page, okay?!? NO, not okay! I almost forgot, don't you dare click the link that says: click me! I mean, you'll be sorry if you do! So don't click it, okay? Alright, bye!


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