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Bonker Boys

Since 06.14.03
FOX-HOUND Elite Special Forces Unit
Bonk Skate Co.
The World of Zelda
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Latest Additions:
- 10.11.03 - Animations
- 10.07.03 - The Community
- 10.05.03 - Fan Art
- 10.03.03 - Skate Team Pics
- 09.15.03 - Advertise
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Bonker Boys.COM V6
Main Feature:

The Bonk Skate Co. Team:
Skate Team

Bonker Boys Store

Bonk Skate Co. Shop

Bonk Skate Co.
Awesome new skate team. Bonk Skate Co. Team. Join now. Just send your pictures and info to us asking to join.
Skate Team Video coming out late December, early January, '03-'04.

Nintendo Gamecube:
Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge

Mario Party 5

Mario Kart: Double Dash

Sonic Heroes

The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords

Pikmin 2

· Welcome to the Official Bonker Boys Website Version 6.0. At this site you will find hiliarious comics with the new cartoon characters Good Bonker and Bad Bonker. Also, you will find skateboarding tips, our skate team, info on our cartoon, website building help, and much more. If you don't like something or need to contact us, feel free to do so. Enjoy your visit!

· Sorry Again
HeY! Sorry I've been away for a while, I took a little vacation. I guess I'm going solo on this website now, Bob and Bert are really busy and probably won't be able to help much. Gimme a few days to try and get the site reorganized and I'll try and put up some new toons and stuff soon. Also, the Drawing contest came to a close and the winner's drawing presented. That's all for now, later!

Posted: Monday, November 22, 2004 [ Bobsled ]

· Sorry/Drawing Contest Updates
We’ve been away for a while but I just wanted to say sorry and that there has been a change in the Drawing Contest. First off, the deadline for the Drawing Contest will be March 1, 2004. Next, there will also be a prize for one 2nd place finisher and a prize for 3 runner-ups. Meaning, the top 5 finishers will receive a prize. 1st place will receive his/her choice of merchandise from the Bonker Boys Store with a spending limit of $25.00. 2nd will receive a Bonker Boys T-shirt. And three 3rd place winners will receive a little something also. Thanks for entering and good luck!

Posted: Monday, January 12, 2004 [ Bobsled ]

· New Cartoon/Drawing Contest Update
Hello everybody! We got a new cartoon, “Dancin’ Matt” check it out, it’s really funny. Watch Matt groove like no one you’ve ever seen. Also, this is just a reminder, hurry and send those drawing in before the deadline is up, we have already received some really great looking pictures and hope to get more, remember you are only aloud to draw Bonker Boys characters for the drawing contest and only one drawing may be sent in per person. The deadline has been pushed back to December 24, 2003, the judging will be held December 25, 2003, and you will be updated on the judging. Thanks to all of you who entered, and good luck. See ya later.

Posted: Saturday, October 11, 2003 [ Bobsled ]

· Soul Calibur II Review
HeY! I have just added a review of the new fighting game: Soul Calibur II. Just go to The Community section of BonkerBoys.COM and check it out. Also, I have added some new skate pics of our newest member Purdy Boy, and more are on the way. Another thing I wanted to say is that another one of our fans has sent in some Fan Art. Click here to see the Fan Art section. Oh yeah, one last thing I’m going to be redoing the animation section and adding some more animations, a new animation will be added this Saturday, so be sure to come to your favorite site (BonkerBoys.COM) and check it out. Well, I guess that’s all for now, just wanted you guys to know about the stuff I added. Later.

Posted: Tuesday, October 7, 2003 [ Bobsled ]

· Skate Stuff
Hey guys. like the new site? i do..just have some info. about the team and loser skateboarding. LOSERskateboarding has now been combined with BONK SKATE CO. so there is no longer any LOSERskateboarding. the loser skate site is still up, but nothing is going to be updated on it, so...anything you need about the BONK SKATE CO. Team will be on the team site or on here. and again THERE IS NO MORE LOSERskateboarding...just BONK. later

Posted: Monday, September 15, 2003 [ Bob ]

We are having an official Bonker Boys Drawing Contest. The contest starts for you, as soon as you read this. The winner of the contest will receive an awesome prize. If you have a drawing you would like to enter, they must meet these qualifications:

1.) Must be a Bonker Boys character.
2.) Must be drawn and entered by original artist.
3.) Any type of color for the drawing is excepted, crayons, pencil, colored pencils, etc. (Does not have to be colored)
4.) You must also give us your first name or what you would like to be called and a way to contact you. (E-mail, AIM S/n, etc.)
5.) Picture should be scanned in on the computer if not drawn on the computer and you will need to send it in an e-mail.
6.) You may only enter one of your drawings.

It is recommended that you do not send us your address unless you have been contacted by me personally, saying that you have won, so we know where to send the prize. No purchase necessary. Contest ends November 1, 2003.

Something that is recommended to help you win the contest, is to be creative and try and make the picture funny. Making it colorful will help too. Don't worry, the contest will end on November 1, 2003, so you'll have time to draw and enter your drawing.

Send your drawing to:

If you do enter, thank you for entering and good luck!

Posted: Saturday, September 14, 2003 [ Bobsled ]

· Back up and Running
BonkerBoy.COM is up and running! Alright! Woo-hoo! We got some new stuff, we have added more Character Profiles, and a little preview of a "coming soon" skate video of the Bonk Skate Co. Team. The video will is coming out late December 2003, early January 2004. Well, the site’s back up and we will have some more things for you guys soon but for now, peace out.

Posted: Saturday, September 13, 2003 [ Bert ]