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B: Bashenga. Bah-SHEN-gah. Founder of the Panther Clan.

Bast. The name of the Panther god.

Book of the dead. The Egyptian text that gives the soul of a deceased person the names of all the doorkeepers of the underworld.


D: D.E.A. Drug Enforcement Agency.

Deadside. The land of the dead in Voudou religious belief.

Dora Milaje. DOR-ah muh-LAH-jay. The Dora Milaje are also known as the 'adored ones.' They are highly trained in the physical arts of combat, and have aided the king in battle on a number of occasions. They speak only with the king, and when they address him, they do so in the uncommon Wakandan dialect of Hausa.

Each of the king's two Dora Milaje is selected from one of the opposing Wakandan factions. Their position as potential wives to the king is designed to maintain peace between the two tribes: The City Dwellers and the Marsh Tribesman. This position sustains the precarious balance of peace. While the king has all physical rights to his Dora Milaje, he does not impose himself upon them. If, however, he were to indulge in their beauty, they would be unable to take a husband in the future.

E: Ennead. en-E-ed. This is a group of 9 gods from the Egyptian city of Heliopolis.



H: Hatut Zeraze. Ha-TOO sir-AH-say. The Hatut Zeraze are called, in English, the Dogs of War. Their duty, was to act as the Wakandan secret police. They were a group, so secretive in their activities, that the American Government had no knowledge of their existence. They were disbanded upon T'challa's ascension as ruler, because he disagreed with their methods, including assassinations, kidnapping and torture.

The Dogs of War are highly trained in many areas, including martial arts, combat training, espionage and stealth. They are masters of deception, and through a hybrid of Eastern mysticism and Wakandan technology are able to cloak themselves; to mask their presence from sight.

They are fiercely loyal to their master, the White Wolf and would readily accept death as punishment over betraying him.

Hausa. HOW-sa. An uncommon Wakandan dialect used exclusively between the king and his Dora Milaje.

Heart Shaped Herb. After the death of a Wakandan king, the prince must face grueling tests, including battling six of Wakanda's greatest warriors. Upon completing the challenge, the new king is anointed with the mystical heart shaped herb. It enhances his strength, agility and senses and helps unite the spirit of the king with that of the panther god.
Image of the Heart Shaped Herb

I: Idouah. EE-doo-wAH. The spear of Bashenga. It is a sacred totem and is centuries old. It belongs to the Chieftan of the Panther clan. Most often carried for T'challa by Zuri, his most trusted friend.


K: Ka. kah. The ka is one part of the soul. Once a person dies it leaves the mortal shell and travels to the land of the dead.

Kimoyo. KEE-mo-YO. A multi-purpose device. It has the ability to locate and track any individual who has been marked by T'challa's energy dagger. It is also a communications device and can connect to the Techno Jungle, T'challa's refuge beneath Wakanda. Image

Khonsu. HON-sue. The Egyptian god of the moon. He is also said to be the taker of vengeance, and an avatar of healing. Khonsu is the deity who saved Marc Spector from death after he was beaten by a bushman. T'challa went into the underworld to seek Khonsu to reunite him with the Panther god.

L:L.C.L. Los Cuarenta Ladrones. The Volcan Lomuyan Secret Police.

M: Malice. The name taken by Nakia, a rogue Dora Milaje after she was manipulated by Achebe and N'jadaka.

N: N'Jadaka. En-JAHD-kah. The ancestral name of Erik Killmonger.

O: O.C.P. Office of the Chief of Protocol. The Office of the Chief of Protocol is the Office that delegates responsibility and conduct while dealing with foreign dignitaries. Everett K. Ross was at one time employed by the O.C.P.

P: Panther god pavilion. The location in the underworld where the souls of the former Panther clan chieftains live forever.

Q: Queen Divine Justice. This is another name for Chanté Giovanni Brown, a reluctant member of the Dora Milaje. She is descended from the ancestral tribes of Wakanda, and even though she was raised in America, she has been included in the order given the treachery of Malice/Nakia.

R: Resurrection Altar. The resurrection altar was built around a stone fragment that emitted radiation. Many rituals were performed there...including raising the dead.


T: The Tomorrow Fund. The Tomorrow Fund was a children's charity that was bankrolled by the Wakandan consulate. The death of the Tomorrow Fund's poster child, Jamie Robins, was the catalyst that initially brought about T'challas return to the United States after a rather lengthy absence.

Techno Jungle. The techno jungle is an eerie shadow world. It is almost a city beneath the city of central Wakanda. It is an impossible to navigate maze of fibre optic cables and high tech devices. Beneath the city in the winding passageways that have no rhyme or reason in their layout, it was easy to get lost and die of dehydration before finding another living soul to aid you. There is no light, no tools to navigate the eclectic tunnels. Only the memory of T'challa.

U: Ukatana. OOK-ah-TAH-nah. Zulu for kitten, this was T'challa's ignoble nickname, as given by the insane Achebe.

V: Vibranium. VYE-brain-E-um. Vibranium is a unique and valuable metal, mined almost exclusively by the Wakandans, from deep within their sacred mound. The king alone decides what percentage of the vibranium is exported to the world, and thusly controls what comprises 90% of the world's available vibranium. By selling small portions of the vibranium deposits, T'challa was able to amass a great fortune, whose depths are still not fully known.

The Wakandan Tribal Belief is that the sacred mound has stood since the dawn of time, and it is the sworn duty of every Wakandan king to protect it with his life. The scientific theory of the vibranium deposit is that a meteorite crashed into the earth, and became embedded within it. Its impact kicking up so great an amount of earth, that it partly buried itself in the earth's crust. The rest, was done by erosion and the sands of time.

What makes vibranium so valuable, is that the metal naturally absorbs vibrations. Or, if you prefer, it swallows them, allowing a truer flight. Captain America's shield is comprised of an adamantium/vibranium allow, making it nearly indestructible, and ensuring that the shield will never go off course due to vibrations. Some so minute, that the are not even detectable by the human senses!

Vibranium Boot Soles. The soles of T'challa's boots are made of the precious metal vibranium. (See Above for Description). When said boot soles are vibrated at different frequencies they have multiple uses. It gives T'challa the ability to run up the sides of buildings, much like his namesake is able to easily climb trees. And, again like his namesake, he is able to fall from great heights, and land without injury. All this without making a sound.

W: Watchtower. It is the home base of Erik Killmonger in N'Jadaka village. It was a glass dome atop a space needle. The windows allowed a 360-degree view of the surrounding area.

White Wolf. The White Wolf is the leader of the Wakandan secret police, known only through whispers in dark corners, and the pervasive rumours that surround all of Wakanda; he leads the Hatut Zeraze. (More info on White Wolf, here.)




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