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Alton Vibreaux

F) Pr4
A) Gd10
S) Ty6
E) Ty6
R) Pr4
I) Ty6
P) Pr4

Health: 26 Karma: 14
Resources: Pr Pop: -5

Known Powers:
Seismic Waves: Vibro can direct pressures along fault lines into vibrating pulses through his arms. These attacks are considered to be Am Force blasts with a 15 area range. He has the following power stunts:
-He can affect a living body, delivering Gd Force and compelling the target to shake uncontrollably until a successful Endurance FEAT is made vs. Ex intensity. Each round the shaking continues, the victim takes Ty damage
Force Screens: Vibro can cause vibrational defense screens to protect himself with Gd resistance vs. Energy and Rm protection vs. Physical. He can combine this power with his Seismic Waves, reducing his chance to be hit by –1cs, but requiring the target to make a Power FEAT vs. Am resistance to close on Vibro


Vibro is dependent upon fault lines for his powers. If he is more than 50 miles from a powerful geological fault, his powers are reduced to 1 rank. If he is 200 miles from a fault, his powers are reduced another ranks. If he is isolated from the Earth, Vibro has no powers whatsoever.

Talents: None

Contacts: None

Vibro's First Costume