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The Vulture

An inventor named Adrian Toomes designed an electro-magnetic harness with a pair of wings to commit crimes with the goal of further financing his inventions as the Vulture.

After Toomes was defeated by Spider-Man and incarcerated he revealed the location of a second Vulture costume to his cellmate Black Drago. After escaping prison Drago used Toomes' technology to engage in criminal activity. Drago was defeated by Spider-Man and Kraven the Hunter and sent back to prison. He teamed with his cellmate Toomes to escape and seek revenge upon Spider-Man, but when free Toomes turned on Drago to humiliate him and reclaim the sole mantel of the Vulture.

Shortly after Toomes was re-incarcerated, Dr. Clifton Shallot, a professor at Empire State University acquired the Vulture's wings from prison authorities. Using his expertise in biology he altered his appearance and granted himself powers similar to the Vulture. Shallot was cured of his mutation and brought to justice by Spider-Man.

After years of exposure to elements in his wing harness which allowed him to fly, Toomes contracted cancer. The criminal scientist eventually was cured and physically rejuvenated becoming an even more dangerous menace.

Current Version:
The Vulture I

Other Versions:
The Vulture II
The Vulture III
The Vulture IV