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Scarlet Spiders

The Scarlet Spiders

Michael, Van and Patrick

F) Rm30/Ex20
A) In40/Rm30
S) In40/Ex20
E) In40/Rm30
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Ex20

Health: 150/100 Karma: 32
Resources: Gd Pop: 0

Known Powers:

Scarlet Spider Armor: These special operatives are given a “Scarlet Spider” armor, giving them the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy, Rm resistance to Heat
-Alter Ego: Stats change as shown above
-Wall-Crawling: In
-Phera-Sense: Am Buzzing, cannot be blindsided and may make defensive actions if they make a successful power FEAT. Intuition remains same in battle. If sense is nullified, Intuition is as listed and all Agility FEATs are at -1cs.
-Mesh Webbing: Located under the arms are webs that allow them to glide with Gd ability
-Built-In Fire/Police/Emergency Scanner: Receives own wavelength and those of defense organizations, 200 mile range
-Audio Amplification: In
-Visual Amplification: In, includes Infrared and Ultraviolet
-Carbon Filter: The mask provides In protection vs. Airborne Toxins
-GPS Microwave Communications: Rm, all standard communication frequencies at a range of 25 miles.
-Camouflage: +2cs for Blindsiding and Rm blending with shadows and in dim light. Opponent must shift on Intuition FEAT rolls when trying to spot them.
-Waldoes: Ex material, Locates on the back of the costume are three waldoes. These give them the following power stunts:
--Multiple Attacks: Able to make up to four multiple attacks on a successful Fighting FEAT. However, this should be used sparingly, because they are fragile
--A single leg has Gd Strength.
--Periscope: In ability to look around corners, displaying the results in his eyepieces.
--Repulsor Grenades: Fires up to 5 areas, In Force to an area

Talents: Acrobatics, Tumbling, Stealth

Contacts: Baron Von Blitzschlag, The Initiative