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Providence is an island located somewhere in the of the South Pacific Ocean. It is an artificial island comprised of parts from Cable’s old space station Greymalkin.

Providence is intended to be a place where the best minds on Earth could gather, live, and find new ways of doing everything in hopes of giving the world a peaceful future. Providence is open to all who wish to immigrate there, though all residents must undergo various psychological and skills tests.

Since Providence is built out of a space station from the future, it has an abundance of advanced technology. Most of this technology Cable allows to be freely given out to the world.
-Teleportation Matrix: Providence is equipped with a teleportation matrix that responds to the verbal commands of both Cable and Deadpool. It allows them to be teleported anywhere on Earth, and was once modified to teleport between dimensions as well.
-Skimmer Jets: Self-subsisting, solar-powered vehicles used by Cable when he no longer had the ability to fly of his own accord.
-Fission Waste Processor: Used for processing waste, and presumably an energy supply, this device was shared with Tony Stark.

Known Inhabitants:
Irene Merryweather
Black Box
Johann Kriek
Prester John