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F) Ty6
A) Ty6
S) Ty6
E) Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Ty6
P) Am50

Health: 38 Karma: 66
Resources: Ty Pop: -5

Known Powers:
Hypnosis: Am ability to hypnotize up to 10 people with whom he has made eye contact. Victims get a Psyche FEAT to avoid falling under Mesmero's influence. Mesmero has learned to alter a person's perceptions and he can also induce full or partial amnesia. He can also force victims to follow his orders but they get a Psyche FEAT to break free when Mesmero demands an act that would cause them to lose karma.
Mesmero has recently learned to maintain the hypnosis of 1 person at a range of the whole planet. He must make a power check to do so for each day he wants to maintain contact and he cannot control others or engage in strenuous activities.
Illusion Generation: Am ability to create illusions with sight and sound but not touch or smell. A psyche FEAT allows the victim to see through the illusion. They do illusionary damage. If health is reduced below 0 the victim fall unconscious for 1-10 rounds.
Mental Blasts: Am, 2 areas range up to 4 targets but damage -1CS for every extra target.

Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy

Talents: Psychology

Contacts: None

Mesmero's Last Costume