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Lily Hollister

F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) In40
E) In40
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ex20

Health: 140 Karma: 40
Resources: Gd Pop: -15

Known Powers:
Enhanced Goblin Physiology: Lily Hollister absorbed a unique variation of the Goblin Serum that allows her to shape-shift into a goblin. Her very body gives her the following abilities:
-Alter Ego: Stats change as shown above
-Regeneration: Am (50 points/round)
-Sonic Laugh: Ex Sonic attack that disorients an opponent

Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy, Menace's costume also provides him with the following:
-Taser: The armor has a built-in taser that can deal In Electrical on touch when he activates it.
Gloves: Menace's gloves are armed with the following:
-Barbs: Located on his forearms, Rm material, Ex Edge
-Energy Blaster: Rm Energy, 3 areas
Throwing Blades: Gd Thrown Edge, Multiple blades can be thrown, but at a -1cs for each additional blade thrown that round.
Battle Axe: In material, Rm Edge
Explosive Launcher: Menace carries a gun that fires spherical explosives up to 5 areas, dealing Rm damage when they explode to an entire area. They can be detonated on impact or by remote.

Glider: Menace uses a glider that has the following statistics:
-Control: Am
-Speed: Gd airspeed
-Body: Rm
-Protection: Gd
Armaments: The glider is armed with the following:
-Bladed Head: In Edge
-Missile Launcher: Fires up to 10 areas, In damage to an entire area

Talents: Thrown Weapons, Politics

Contacts: Green Goblin, Goblin Army

Lily Hollister

Menace's First Appearance

Menace's Second Transformation

Menace's Last Transformation