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Lilith, Daughter of Dracula


F) Ex20
A) In40
S) Rm30
E) Un100
R) Gd10
I) In40
P) Am50

Health: 190 Karma: 100
Resources: Gd Pop: -20

Known Powers:
Immortality: Thanks to the gypsy spell that gave Lilith her vampiric aspect, Lilith is now virtually immortal. Even if her body is destroyed, her mind can inhabit any 'innocent' woman that wanted her father dead. This perk lasted as long as Dracula, himself, was alive. So, the only way to truly slay Lilith is to first kill Dracula himself, and then hunt down and destroy Lilith's body. Otherwise, she will always return to cause trouble another day.
Regeneration: Ex
Body Transformation: Lilith has the power to change her form as listed here:
-Mists: Lilith could fly at Fe speed, and could 'leak' through tiny cracks and openings. Lilith could transform some of her body into mist, instead of all of it.
-Normal-Sized Bat: Lilith could Fly at Pr speed, and could make Pr Edge attacks.
Vampire Bite: Lilith doesn't have to feed upon blood, but she does like to. This bite does Ty Edge and injects vampiric ichor that, if the victim dies of blood loss, will force them to rise anew as a vampire in 3 days time.
Weather Control: Making a Red Psyche FEAT roll, Lilith can induce several changes in local weather patterns, such as thick fog, lightning, snow, rain, etc... Such changes are very draining, and prevent Lilith from using any other vampiric powers for 1-10 hours.
Hypnosis: Lilith can hypnotize mere mortals by making eye contact with them. This is the only action she can perform in a turn, and victims are allowed a Psyche FEAT vs. Am intensity to resist. If successful, hypnotized victims will do anything short of suicide.
Summoning: Lilith can, with a successful Psyche FEAT roll, summon her Psyche rank number in bats, rats, mice, dogs, or wolves, which will obey her every command.
Telepathy: Lilith can communicate with anyone she has bitten telepathically, with global range. This worked whether the victim was still mortal, or has risen as a vampire from death.


Lilith is still vulnerable to wooden stakes through the heart. Staking a vampire requires at least a partial hold, and then a Red attack on the Edge Attack table with the wooden stake. This would destroy Lilith's current body.

Talents: Occult Lore

Contacts: None

Lilith's Original Appearance