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Algrim the Elf

F) Mn75
A) Am50
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) Fb4
I) Fb4
P) Fb4

Health: 325 Karma: 6
Resources: N/A Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Body Armor: Un vs. all forms of attack
Mental Protection: Mn vs. any mental attack


Iron: any attack by an iron weapon can stun or slam Kurse (unless it penetrates his body armor, it can do no damage)
Previous memory: If placed in a non-threatening situation, there is a chance he will not act that turn, being wrapped up in his own reverie of the past
Running: Kurse is the reanimated body of Algrim the Dark Elf Warrior, who was betrayed by his master Malekith while Algrim was in combat with the Mighty Thor. The Beyonder reanimated Algrim, on the brink of death in a lava pit and gave him additional powers adn one overiding desire: Destroy Thor. Kurse sets out with one thought in what is left of his mind: Kill Thor. He attacks anyone who remids him of Thor. Otherwise, he creates massive havoc as he rips the town apart looking for Thor. He also attacks anyone who attacks him.

Talents: None

Contacts: Malekith the Dark Elf