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Kid Omega

Kid Omega

Quentin Quire

F) Ty6
A) Ty6
S) Ty6
E) Ex20
R) In40
I) Am50
P) Mn75

Health: 38 Karma: 165
Resources: Pr Pop: -5

Known Powers:
Omega-Level Telepathy: Un ability to organize and construct his thoughts at accelerated rates. Quentin's psychic powers are deep, subtle and he's able to influence minds around him. He can also perform the following power stunts:
-Mind Control: Un ability to overtly or covertly manipulate the minds of others
-Mental Shields: Un ability to resist mind probes, and disable other forms of psychic manipulation.
-Telepathic Tracking: Un ability to detect and track other sentient beings by their unique psionic emanations especially if they pose a threat to his well-being in his immediate vicinity.
-Telepathic Cloak: Un ability to mask his presence from being detected by others. He can extend these defenses to others around him as well.
-Telepathic Illusions: Un ability to create illusions to make himself seem to be invisible, look like someone else, or make others experience events that are not truly happening.
-Mental Paralysis: Un ability to induce temporary mental or physical paralysis
-Mental Amnesia: Un ability to erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia.
-Astral Projection: Un ability to project his astral form from his body onto astral planes or the physical planes. In the physical plane, he can only travel in astral form over short distances. In the astral plane, he can mentally create psionic objects and manipulate the aspects of his environment.
-Psionic Shotgun: Mn Mental Bolts
Telekinesis: Quire generated massive amounts of telekinetic energy at Un ability, that allows him to perform the following:
-Kinetic Bolt: Am
-Matter Reconstruction: Am ability to restructure matter. He used this to reconstruct Sophie Cuckoo's deceased body
-Regeneration: In, instantly heal wounds on his body inflicted through Wolverine's claws
-Flight: Am airspeed


Talents: Engineering, Electronics, Repair/Tinkering, Resist Domination

Contacts: None

Lid Omega's Last Look