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The American daughter of Chinese immigrants, Jubilation Lee lived a privileged Beverly Hills lifestyle. Misfortune ensued when Lee's parents lost their fortune and soon lost their lives - resulting in Lee becoming a ward of the state. Fearing that she would be sent to live with relatives in China, Lee escaped from Juvenile Hall and took refuge in a Hollywood mall. Constantly avoiding mall security, Lee lived as a petty thief. Not until she was cornered by security did her mutant powers manifest under stress. Escaping once again, security contracted the novice mutant hunters known as the M Squad. After the events known as Inferno, the female members of the X-Men were coincidentally taking some time for themselves with a shopping trip to the mall Lee were was residing. After they defeated the M Squad the X-Men members returned to their Australian base via a teleportation portal - Lee sneaking through without notice. Lee continued her life as an outsider and sneak thief while hiding in a cave nearby the X-Men's secret Australian hideaway. Only after the Reavers attacked and crucified Wolverine did she make her presence known. Rescuing Wolverine, she accompanying him on many of his subsequent adventures eventually becoming a full member of the X-Men as the fireworks generating Jubilee.

After the House of M, Jubilee was one of the mutants affected by Scarlet Witch's reality altering wave and has lost her powers. When Sally Floyd was trying to get in touch with the X-Men regarding the sudden depowering of most of the mutants, Jubilee did what she could to help, but since she was no longer a mutant she couldn't go back to the Xavier Institute. Jubilee relocated to Queens, New York, apparently operating a safe house for depowered mutants. She allowed Wolverine to visit Agent Zero, but the facility soon came under attack by Omega Red. Later, Jubilee joined the New Warriors under the guise of Wondra. As Wondra, Jubilee had superhuman strength (derived from a power suit) capable of lifting a freight train over her head. As a member of the New Warriors, Jubilee acted as Nigh Thrasher's second-in-command and was responsible for training the team. Jubilee had a tougher exterior than years past, likely due to her responsibilities of training the team, as well as losing her powers and almost being killed at the hands of Omega Red.

Shortly after leaving the New Warriors, Pixie and Jubilee hung-out in Union Square, a biological suicide bomber exploded nearby, coating the area, and Jubilee, in blood. Later on Utopia, Dr. Nemesis discovered that Jubilee had been infected with vampire blood that would slowly over-take her. Ultimately, a hypnotic suggestion took over her and she fled to her masters. After being bitten by Xarus, son of Dracula, Jubilee had become a vampire. Wolverine chased after her and Xarus used Jubilee to convert him. Jubilee bit Wolverine and he led the army of vampires that attacked Utopia until it was revealed that Cyclops had planned for the event and had Nemesis implant nanites in Wolverine's blood. After Dracula killed Xarus and the X-Men defeated the vampire army, Jubilee was released into the X-Men's care and placed into a cell until a cure was found.

Current Version:
Jubilee (Mutant Powers)

Former Versions:
Jubilee (Vampire)