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Iron Man

Iron Man

Tony Stark

F) In40/Ex20
A) In40/Ex20
S) Un100/Ex20
E) Un100/Rm30
R) Am50
I) In40
P) Gd10

Health: 280/90 Karma: 100
Resources: In Pop: 40

Known Powers:
High-Yield Arc Reactor: The armor and Stark's own body are powered by the high-yield arc reactor mounted in his chest. The high output of the arc reactor has given Stark the following:
-Electrical Generation: Rm, range of same area
-Energy Detection: In
-Enhanced Senses: In
-Levitation: Pr
-Force Field: Rm protection for a limited period of 1–10 rounds
-Multi-Tasking: Able to perform up to 3 actions in the same round without any required FEAT rolls.

Iron Man Armor Model XLV: When Tony Stark officially joined of the Guardians of the Galaxy, he created a new and sophisticated Space Armor in order to move better throughout the infinity of space without any complications. The Space Armor Mark III enables the wearer the abilities shown below:
-Body Armor: Am material, Am protection vs. Physical, Force and Corrosives, Mn protection vs. Energy, Heat and Cold, Un protection vs. Radiation and Electrical. Mn resistance vs. EMP
-Zero-Point Force Field: Project up to 5 areas, it creates an Un force bubble large enough to cover an area to contain a small building.
-Flight: Jet boots and a vectored repulsor field allow for Sh-Z airspeed (200 areas per round). The boot thrusters may be used as weapons, inflicting In Energy at a range of same area. A warp capable drive of CL5000 speed (warp) allowed for practical interstellar travel.
-Advanced Repulsors: Located in each gauntlet, at full power they inflict Un Force at a range of 20 areas.
-Uni-Beam: Mounted in the center of the chest plate, the beam has a range of 5 areas and can produce the following effects:
--Searchlight: Am Ultraviolet, Visible Light or Infrared
--Heat Ray: Am
--Image Inducer: Am ability to create up to 12 holographic duplicates
--Laser: Am Energy
-Energy Absorption: May absorb up to Un Electrical energy per round. Maximum capacity is 800 points and that can be stored safely for up to 8 rounds. Longer storage requires a successful Endurance FEAT to avoid Mn damage each round until stored energy is depleted. Damage occurs to all within the same area, including Iron Man, whose Body Armor is ignored for this effect. Absorbed energy can be channeled through the armor’s weapons for +1cs damage. Most forms of non-concussive energy may be absorbed including Heat, Light and Electrical.
-Electrical Generation: Can electrify the surface of the armor at Am intensity with a range of touch.
-Tractor Beam: Generated from the gauntlets, projects a beam capable of grabbing or grappling with In strength, 5 areas
-Life Support: When sealed, the armor has a 2 week air supply. It also has a 5 day supply of recycled water.
-Protected Senses: Mn protection vs. high-intensity Light or Sonic
-Telepathic Inhibitors: Am protection vs. Mind Control
-Targeting Computer: Provides +1cs to hit on all distance weapons and automatically allows up to 3 different targets per turn to be fired upon with no loss of accuracy.
-Interstellar Communications: Un technology allows for holographic communication across a range of, at least, 700 light-years. It is also possible to remotely control armor at this range. An Integrated universal translator of Mn sophistication is included.
-Sensors: Am, the armor is equipped with the following sensors:
--Infrared Vision: 5 areas
--Radar and Sonar Detectors: 15 areas
--Exotic Energy and Life Detectors: 15 miles
-Electronic Countermeasures: Am radar invisibility and Un resistance to external signals influencing armor performance.
-On-Board Artificial Intelligence: The On-Board A.I. is capable of the following:
--Cybernetic Communication: Am
--Substitute Am rank for Reason or Intuition FEAT rolls
--Operate the armor independently of the wearer.
-Self-Destruct: Sh-X explosive damage to one full area completely destroys the armor.
Modules: Various temporary optional systems could easily be installed. Stark has used the following:
-Taser: Mn Electrical, 10 areas
-UV Laser: Mn Energy, 15 areas
-Missile Launcher: Mn damage to a full area at a range of 10 miles
-Hacking Unit: Mn cybernetic communication and control
-Booster: Thrusters mounted on his back increase flight speed to CL1000 (interplanetary)

Talents: Engineering, Electronics, Business, Physics, Robotics, Firearms, Martial Arts A, Pilot, Multi-Lingual: (Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, French, Russian), Leadership

Contacts: Stark Resilient, The Avengers, Maria Stark Foundation, The Guardians of the Galaxy

Tony Stark

Mobile Armory

Mobile Armory

Body: Mn
Speed: CL1000 airspeed
Control: In

In order to provide access to supplies, spare components, and to allow him to leave the armor a shuttle-like version of the Mobile Armory was constructed. It contains components, replacement parts, even entire alternate armors. It could repair any amount of damage taken by the armor (not the wearer) at the rate of 5 health points per round. It also carried up to 6 alternate armors. Entirely new modules could be designed and constructed in 1–10 days.