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Iron Man

Iron Man

F) Gd10/Ex20
A) Gd10 /Ex20
S) Un100/Ex20
E) Un100/Rm30
R) Am50
I) In40
P) Gd10

Health: 220 Karma: 100
Resources: In Pop: 40

Known Powers:

Iron Man Armor Model 38: The Model XXXVIII, Mark 1 was designed with only one goal; to stop the threat of the Phoenix Force. More giant robot than armor, the Phoenix Killer is piloted rather than worn. It stands approximately 25 feet tall and is built around an energy weapon of unknown properties. While Stark believed the weapon could kill the Phoenix Force, it instead simply split it into five distinct entities. It has the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Am material, Mn protection vs. most forms of damage, Un protection vs. Radiation and Electricity
-Growth: Mn (stands about 25 feet tall) as such is easier by +3cs to be hit by incoming attacks
-Zero-Point Force Field: Project up to 3 areas, it creates an Un force bubble large enough to cover an area to contain a small building.
-Flight: Fusion thrusters in the boots allow for Sh-Z airspeed (200 areas/round). The boot thrusters may be used as weapons, inflicting Un Energy at a range of 2 areas.
-Disruptor: The entire armor is essentially one large gun firing an energy beam of CL1000 intensity at a range of 10 miles. It is able to fire only once per hour.
-Life Support: When sealed, the armor has a 2 day air supply. It also has a 2 day supply of recycled water.
-Protected Senses: Un protection vs. high-intensity Light or Sonic attack
-Targeting Computer: Provides +1cs to hit on all distance weapons and automatically allows up to 3 different targets per turn to be fired upon with no loss of accuracy.
-Communications: Am multi-spectrum communication with 2,000 mile range. An Integrated universal translator of In sophistication is included.
-Sensors: Am, the armor has the follow types of sensors:
--Infrared Vision: 10 areas
--Radar and Sonar Detectors: 20 areas
--Exotic Energy and Life Detectors: 25 miles
-Electronic Countermeasures: Ex radar invisibility and Un resistance to external signals influencing armor performance.
-Self-Destruct: Sh-X explosive damage to one full area completely destroys the armor.

Talents: Bionics, Buisiness/Finance, Cybernetics, Electronics, Engineiring, Weapon Design.

Contacts: Stark Enterprises, Avengers, Maria Stark Foundation, James Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, S.H.I.E.L.D., US Government