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Iron Man's NTU-150 Unit

NTU-150 TelePresence Unit

F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Am50
E) Mn75
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Ty6

Health: 185 Karma: N/A
Resources: Mn Pop: 35

Known Powers:

NTU-150 Unit: This unit is not a wearable suit of armor; rather, it is a fully-articulated device controlled by the mental impulses of the user via a remote headset apparatus. The remote headset transmits commands to the active unit in much the same way as the human brain transmits commands to the central nervous system, has the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Rm Strength material reinforced by a Force Field for a total protection of Am protection vs. Physical and Energy
-ECM: The Unit has Rm invisibility to radar and sonar.
-Flight Computer: This onboard flight computer that grants Ex manuverability, and also a +2 CS to any agility FEAT that involves manuvers or turns.
-Targeting Computer: This computer grants +2 CS to agility to fire the suit's weapons systems
-Sensors: In radar/sonar/electrical systems to detect objects, radio waves, etc.
Weapons System:
-Palm Repulsors: Am Force, 10 areas
-Sonic Emitter: In Sonic
-Pulse Bolts: In Force, 7 areas
-Heat Beam: In Heat, able to internalize to heat the surface of the armor until it is too hot to touch at the same rank.
-Sonic Distorter: Am
-Electro-Magnetic Pulse: The EMP shuts down all electrical devices (and all but Iron Man's life support/sensors) in 1 area for 6 minutes.
-Shoulder-Mounted Gattling Gun: Ty to In Shooting
-Cutting Laser Blade: In Edge
-Micro-Rocket Launcher:
--Anti-Tank: -2CS to Body and Protection, Am Edge
--Spent Uranium Core Armor-Piercing: In Edge
--Flame Bomb: In Energy, burns with Gd intensity
--Fire Suppressant: Rm Smoke
--Tear Gas: Ty intensity FEAT or take no actions until 1 round after leave area
-Particle Beam Discharger: Am
-Flamethrower: Rm Flame, 3 areas
-Taser: Ex Electrical

Talents: Depends on user

Contacts: Stark Enterprises