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Hellfire Mercenaries

Typical Hellfire Mercenary

F) Ex20
A) Ex20
S) Ty6
E) Gd10
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Ty6

Health: 56 Karma: 18
Resources: Ty Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Psi-Screen: Ex resistance against Psionics

Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Blunt or Throwing Blunt, Gd protection vs. Edge or Throwing Edge, Pr protection vs. Energy or Gases
Rifle: Gd Shooting
Bionics: After Wolverine seriously mauled a dozen Hellfire Mercenaries, the Hellfire Club reconstructed them with high-efficiency prosthetics. These Mercenaries are enhanced to the point where their Body armor is In protection vs. Blunt, Ex protection vs. Edge, and Good protection vs. Energy Blasts. Their Strength is Gd and their Endurance has been raised to Rm, giving them Health scores of 60. These mercenaries have a great hatred of Wolverine.

Talents: Military, Guns, Martial Arts B. The cybernetically enhanced mercenaries also have Martial Arts A and C

Contacts: Hellfire Club