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Evangeline Whedon

Evangeline Whedon

F) Ty6/Rm30
A) Ty6/Gd10
S) Ty6/Am50
E) Gd20/Am50
R) Ex20/Pr4
I) Ex20/Ty6
P) Rm30/Gd10

Health: 38/140 Karma: 70/20
Resources: Gd Pop: 5

Known Powers:
Blood Dragon Transformation: Whedon's transformation can be triggered consciously or by the presence of blood, Evangeline transforms into a red dragon, giving her the following abilities:
-Alter Ego: Stats change as shown above
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Fire Breath:
-Growth: Attackers are +2cs to hit her
-Claws: Rm Edge
-Winged Flight: Ex airspeed
-Prehensile Tail: Grappling at +1cs


Talents: Law

Contacts: Mutant Rights Coalition, X-Men

Whedon's Dragon Form