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Doctor Octopus

A brilliant atomic research scientist, Dr. Otto Octavius created a chest harness with four artificial tentacles for manipulating radioactive substances from a safe distance.

In a freak laboratory explosion, Dr. Octavius was exposed to volatile radioactive chemicals which bonded his harness to his central nervous system, but also damaged his brain making him the criminally insane but brilliant Dr. Octopus.

After Dr. Octopus began his criminal career, Trainer often visited him while incarcerated. In time she became a scientist and expert on virtual constructs. Teaming with her idol they worked to create a virtual construct to battle against Spider-Man, but Octavius was killed before the experiment could be completed. Enraged over the death of the man she loved, Trainer adopted his technology for a time become Dr. Octopus.

Current Version:
Doctor Octopus I

Former Versions:
Lady Octopus
Luke Carlyle

Supporting Villains:
Spider-Woman IV