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Brood Firstborn

Brood Queen

F) In40
A) Rm30
S) Am50
E) Am50
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Un100

Health: 170 Karma: 140
Resources: Mn Pop: -50

Known Powers:
Body Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical and Energy attacks.
Sting: All Brood have double tails ending in wicked spikes that have poison spines. The Firstborn has Rm proficiency and can do Rm Edge damage.
-Any character struck by the tail must make an Endurance FEAT roll or be rendered unconscious for 1-10 hours. The tail can be brought into combat every other round.
Bite: Ex Edge, even during rounds that they use their tails.
Instant Disintegration: When any member of the Brood reaches 0 Health, it dissolves on the spot.
Flight: Pr airspeed.
Claws: In Edge
Six Arms: Brood Firstborns are able to make 2 extra attacks in a round.
Teleportation: Mn


Expendable: All of the Firstborns' missions end in their killing each other off, their bodies disintegrating to leave no trace.

Talents: Brood are very inteligent and individuals retain skills and powers that were used by their egg hosts.

Contacts: The Brood