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Very little is known of Rogue's life before she discovered her mutation, not even her real name. She grew up in Caldecott County, near the banks of the Mississippi River. She discovered her power when she had her first kiss with a boy. He lost consciousness and she was unable to shut out his memories in her mind. She fled and the boy's thoughts faded in time, but the incident led Rogue to discover that she had developed the mutant power to absorb another's memories and abilities by touch. She also learned she could not control her new found power.

Joining the Brotherhood of Mutants, she was assigned by Mystique to ambush Ms. Marvel, stealing her powers to free other members of the Brotherhood from prison. Something went horribly wrong, and the transfer became permanent. Rouge now possessed the superhuman powers of the Kree enhanced super-heroine. In anguish, she begged Professor Charles Xavier for help. Admitted to the X-Men on a provisional basis, Rogue quickly proved herself to be loyal and brave, becoming a full-fledged member of the team and eventually a team leader.

Current Version:
Rogue (Wonder Man abilities)

Former Versions:
Rogue (Original)
Rogue (X-Men)
Rogue (Ms. Marvel Personality)
Rogue (Ms. Marvel Abilities)
Rogue (X-Treme)
Rogue (Powerless)
Rogue (Sunfire abilities)