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Aulik Nalis Gallery


The Gallery - pictures I've drawn
Photoshop Gallery - pretty much the above, but colored
About Me - the author, Alex

News and Updates
July 12th, 1:17 in the a.m.
Today is the greatest day of my life, and I'm not telling why. Why? ::shrugs:: It's suspense! Maybe it will keep you coming back! Oh, i don't know... I do have a bit of news though. I now have a section for the colored drawings up and it's looking kind of dull. Oh well. I've also thought to myself "Alex?" I says to myself, "Alex...what kind of site IS this? Isn't this a comic site?" Well I guess that's going to have to wait for awhile, but I would like people to start sending in their work too! I am going to start a fanart section. At least it will be something DIFFERENT to look at. Just send your stuff to Thanks! Don't forget to sign my guestbook too!!!
July 11th, 12:37 in the p.m.
I just got kicked by a mexican, that hurts too. My brother just fractured his foot after stepping on it crooked (he cried, me and the mexican laughed) and now i get to go pick up my paycheck. Later
July 11th, 2:53 in the a.m.
Well my site's just starting up and all, i doubt many people are going to look at it unless you know me personally, and if that's the case, get the word out or something. I should post on that one website, with all the elves on it... and the art done by 4th graders... whatever it's called... well, thanks for looking around, i'll get more to this later.

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