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this is the worst page ever.
stupid things
go away

    so, my name is marc gomez. i guess this is the place on a webpage where you go and say some silly, sappy stuff about yourself... the funny thing is, i really don't want to. but i guess i should -- not that you really care.

    i live in winnipeg. that's in canada. think fargo, go up. i just graduated from st. paul's high school, and now i go to the university of manitoba.

    right now, i work at integrated messaging incorporated. i'm a quality control monitor. yes, it's a call centre. no, we don't call people. and i have a pretty slack job. i listen to the calls to make sure nothing bad happens. i'm marc. marc the narc.

    other than that, i usually do things that amuse me (insert masturbation joke). i play some guitar and piano, i write songs, i watch movies, i act, i draw, i write stories, i play baseball, rollerblade stuff like that. i'm really boring. why are you here? you should be out causing a ruckus. i swear to god, the internet is not a place to meet proper friends. go and be productive.

    so... 'nuff said.

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