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CPicShapesX000$00 0j0A3\'0;0j0 O$0 0 '0;j0jA?Layer 1OCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicButtond sPrefixABCDEFG,cChar=0cChar8      !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567J:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIKLNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^Layer 1OCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicButtonoon _root.help._visiblefalsesPrefixABCDEFG,cChar=0cChar<@4Ybzv'$KK4CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame333fffde,]DV MEP AWCp18d<E006.|+1]<"4 X$<(Lh<pz&MDy"!<2<@4Ybzv'$KK4E +AfÀ*<N =this._y) { _root.gemA1x._y += _root.speed; // make the initial gem fall into place, over top of me. // If its y isnt equal to mine, increment it by the variable speed // ( .speed is set when the movie first starts, on the actions layer) } else { _root.gemA1x._y = this._y; _root.gemA1x._name = "gemA1"; _root.A1.type = _root.gemA1.type; if (_root.CL1 == "B") { _root.CL1 = "A"; } // when the gem is on top of me, Make it an "official" gem. } if (_root.B1.type == 0) { _root.gemA1._y += _root.speed; // if the clip below me ( B1 ) is empty, make me fall down to it. } if (_root.gemA1._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA1._name = "gemB1"; _root.B1.type = _root.gemB1.type; _root.A1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "C") { _root.CL1 = "B"; } // as soon as the gem is on top of B1 (55 pixels down), change its name, reset my type to // zero because I have no gem, and change B1's .type to the same as the gem's } } A1 G #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A5.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA5x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA5x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA5x.type; } if (_root.gemA5x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA5x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA5x._y = this._y; _root.gemA5x._name = "gemA5"; _root.A5.type = _root.gemA5.type; if (_root.CL5 == "B") { _root.CL5 = "A"; } } if (_root.B5.type == 0) { _root.gemA5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA5._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA5._name = "gemB5"; _root.B5.type = _root.gemB5.type; _root.A5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "C") { _root.CL5 = "B"; } } } A5 nGn #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A4.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA4x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA4x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA4x.type; } if (_root.gemA4x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA4x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA4x._y = this._y; _root.gemA4x._name = "gemA4"; _root.A4.type = _root.gemA4.type; if (_root.CL4 == "B") { _root.CL4 = "A"; } } if (_root.B4.type == 0) { _root.gemA4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA4._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA4._name = "gemB4"; _root.B4.type = _root.gemB4.type; _root.A4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "C") { _root.CL4 = "B"; } } } A4 "G"  onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A3.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA3x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA3x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA3x.type; } if (_root.gemA3x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA3x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA3x._y = this._y; _root.gemA3x._name = "gemA3"; _root.A3.type = _root.gemA3.type if (_root.CL3 == "B") { _root.CL3 = "A"; } } if (_root.B3.type == 0) { _root.gemA3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA3._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA3._name = "gemB3"; _root.B3.type = _root.gemB3.type; _root.A3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "C") { _root.CL3 = "B"; } } } A3 G #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A2.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA2x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA2x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA2x.type; } if (_root.gemA2x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA2x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA2x._y = this._y; _root.gemA2x._name = "gemA2"; _root.A2.type = _root.gemA2.type; if (_root.CL2 == "B") { _root.CL2 = "A"; } } if (_root.B2.type == 0) { _root.gemA2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA2._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA2._name = "gemB2"; _root.B2.type = _root.gemB2.type; _root.A2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "C") { _root.CL2 = "B"; } } } A2 "G" #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A6.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA6x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA6x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA6x.type; } if (_root.gemA6x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA6x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA6x._y = this._y; _root.gemA6x._name = "gemA6"; _root.A6.type = _root.gemA6.type; if (_root.CL6 == "B") { _root.CL6 = "A"; } } if (_root.B6.type == 0) { _root.gemA6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA6._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA6._name = "gemB6"; _root.B6.type = _root.gemB6.type; _root.A6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "C") { _root.CL6 = "B"; } } } A6 R&GR& #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A7.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA7x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA7x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA7x.type; } if (_root.gemA7x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA7x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA7x._y = this._y; _root.gemA7x._name = "gemA7"; _root.A7.type = _root.gemA7.type; if (_root.CL7 == "B") { _root.CL7 = "A"; } } if (_root.B7.type == 0) { _root.gemA7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA7._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA7._name = "gemB7"; _root.B7.type = _root.gemB7.type; _root.A7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "C") { _root.CL7 = "B"; } } } A7 "G" conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C6.type == 0) { _root.gemB6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB6._name = "gemC6"; _root.C6.type = _root.gemC6.type; _root.B6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "D") { _root.CL6 = "C"; } } } B6 nGn conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C4.type == 0) { _root.gemB4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB4._y = this._y+55; _  CDocumentPage Page 1gameo/<6)< Symbol 33 masoncomets!Gems< Stizufzor<"PublishQTProperties::QTSndSettingsCQTAudioSettingsL?onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G1.type == 0) { _root.gemF1._y+= _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF1._y >= this._y+55) { _root.gemF1._y=this._y+55; _root.gemF1._name = "gemG1root.gemB4._name = "gemC4"; _root.C4.type = _root.gemC4.type; _root.B4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "D") { _root.CL4 = "C"; } } } B4 "G" conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C3.type == 0) { _root.gemB3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB3._name = "gemC3"; _root.C3.type = _root.gemC3.type; _root.B3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "D") { _root.CL3 = "C"; } } } B3 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C2.type == 0) { _root.gemB2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB2._name = "gemC2"; _root.C2.type = _root.gemC2.type; _root.B2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "D") { _root.CL2 = "C"; } } } B2  G  onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C1.type == 0) { _root.gemB1._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB1._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB1._name = "gemC1"; _root.C1.type = _root.gemC1.type; _root.B1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "D") { _root.CL1 = "C"; } } // And the rest is basically the same as the last line of code above. // I have a feeling that I can do all this a LOT simpler. // I made the infrastructure by copy and pasting all the code into each collumn, // and it seems that I can make al this code modular to fit into one or 2 clips // instead of 49. I'm open to suggestions :P // Thanks a LOT for reading all this. - Slacker } B1 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C5.type == 0) { _root.gemB5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB5._name = "gemC5"; _root.C5.type = _root.gemC5.type; _root.B5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "D") { _root.CL5 = "C"; } } } B5 R&GR& conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C7.type == 0) { _root.gemB7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB7._name = "gemC7"; _root.C7.type = _root.gemC7.type; _root.B7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "D") { _root.CL7 = "C"; } } } B7  DG D bonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D1.type == 0) { _root.gemC1._y+= _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC1._y >= this._y+55) { _root.gemC1._y=this._y+55; _root.gemC1._name = "gemD1"; _root.D1.type = _root.gemD1.type; _root.C1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "E") { _root.CL1 = "D"; } } } C1 DGD conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D5.type == 0) { _root.gemC5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC5._name = "gemD5"; _root.D5.type = _root.gemD5.type; _root.C5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "E") { _root.CL5 = "D"; } } } C5 nDGnD conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D4.type == 0) { _root.gemC4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC4._name = "gemD4"; _root.D4.type = _root.gemD4.type; _root.C4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "E") { _root.CL4 = "D"; } } } C4 "DG"D conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D3.type == 0) { _root.gemC3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC3._name = "gemD3"; _root.D3.type = _root.gemD3.type; _root.C3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "E") { _root.CL3 = "D"; } } } C3 DGD conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D2.type == 0) { _root.gemC2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC2._name = "gemD2"; _root.D2.type = _root.gemD2.type; _root.C2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "E") { _root.CL2 = "D"; } } } C2 "DG"D conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D6.type == 0) { _root.gemC6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC6._name = "gemD6"; _root.D6.type = _root.gemD6.type; _root.C6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "E") { _root.CL6 = "D"; } } } C6 R&DGR&D conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D7.type == 0) { _root.gemC7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC7._name = "gemD7"; _root.D7.type = _root.gemD7.type; _root.C7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "E") { _root.CL7 = "D"; } } } C7  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E1.type == 0) { _root.gemD1._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD1._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD1._name = "gemE1"; _root.E1.type = _root.gemE1.type; _root.D1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "F") { _root.CL1 = "E"; } } } D1 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E5.type == 0) { _root.gemD5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD5._name = "gemE5"; _root.E5.type = _root.gemE5.type; _root.D5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "F") { _root.CL5 = "E"; } } } D5 nGn conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E4.type == 0) { _root.gemD4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD4._name = "gemE4"; _root.E4.type = _root.gemE4.type; _root.D4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "F") { _root.CL4 = "E"; } } } D4 "G" eonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E3.type == 0) { _root.gemD3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD3._name = "gemE3"; _root.E3.type = _root.gemE3.type; _root.D3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "F") { _root.CL3 = "E"; } } } D3 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E2.type == 0) { _root.gemD2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD2._name = "gemE2"; _root.E2.type = _root.gemE2.type; _root.D2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "F") { _root.CL2 = "E"; } } } D2 "G" conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E6.type == 0) { _root.gemD6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD6._name = "gemE6"; _root.E6.type = _root.gemE6.type; _root.D6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "F") { _root.CL6 = "E"; } } } D6 R&GR& conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E7.type == 0) { _root.gemD7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD7._name = "gemE7"; _root.E7.type = _root.gemE7.type; _root.D7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "F") { _root.CL7 = "E"; } } } D7  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F1.type == 0) { _root.gemE1._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE1._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE1._name = "gemF1"; _root.F1.type = _root.gemF1.type; _root.E1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "G") { _root.CL1 = "F"; } } } E1  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F5.type == 0) { _root.gemE5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE5._name = "gemF5"; _root.F5.type = _root.gemF5.type; _root.E5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "G") { _root.CL5 = "F"; } } } E5 n Gn  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F4.type == 0) { _root.gemE4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE4._name = "gemF4"; _root.F4.type = _root.gemF4.type; _root.E4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "G") { _root.CL4 = "F"; } } } E4 " G"  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F3.type == 0) { _root.gemE3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE3._name = "gemF3"; _root.F3.type = _root.gemF3.type; _root.E3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "G") { _root.CL3 = "F"; } } } E3  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F2.type == 0) { _root.gemE2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE2._name = "gemF2"; _root.F2.type = _root.gemF2.type; _root.E2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "G") { _root.CL2 = "F"; } } } E2 " G"  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F6.type == 0) { _root.gemE6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE6._name = "gemF6"; _root.F6.type = _root.gemF6.type; _root.E6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "G") { _root.CL6 = "F"; } } } E6 R& GR&  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F7.type == 0) { _root.gemE7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE7._name = "gemF7"; _root.F7.type = _root.gemF7.type; _root.E7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "G") { _root.CL7 = "F"; } } } E7  (%G (% ?onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G1.type == 0) { _root.gemF1._y+= _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF1._y >= this._y+55) { _root.gemF1._y=this._y+55; _root.gemF1._name = "gemG1"; _root.G1.type = _root.gemG1.type; _root.F1.type = 0; _root.CL1 = "G" } } F1 (%G(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G5.type == 0) { _root.gemF5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF5._name = "gemG5"; _root.G5.type = _root.gemG5.type; _root.F5.type = 0; _root.CL5 = "G"; } } F5 n(%Gn(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G4.type == 0) { _root.gemF4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF4._name = "gemG4"; _root.G4.type = _root.gemG4.type; _root.F4.type = 0; _root.CL4 = "G"; } } F4 "(%G"(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G3.type == 0) { _root.gemF3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF3._name = "gemG3"; _root.G3.type = _root.gemG3.type; _root.F3.type = 0; _root.CL3 = "G"; } } F3 (%G(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G2.type == 0) { _root.gemF2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF2._name = "gemG2"; _root.G2.type = _root.gemG2.type; _root.F2.type = 0; _root.CL2 = "G"; } } F2 "(%G"(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G6.type == 0) { _root.gemF6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF6._name = "gemG6"; _root.G6.type = _root.gemG6.type; _root.F6.type = 0; _root.CL6 = "G"; } } F6 R&(%GR&(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G7.type == 0) { _root.gemF7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF7._name = "gemG7"; _root.G7.type = _root.gemG7.type; _root.F7.type = 0; _root.CL7 = "G"; } } F7  t)G t) *onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } G1 t)Gt)   this.type0G5 nt)Gnt)   this.type0G4 "t)G"t)   this.type0G3 t)Gt)   this.type0G2 "t)G"t)   this.type0G6 R&t)GR&t)   this.type0G7?  G  tonClipEvent (load) { // every collumn of these blocks are basically the same, except for a change // in the number (A1, A2 ect.) Rows share letters, Collums share numbers. this.type = 0; // each one sets its .type to 0. this will be a // test to see if that block is "filled" or not. } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A1.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA1x", _root.depth); // spawn a temporary copy of that movieclip on the far left of the stage. // This movieclip is the gem movieclip. This clip will do all the moving, so the // controller clips can stay stationary, and make it easier to track what gem is where setProperty (_root.gemA1x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA1x.type; // make the controller.type the same as the gem.type, and the x position the same } if (_root.gemA1x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA1x._y += _root.speed; // make the initial gem fall into place, over top of me. // If its y isnt equal to mine, increment it by the variable speed // ( .speed is set when the movie first starts, on the actions layer) } else { _root.gemA1x._y = this._y; _root.gemA1x._name = "gemA1"; _root.A1.type = _root.gemA1.type; if (_root.CL1 == "B") { _root.CL1 = "A"; } // when the gem is on top of me, Make it an "official" gem. } if (_root.B1.type == 0) { _root.gemA1._y += _root.speed; // if the clip below me ( B1 ) is empty, make me fall down to it. } if (_root.gemA1._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA1._name = "gemB1"; _root.B1.type = _root.gemB1.type; _root.A1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "C") { _root.CL1 = "B"; } // as soon as the gem is on top of B1 (55 pixels down), change its name, reset my type to // zero because I have no gem, and change B1's .type to the same as the gem's } } A1 G #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A5.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA5x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA5x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA5x.type; } if (_root.gemA5x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA5x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA5x._y = this._y; _root.gemA5x._name = "gemA5"; _root.A5.type = _root.gemA5.type; if (_root.CL5 == "B") { _root.CL5 = "A"; } } if (_root.B5.type == 0) { _root.gemA5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA5._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA5._name = "gemB5"; _root.B5.type = _root.gemB5.type; _root.A5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "C") { _root.CL5 = "B"; } } } A5 nGn #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A4.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA4x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA4x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA4x.type; } if (_root.gemA4x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA4x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA4x._y = this._y; _root.gemA4x._name = "gemA4"; _root.A4.type = _root.gemA4.type; if (_root.CL4 == "B") { _root.CL4 = "A"; } } if (_root.B4.type == 0) { _root.gemA4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA4._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA4._name = "gemB4"; _root.B4.type = _root.gemB4.type; _root.A4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "C") { _root.CL4 = "B"; } } } A4 "G"  onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A3.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA3x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA3x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA3x.type; } if (_root.gemA3x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA3x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA3x._y = this._y; _root.gemA3x._name = "gemA3"; _root.A3.type = _root.gemA3.type if (_root.CL3 == "B") { _root.CL3 = "A"; } } if (_root.B3.type == 0) { _root.gemA3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA3._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA3._name = "gemB3"; _root.B3.type = _root.gemB3.type; _root.A3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "C") { _root.CL3 = "B"; } } } A3 G #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A2.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA2x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA2x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA2x.type; } if (_root.gemA2x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA2x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA2x._y = this._y; _root.gemA2x._name = "gemA2"; _root.A2.type = _root.gemA2.type; if (_root.CL2 == "B") { _root.CL2 = "A"; } } if (_root.B2.type == 0) { _root.gemA2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA2._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA2._name = "gemB2"; _root.B2.type = _root.gemB2.type; _root.A2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "C") { _root.CL2 = "B"; } } } A2 "G" #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A6.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA6x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA6x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA6x.type; } if (_root.gemA6x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA6x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA6x._y = this._y; _root.gemA6x._name = "gemA6"; _root.A6.type = _root.gemA6.type; if (_root.CL6 == "B") { _root.CL6 = "A"; } } if (_root.B6.type == 0) { _root.gemA6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA6._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA6._name = "gemB6"; _root.B6.type = _root.gemB6.type; _root.A6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "C") { _root.CL6 = "B"; } } } A6 R&GR& #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A7.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA7x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA7x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA7x.type; } if (_root.gemA7x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA7x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA7x._y = this._y; _root.gemA7x._name = "gemA7"; _root.A7.type = _root.gemA7.type; if (_root.CL7 == "B") { _root.CL7 = "A"; } } if (_root.B7.type == 0) { _root.gemA7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA7._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA7._name = "gemB7"; _root.B7.type = _root.gemB7.type; _root.A7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "C") { _root.CL7 = "B"; } } } A7 "G" conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C6.type == 0) { _root.gemB6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB6._name = "gemC6"; _root.C6.type = _root.gemC6.type; _root.B6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "D") { _root.CL6 = "C"; } } } B6 nGn conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C4.type == 0) { _root.gemB4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB4._name = "gemC4"; _root.C4.type = _root.gemC4.type; _root.B4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "D") { _root.CL4 = "C"; } } } B4 "G" conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C3.type == 0) { _root.gemB3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB3._name = "gemC3"; _root.C3.type = _root.gemC3.type; _root.B3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "D") { _root.CL3 = "C"; } } } B3 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C2.type == 0) { _root.gemB2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB2._name = "gemC2"; _root.C2.type = _root.gemC2.type; _root.B2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "D") { _root.CL2 = "C"; } } } B2  G  onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C1.type == 0) { _root.gemB1._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB1._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB1._name = "gemC1"; _root.C1.type = _root.gemC1.type; _root.B1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "D") { _root.CL1 = "C"; } } // And the rest is basically the same as the last line of code above. // I have a feeling that I can do all this a LOT simpler. // I made the infrastructure by copy and pasting all the code into each collumn, // and it seems that I can make al this code modular to fit into one or 2 clips // instead of 49. I'm open to suggestions :P // Thanks a LOT for reading all this. - Slacker } B1 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C5.type == 0) { _root.gemB5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB5._name = "gemC5"; _root.C5.type = _root.gemC5.type; _root.B5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "D") { _root.CL5 = "C"; } } } B5 R&GR& conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C7.type == 0) { _root.gemB7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB7._name = "gemC7"; _root.C7.type = _root.gemC7.type; _root.B7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "D") { _root.CL7 = "C"; } } } B7  DG D bonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D1.type == 0) { _root.gemC1._y+= _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC1._y >= this._y+55) { _root.gemC1._y=this._y+55; _root.gemC1._name = "gemD1"; _root.D1.type = _root.gemD1.type; _root.C1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "E") { _root.CL1 = "D"; } } } C1 DGD conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D5.type == 0) { _root.gemC5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC5._name = "gemD5"; _root.D5.type = _root.gemD5.type; _root.C5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "E") { _root.CL5 = "D"; } } } C5 nDGnD conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D4.type == 0) { _root.gemC4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC4._name = "gemD4"; _root.D4.type = _root.gemD4.type; _root.C4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "E") { _root.CL4 = "D"; } } } C4 "DG"D conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D3.type == 0) { _root.gemC3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC3._name = "gemD3"; _root.D3.type = _root.gemD3.type; _root.C3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "E") { _root.CL3 = "D"; } } } C3 DGD conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D2.type == 0) { _root.gemC2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC2._name = "gemD2"; _root.D2.type = _root.gemD2.type; _root.C2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "E") { _root.CL2 = "D"; } } } C2 "DG"D conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D6.type == 0) { _root.gemC6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC6._name = "gemD6"; _root.D6.type = _root.gemD6.type; _root.C6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "E") { _root.CL6 = "D"; } } } C6 R&DGR&D conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D7.type == 0) { _root.gemC7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC7._name = "gemD7"; _root.D7.type = _root.gemD7.type; _root.C7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "E") { _root.CL7 = "D"; } } } C7  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E1.type == 0) { _root.gemD1._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD1._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD1._name = "gemE1"; _root.E1.type = _root.gemE1.type; _root.D1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "F") { _root.CL1 = "E"; } } } D1 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E5.type == 0) { _root.gemD5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD5._name = "gemE5"; _root.E5.type = _root.gemE5.type; _root.D5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "F") { _root.CL5 = "E"; } } } D5 nGn conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E4.type == 0) { _root.gemD4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD4._name = "gemE4"; _root.E4.type = _root.gemE4.type; _root.D4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "F") { _root.CL4 = "E"; } } } D4 "G" eonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E3.type == 0) { _root.gemD3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD3._name = "gemE3"; _root.E3.type = _root.gemE3.type; _root.D3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "F") { _root.CL3 = "E"; } } } D3 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E2.type == 0) { _root.gemD2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD2._name = "gemE2"; _root.E2.type = _root.gemE2.type; _root.D2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "F") { _root.CL2 = "E"; } } } D2 "G" conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E6.type == 0) { _root.gemD6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD6._name = "gemE6"; _root.E6.type = _root.gemE6.type; _root.D6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "F") { _root.CL6 = "E"; } } } D6 R&GR& conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E7.type == 0) { _root.gemD7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD7._name = "gemE7"; _root.E7.type = _root.gemE7.type; _root.D7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "F") { _root.CL7 = "E"; } } } D7  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F1.type == 0) { _root.gemE1._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE1._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE1._name = "gemF1"; _root.F1.type = _root.gemF1.type; _root.E1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "G") { _root.CL1 = "F"; } } } E1  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F5.type == 0) { _root.gemE5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE5._name = "gemF5"; _root.F5.type = _root.gemF5.type; _root.E5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "G") { _root.CL5 = "F"; } } } E5 n Gn  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F4.type == 0) { _root.gemE4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE4._name = "gemF4"; _root.F4.type = _root.gemF4.type; _root.E4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "G") { _root.CL4 = "F"; } } } E4 " G"  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F3.type == 0) { _root.gemE3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE3._name = "gemF3"; _root.F3.type = _root.gemF3.type; _root.E3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "G") { _root.CL3 = "F"; } } } E3  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F2.type == 0) { _root.gemE2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE2._name = "gemF2"; _root.F2.type = _root.gemF2.type; _root.E2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "G") { _root.CL2 = "F"; } } } E2 " G"  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F6.type == 0) { _root.gemE6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE6._name = "gemF6"; _root.F6.type = _root.gemF6.type; _root.E6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "G") { _root.CL6 = "F"; } } } E6 R& GR&  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F7.type == 0) { _root.gemE7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE7._name = "gemF7"; _root.F7.type = _root.gemF7.type; _root.E7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "G") { _root.CL7 = "F"; } } } E7  (%G (% ?onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G1.type == 0) { _root.gemF1._y+= _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF1._y >= this._y+55) { _root.gemF1._y=this._y+55; _root.gemF1._name = "gemG1"; _root.G1.type = _root.gemG1.type; _root.F1.type = 0; _root.CL1 = "G" } } F1 (%G(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G5.type == 0) { _root.gemF5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF5._name = "gemG5"; _root.G5.type = _root.gemG5.type; _root.F5.type = 0; _root.CL5 = "G"; } } F5 n(%Gn(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G4.type == 0) { _root.gemF4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF4._name = "gemG4"; _root.G4.type = _root.gemG4.type; _root.F4.type = 0; _root.CL4 = "G"; } } F4 "(%G"(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G3.type == 0) { _root.gemF3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF3._name = "gemG3"; _root.G3.type = _root.gemG3.type; _root.F3.type = 0; _root.CL3 = "G"; } } F3 (%G(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G2.type == 0) { _root.gemF2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF2._name = "gemG2"; _root.G2.type = _root.gemG2.type; _root.F2.type = 0; _root.CL2 = "G"; } } F2 "(%G"(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G6.type == 0) { _root.gemF6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF6._name = "gemG6"; _root.G6.type = _root.gemG6.type; _root.F6.type = 0; _root.CL6 = "G"; } } F6 R&(%GR&(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G7.type == 0) { _root.gemF7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF7._name = "gemG7"; _root.G7.type = _root.gemG7.type; _root.F7.type = 0; _root.CL7 = "G"; } } F7  t)G t) *onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } G1 t)Gt)   this.type0G5 nt)Gnt)   this.type0G4 "t)G"t)   this.type0G3 t)Gt)   this.type0G2 "t)G"t)   this.type0G6 R&t)GR&t)   this.type0G7 CPicButtonG _root.selection != 1_root.selection1A5_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "B5" or _root.selection1 == "A4" or _root.selection1 == "A6"_root.selection2A5_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGn _root.selection != 1_root.selection1A4_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "B4" or _root.selection1 == "A3" or _root.selection1 == "A5"_root.selection2A4_root.selection04_root[selection1]._alpha100_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG" _root.selection != 1_root.selection1A3_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "B3" or _root.selection1 == "A2" or _root.selection1 == "A4"_root.selection2A3_root.selection04_root[selection1]._alpha100_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG _root.selection != 1_root.selection1A2_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "B2" or _root.selection1 == "A1" or _root.selection1 == "A3"_root.selection2A2_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG" _root.selection != 1_root.selection1A6_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "B6" or _root.selection1 == "A5" or _root.selection1 == "A7"_root.selection2A6_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004)%_root[selection1].high.gotoAndStop(1)_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGS& _root.selection != 1_root.selection1A7_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha504_root.selection1 == "B7" or _root.selection1 == "A6"_root.selection2A7_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG _root.selection != 1_root.selection1B2_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "C2" or _root.selection1 == "B1" or _root.selection1 == "B3" or _root.selection1 == "A2"_root.selection2B2_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGHon (release) { if (_root.selection != 1) { _root.selection1 = "C2"; _root.selection = 1; _root[selection1]._alpha = 50; } else { if (_root.selection1 == "D2" or _root.selection1 == "C1" or _root.selection1 == "C3" or _root.selection1 == "B2") { _root.selection2 = "C2"; _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; gotoAndStop (4); } else { _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; } } } uG _root.selection != 1_root.selection1D2_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "E2" or _root.selection1 == "D1" or _root.selection1 == "D3" or _root.selection1 == "C2"_root.selection2D2_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1E2_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "F2" or _root.selection1 == "E1" or _root.selection1 == "E3" or _root.selection1 == "D2"_root.selection2E2_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG2% _root.selection != 1_root.selection1F2_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "G2" or _root.selection1 == "F1" or _root.selection1 == "F3" or _root.selection1 == "E2"_root.selection2F2_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 u )on (release) { if (_root.selection != 1) { _root.selection1 = "G1"; _root.selection = 1; _root[selection1]._alpha = 50; } else { if (_root.selection1 == "G2" or _root.selection1 == "F1") { _root.selection2 = "G1"; _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; gotoAndStop (4); } else { _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; } } } u  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1A1_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha504_root.selection1 == "B1" or _root.selection1 == "A2"_root.selection2A1_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 u~) _root.selection != 1_root.selection1G2_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "F2" or _root.selection1 == "G1" or _root.selection1 == "G3"_root.selection2G2_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG B _root.selection != 1_root.selection1C1_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "D1" or _root.selection1 == "C2" or _root.selection1 == "B1"_root.selection2C1_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1D1_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "E1" or _root.selection1 == "D2" or _root.selection1 == "C1"_root.selection2D1_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1E1_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "F1" or _root.selection1 == "E2" or _root.selection1 == "D1"_root.selection2E1_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG &% _root.selection != 1_root.selection1F1_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "G1" or _root.selection1 == "F2" or _root.selection1 == "E1"_root.selection2F1_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1B1_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "C1" or _root.selection1 == "B2" or _root.selection1 == "A1"_root.selection2B1_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG"on (release) { if (_root.selection != 1) { _root.selection1 = "B3"; _root.selection = 1; _root[selection1]._alpha = 50; } else { if (_root.selection1 == "C3" or _root.selection1 == "B2" or _root.selection1 == "B4" or _root.selection1 == "A3") { _root.selection2 = "B3"; _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; gotoAndStop (4); } else { _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; } } } uG"Fon (release) { if (_root.selection != 1) { _root.selection1 = "C3"; _root.selection = 1; _root[selection1]._alpha = 50; } else { if (_root.selection1 == "D3" or _root.selection1 == "C2" or _root.selection1 == "C4" or _root.selection1 == "B3") { _root.selection2 = "C3"; _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; gotoAndStop (4); } else { _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; } } } uG" _root.selection != 1_root.selection1D3_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "C3" or _root.selection1 == "D2" or _root.selection1 == "D4" or _root.selection1 == "E3"_root.selection2D3_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG"  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1E3_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "D3" or _root.selection1 == "E2" or _root.selection1 == "E4" or _root.selection1 == "F3"_root.selection2E3_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG"0% _root.selection != 1_root.selection1F3_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "G3" or _root.selection1 == "F2" or _root.selection1 == "F4" or _root.selection1 == "E3"_root.selection2F3_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 u"|) _root.selection != 1_root.selection1G3_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "F3" or _root.selection1 == "G2" or _root.selection1 == "G4"_root.selection2G3_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGnon (release) { if (_root.selection != 1) { _root.selection1 = "B4"; _root.selection = 1; _root[selection1]._alpha = 50; } else { if (_root.selection1 == "C4" or _root.selection1 == "B3" or _root.selection1 == "B5" or _root.selection1 == "A4") { _root.selection2 = "B4"; _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; gotoAndStop (4); } else { _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; } } } uGnF _root.selection != 1_root.selection1C4_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "D4" or _root.selection1 == "C3" or _root.selection1 == "C5" or _root.selection1 == "B4"_root.selection2C4_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGn _root.selection != 1_root.selection1D4_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "C4" or _root.selection1 == "D3" or _root.selection1 == "D5" or _root.selection1 == "E4"_root.selection2D4_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGn  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1E4_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "D4" or _root.selection1 == "E3" or _root.selection1 == "E5" or _root.selection1 == "F4"_root.selection2E4_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGn0% _root.selection != 1_root.selection1F4_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "G4" or _root.selection1 == "F3" or _root.selection1 == "F5" or _root.selection1 == "E4"_root.selection2F4_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 un|) _root.selection != 1_root.selection1G4_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "F4" or _root.selection1 == "G3" or _root.selection1 == "G5"_root.selection2G4_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG _root.selection != 1_root.selection1B5_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "C5" or _root.selection1 == "B4" or _root.selection1 == "B6" or _root.selection1 == "A5"_root.selection2B5_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGD _root.selection != 1_root.selection1C5_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "D5" or _root.selection1 == "C4" or _root.selection1 == "C6" or _root.selection1 == "B5"_root.selection2C5_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG _root.selection != 1_root.selection1D5_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "C5" or _root.selection1 == "D4" or _root.selection1 == "D6" or _root.selection1 == "E5"_root.selection2D5_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1E5_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "D5" or _root.selection1 == "E4" or _root.selection1 == "E6" or _root.selection1 == "F5"_root.selection2E5_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG.% _root.selection != 1_root.selection1F5_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "G5" or _root.selection1 == "F4" or _root.selection1 == "F6" or _root.selection1 == "E5"_root.selection2F5_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uz) _root.selection != 1_root.selection1G5_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "F5" or _root.selection1 == "G4" or _root.selection1 == "G6"_root.selection2G5_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG"on (release) { if (_root.selection != 1) { _root.selection1 = "B6"; _root.selection = 1; _root[selection1]._alpha = 50; } else { if (_root.selection1 == "C6" or _root.selection1 == "B5" or _root.selection1 == "B7" or _root.selection1 == "A6") { _root.selection2 = "B6"; _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; gotoAndStop (4); } else { _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; } } } uG"D _root.selection != 1_root.selection1C6_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "D6" or _root.selection1 == "C5" or _root.selection1 == "C7" or _root.selection1 == "B6"_root.selection2C6_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG" _root.selection != 1_root.selection1D6_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "C6" or _root.selection1 == "D5" or _root.selection1 == "D7" or _root.selection1 == "E6"_root.selection2D6_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG"  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1E6_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "D6" or _root.selection1 == "E5" or _root.selection1 == "E7" or _root.selection1 == "F6"_root.selection2E6_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG".% _root.selection != 1_root.selection1F6_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "G6" or _root.selection1 == "F5" or _root.selection1 == "F7" or _root.selection1 == "E6"_root.selection2F6_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 u"z) _root.selection != 1_root.selection1G6_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "F6" or _root.selection1 == "G5" or _root.selection1 == "G7"_root.selection2G6_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGR&on (release) { if (_root.selection != 1) { _root.selection1 = "B7"; _root.selection = 1; _root[selection1]._alpha = 50; } else { if (_root.selection1 == "C7" or _root.selection1 == "B6" or _root.selection1 == "A7") { _root.selection2 = "B7"; _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; gotoAndStop (4); } else { _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; } } } uGR&B _root.selection != 1_root.selection1C7_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50Q_root.selection1 == "B7" or _root.selection1 == "C6" or _root.selection1 == "D7"_root.selection2C7_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGR& _root.selection != 1_root.selection1D7_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "C7" or _root.selection1 == "D6" or _root.selection1 == "E7"_root.selection2D7_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGR&  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1E7_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "D7" or _root.selection1 == "E6" or _root.selection1 == "F7"_root.selection2E7_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGR&,% _root.selection != 1_root.selection1F7_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "E7" or _root.selection1 == "F6" or _root.selection1 == "G7"_root.selection2F7_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uR&x) _root.selection != 1_root.selection1G7_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha504_root.selection1 == "F7" or _root.selection1 == "G6"_root.selection2G7_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 fJXp ݀?OverlayOCPicTextQ' _root.show  Arial Black"(_root.score (,dD0>4t4;0& 4St4;;v04S4;v04?Layer 11OO k&xxk&onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.CL1 == "A" && _root.CL2 == "A" && _root.CL3 == "A" && _root.CL4 == "A" && _root.CL4 == "A" && _root.CL5 == "A" && _root.CL6 == "A" && _root.CL7 == "A") { _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } yipee??Layer 9O w/!>%w/!%onClipEvent (load) { _root.score = 0 _root.multiplier = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.show = _root.score + _root.multiplier if ((_root.score/500)*100 >= 100){ _root.score = 0 _root.multiplier += 500; _root.bonus += 1 _root["bonus"+_root.bonus]._visible = true } } meter y/ y/ onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bonus >= 3) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } bonus3 y/ry/ronClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bonus >= 2) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false } bonus2 y/y/ _root.bonus >= 1 this._visibletrue this._visiblefalse  this._visiblefalsebonus1 y/ y/ onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bonus >= 4) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } bonus4?Layer 10OO?,_root.name = 0; _root.speed = 20; stop()  .gg.Q CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame333fff8e0]DV MEP AWCp18d<E006.|+ <"4 X$<(Lh<pz&MDy"!<2<@4Ybzv'$KK4E +AfÀ*<N =this._y) { _root.gemA1x._y += _root.speed; // make the initial gem fall into place, over top of me. // If its y isnt equal to mine, increment it by the variable speed // ( .speed is set when the movie first starts, on the actions layer) } else { _root.gemA1x._y = this._y; _root.gemA1x._name = "gemA1"; _root.A1.type = _root.gemA1.type; if (_root.CL1 == "B") { _root.CL1 = "A"; } // when the gem is on top of me, Make it an "official" gem. } if (_root.B1.type == 0) { _root.gemA1._y += _root.speed; // if the clip below me ( B1 ) is empty, make me fall down to it. } if (_root.gemA1._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA1._name = "gemB1"; _root.B1.type = _root.gemB1.type; _root.A1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "C") { _root.CL1 = "B"; } // as soon as the gem is on top of B1 (55 pixels down), change its name, reset my type to // zero because I have no gem, and change B1's .type to the same as the gem's } } A1 G 4 Arial Black"(MixMatch |~+ $h Arial Black"(Game By: Andy "SlaXor" Michael ~+ ?!h Arial Black"(Intro By: Scott Alexander   http://www.flashmove.com_blank Symbol 8Symbol 7oSymbol 6I Symbol 5wSymbol 4fSymbol 3VSymbol 2 OSymbol 23  5! www.masoncomets.org_blank %<<<-XP04X4XP0T64|4XX0t$4|P4XX04PX7N=XP04X4XP04|4XX0t$4|P4XX04PX&8$CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameNXP04X4XP0L4|4XX0t$4CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText + 4 Arial Black"(www.flashmove.com? + 4 Arial Black"(www.flashmove.comLayer 1O4z=this._y) { _root.gemA5x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA5x._y = this._y; _root.gemA5x._name = "gemA5"; _root.A5.type = _root.gemA5.type; if (_root.CL5 == "B") { _root.CL5 = "A"; } } if (_root.B5.type == 0) { _root.gemA5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA5._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA5._name = "gemB5"; _root.B5.type = _root.gemB5.type; _root.A5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "C") { _root.CL5 = "B"; } } } A5 nGn #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A4.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA4x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA4x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA4x.type; } if (_root.gemA4x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA4x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA4x._y = this._y; _root.gemA4x._name = "gemA4"; _root.A4.type = _root.gemA4.type; if (_root.CL4 == "B") { _root.CL4 = "A"; } } if (_root.B4.type == 0) { _root.gemA4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA4._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA4._name = "gemB4"; _root.B4.type = _root.gemB4.type; _root.A4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "C") { _root.CL4 = "B"; } } } A4 "G"  onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A3.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA3x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA3x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA3x.type; } if (_root.gemA3x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA3x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA3x._y = this._y; _root.gemA3x._name = "gemA3"; _root.A3.type = _root.gemA3.type if (_root.CL3 == "B") { _root.CL3 = "A"; } } if (_root.B3.type == 0) { _root.gemA3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA3._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA3._name = "gemB3"; _root.B3.type = _root.gemB3.type; _root.A3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "C") { _root.CL3 = "B"; } } } A3 G #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A2.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA2x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA2x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA2x.type; } if (_root.gemA2x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA2x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA2x._y = this._y; _root.gemA2x._name = "gemA2"; _root.A2.type = _root.gemA2.type; if (_root.CL2 == "B") { _root.CL2 = "A"; } } if (_root.B2.type == 0) { _root.gemA2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA2._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA2._name = "gemB2"; _root.B2.type = _root.gemB2.type; _root.A2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "C") { _root.CL2 = "B"; } } } A2 "G" #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A6.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA6x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA6x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA6x.type; } if (_root.gemA6x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA6x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA6x._y = this._y; _root.gemA6x._name = "gemA6"; _root.A6.type = _root.gemA6.type; if (_root.CL6 == "B") { _root.CL6 = "A"; } } if (_root.B6.type == 0) { _root.gemA6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA6._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA6._name = "gemB6"; _root.B6.type = _root.gemB6.type; _root.A6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "C") { _root.CL6 = "B"; } } } A6 R&GR& #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A7.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA7x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA7x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA7x.type; } if (_root.gemA7x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA7x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA7x._y = this._y; _root.gemA7x._name = "gemA7"; _root.A7.type = _root.gemA7.type; if (_root.CL7 == "B") { _root.CL7 = "A"; } } if (_root.B7.type == 0) { _root.gemA7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA7._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA7._name = "gemB7"; _root.B7.type = _root.gemB7.type; _root.A7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "C") { _root.CL7 = "B"; } } } A7 "G" conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C6.type == 0) { _root.gemB6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB6._name = "gemC6"; _root.C6.type = _root.gemC6.type; _root.B6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "D") { _root.CL6 = "C"; } } } B6 nGn conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C4.type == 0) { _root.gemB4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB4._name = "gemC4"; _root.C4.type = _root.gemC4.type; _root.B4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "D") { _root.CL4 = "C"; } } } B4 "G" conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C3.type == 0) { _root.gemB3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB3._name = "gemC3"; _root.C3.type = _root.gemC3.type; _root.B3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "D") { _root.CL3 = "C"; } } } B3 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C2.type == 0) { _root.gemB2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB2._name = "gemC2"; _root.C2.type = _root.gemC2.type; _root.B2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "D") { _root.CL2 = "C"; } } } B2  G  onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C1.type == 0) { _root.gemB1._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB1._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB1._name = "gemC1"; _root.C1.type = _root.gemC1.type; _root.B1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "D") { _root.CL1 = "C"; } } // And the rest is basically the same as the last line of code above. // I have a feeling that I can do all this a LOT simpler. // I made the infrastructure by copy and pasting all the code into each collumn, // and it seems that I can make al this code modular to fit into one or 2 clips // instead of 49. I'm open to suggestions :P // Thanks a LOT for reading all this. - Slacker } B1 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C5.type == 0) { _root.gemB5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB5._name = "gemC5"; _root.C5.type = _root.gemC5.type; _root.B5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "D") { _root.CL5 = "C"; } } } B5 R&GR& conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C7.type == 0) { _root.gemB7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB7._name = "gemC7"; _root.C7.type = _root.gemC7.type; _root.B7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "D") { _root.CL7 = "C"; } } } B7  DG D bonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D1.type == 0) { _root.gemC1._y+= _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC1._y >= this._y+55) { _root.gemC1._y=this._y+55; _root.gemC1._name = "gemD1"; _root.D1.type = _root.gemD1.type; _root.C1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "E") { _root.CL1 = "D"; } } } C1 DGD conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D5.type == 0) { _root.gemC5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC5._name = "gemD5"; _root.D5.type = _root.gemD5.type; _root.C5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "E") { _root.CL5 = "D"; } } } C5 nDGnD conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D4.type == 0) { _root.gemC4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC4._name = "gemD4"; _root.D4.type = _root.gemD4.type; _root.C4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "E") { _root.CL4 = "D"; } } } C4 "DG"D conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D3.type == 0) { _root.gemC3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC3._name = "gemD3"; _root.D3.type = _root.gemD3.type; _root.C3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "E") { _root.CL3 = "D"; } } } C3 DGD conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D2.type == 0) { _root.gemC2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC2._name = "gemD2"; _root.D2.type = _root.gemD2.type; _root.C2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "E") { _root.CL2 = "D"; } } } C2 "DG"D conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D6.type == 0) { _root.gemC6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC6._name = "gemD6"; _root.D6.type = _root.gemD6.type; _root.C6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "E") { _root.CL6 = "D"; } } } C6 R&DGR&D conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D7.type == 0) { _root.gemC7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC7._name = "gemD7"; _root.D7.type = _root.gemD7.type; _root.C7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "E") { _root.CL7 = "D"; } } } C7  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E1.type == 0) { _root.gemD1._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD1._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD1._name = "gemE1"; _root.E1.type = _root.gemE1.type; _root.D1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "F") { _root.CL1 = "E"; } } } D1 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E5.type == 0) { _root.gemD5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD5._name = "gemE5"; _root.E5.type = _root.gemE5.type; _root.D5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "F") { _root.CL5 = "E"; } } } D5 nGn conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E4.type == 0) { _root.gemD4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD4._name = "gemE4"; _root.E4.type = _root.gemE4.type; _root.D4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "F") { _root.CL4 = "E"; } } } D4 "G" eonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E3.type == 0) { _root.gemD3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD3._name = "gemE3"; _root.E3.type = _root.gemE3.type; _root.D3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "F") { _root.CL3 = "E"; } } } D3 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E2.type == 0) { _root.gemD2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD2._name = "gemE2"; _root.E2.type = _root.gemE2.type; _root.D2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "F") { _root.CL2 = "E"; } } } D2 "G" conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E6.type == 0) { _root.gemD6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD6._name = "gemE6"; _root.E6.type = _root.gemE6.type; _root.D6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "F") { _root.CL6 = "E"; } } } D6 R&GR& conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E7.type == 0) { _root.gemD7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD7._name = "gemE7"; _root.E7.type = _root.gemE7.type; _root.D7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "F") { _root.CL7 = "E"; } } } D7  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F1.type == 0) { _root.gemE1._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE1._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE1._name = "gemF1"; _root.F1.type = _root.gemF1.type; _root.E1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "G") { _root.CL1 = "F"; } } } E1  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F5.type == 0) { _root.gemE5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE5._name = "gemF5"; _root.F5.type = _root.gemF5.type; _root.E5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "G") { _root.CL5 = "F"; } } } E5 n Gn  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F4.type == 0) { _root.gemE4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE4._name = "gemF4"; _root.F4.type = _root.gemF4.type; _root.E4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "G") { _root.CL4 = "F"; } } } E4 " G"  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F3.type == 0) { _root.gemE3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE3._name = "gemF3"; _root.F3.type = _root.gemF3.type; _root.E3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "G") { _root.CL3 = "F"; } } } E3  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F2.type == 0) { _root.gemE2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE2._name = "gemF2"; _root.F2.type = _root.gemF2.type; _root.E2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "G") { _root.CL2 = "F"; } } } E2 " G"  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F6.type == 0) { _root.gemE6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE6._name = "gemF6"; _root.F6.type = _root.gemF6.type; _root.E6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "G") { _root.CL6 = "F"; } } } E6 R& GR&  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F7.type == 0) { _root.gemE7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE7._name = "gemF7"; _root.F7.type = _root.gemF7.type; _root.E7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "G") { _root.CL7 = "F"; } } } E7  (%G (% ?onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G1.type == 0) { _root.gemF1._y+= _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF1._y >= this._y+55) { _root.gemF1._y=this._y+55; _root.gemF1._name = "gemG1"; _root.G1.type = _root.gemG1.type; _root.F1.type = 0; _root.CL1 = "G" } } F1 (%G(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G5.type == 0) { _root.gemF5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF5._name = "gemG5"; _root.G5.type = _root.gemG5.type; _root.F5.type = 0; _root.CL5 = "G"; } } F5 n(%Gn(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G4.type == 0) { _root.gemF4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF4._name = "gemG4"; _root.G4.type = _root.gemG4.type; _root.F4.type = 0; _root.CL4 = "G"; } } F4 "(%G"(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G3.type == 0) { _root.gemF3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF3._name = "gemG3"; _root.G3.type = _root.gemG3.type; _root.F3.type = 0; _root.CL3 = "G"; } } F3 (%G(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G2.type == 0) { _root.gemF2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF2._name = "gemG2"; _root.G2.type = _root.gemG2.type; _root.F2.type = 0; _root.CL2 = "G"; } } F2 "(%G"(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G6.type == 0) { _root.gemF6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF6._name = "gemG6"; _root.G6.type = _root.gemG6.type; _root.F6.type = 0; _root.CL6 = "G"; } } F6 R&(%GR&(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G7.type == 0) { _root.gemF7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF7._name = "gemG7"; _root.G7.type = _root.gemG7.type; _root.F7.type = 0; _root.CL7 = "G"; } } F7  t)G t) *onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } G1 t)Gt)   this.type0G5 nt)Gnt)   this.type0G4 "t)G"t)   this.type0G3 t)Gt)   this.type0G2 "t)G"t)   this.type0G6 R&t)GR&t)   this.type0G7?  G  tonClipEvent (load) { // every collumn of these blocks are basically the same, except for a change // in the number (A1, A2 ect.) Rows share letters, Collums share numbers. this.type = 0; // each one sets its .type to 0. this will be a // test to see if that block is "filled" or not. } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A1.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA1x", _root.depth); // spawn a temporary copy of that movieclip on the far left of the stage. // This movieclip is the gem movieclip. This clip will do all the moving, so the // controller clips can stay stationary, and make it easier to track what gem is where setProperty (_root.gemA1x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA1x.type; // make the controller.type the same as the gem.type, and the x position the same } if (_root.gemA1x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA1x._y += _root.speed; // make the initial gem fall into place, over top of me. // If its y isnt equal to mine, increment it by the variable speed // ( .speed is set when the movie first starts, on the actions layer) } else { _root.gemA1x._y = this._y; _root.gemA1x._name = "gemA1"; _root.A1.type = _root.gemA1.type; if (_root.CL1 == "B") { _root.CL1 = "A"; } // when the gem is on top of me, Make it an "official" gem. } if (_root.B1.type == 0) { _root.gemA1._y += _root.speed; // if the clip below me ( B1 ) is empty, make me fall down to it. } if (_root.gemA1._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA1._name = "gemB1"; _root.B1.type = _root.gemB1.type; _root.A1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "C") { _root.CL1 = "B"; } // as soon as the gem is on top of B1 (55 pixels down), change its name, reset my type to // zero because I have no gem, and change B1's .type to the same as the gem's } } A1 G #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A5.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA5x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA5x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA5x.type; } if (_root.gemA5x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA5x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA5x._y = this._y; _root.gemA5x._name = "gemA5"; _root.A5.type = _root.gemA5.type; if (_root.CL5 == "B") { _root.CL5 = "A"; } } if (_root.B5.type == 0) { _root.gemA5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA5._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA5._name = "gemB5"; _root.B5.type = _root.gemB5.type; _root.A5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "C") { _root.CL5 = "B"; } } } A5 nGn #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A4.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA4x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA4x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA4x.type; } if (_root.gemA4x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA4x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA4x._y = this._y; _root.gemA4x._name = "gemA4"; _root.A4.type = _root.gemA4.type; if (_root.CL4 == "B") { _root.CL4 = "A"; } } if (_root.B4.type == 0) { _root.gemA4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA4._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA4._name = "gemB4"; _root.B4.type = _root.gemB4.type; _root.A4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "C") { _root.CL4 = "B"; } } } A4 "G"  onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A3.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA3x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA3x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA3x.type; } if (_root.gemA3x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA3x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA3x._y = this._y; _root.gemA3x._name = "gemA3"; _root.A3.type = _root.gemA3.type if (_root.CL3 == "B") { _root.CL3 = "A"; } } if (_root.B3.type == 0) { _root.gemA3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA3._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA3._name = "gemB3"; _root.B3.type = _root.gemB3.type; _root.A3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "C") { _root.CL3 = "B"; } } } A3 G #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A2.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA2x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA2x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA2x.type; } if (_root.gemA2x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA2x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA2x._y = this._y; _root.gemA2x._name = "gemA2"; _root.A2.type = _root.gemA2.type; if (_root.CL2 == "B") { _root.CL2 = "A"; } } if (_root.B2.type == 0) { _root.gemA2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA2._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA2._name = "gemB2"; _root.B2.type = _root.gemB2.type; _root.A2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "C") { _root.CL2 = "B"; } } } A2 "G" #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A6.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA6x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA6x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA6x.type; } if (_root.gemA6x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA6x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA6x._y = this._y; _root.gemA6x._name = "gemA6"; _root.A6.type = _root.gemA6.type; if (_root.CL6 == "B") { _root.CL6 = "A"; } } if (_root.B6.type == 0) { _root.gemA6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA6._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA6._name = "gemB6"; _root.B6.type = _root.gemB6.type; _root.A6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "C") { _root.CL6 = "B"; } } } A6 R&GR& #onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.A7.type == 0) { _root.depth += 1; _root.gem.duplicateMovieClip("gemA7x", _root.depth); setProperty (_root.gemA7x, _x, this._x); this.type = _root.gemA7x.type; } if (_root.gemA7x._y+_root.speed>=this._y) { _root.gemA7x._y += _root.speed; } else { _root.gemA7x._y = this._y; _root.gemA7x._name = "gemA7"; _root.A7.type = _root.gemA7.type; if (_root.CL7 == "B") { _root.CL7 = "A"; } } if (_root.B7.type == 0) { _root.gemA7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemA7._y+_root.speed>=this._y+55) { _root.gemA7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemA7._name = "gemB7"; _root.B7.type = _root.gemB7.type; _root.A7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "C") { _root.CL7 = "B"; } } } A7 "G" conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C6.type == 0) { _root.gemB6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB6._name = "gemC6"; _root.C6.type = _root.gemC6.type; _root.B6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "D") { _root.CL6 = "C"; } } } B6 nGn conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C4.type == 0) { _root.gemB4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB4._name = "gemC4"; _root.C4.type = _root.gemC4.type; _root.B4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "D") { _root.CL4 = "C"; } } } B4 "G" conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C3.type == 0) { _root.gemB3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB3._name = "gemC3"; _root.C3.type = _root.gemC3.type; _root.B3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "D") { _root.CL3 = "C"; } } } B3 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C2.type == 0) { _root.gemB2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB2._name = "gemC2"; _root.C2.type = _root.gemC2.type; _root.B2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "D") { _root.CL2 = "C"; } } } B2  G  onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C1.type == 0) { _root.gemB1._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB1._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB1._name = "gemC1"; _root.C1.type = _root.gemC1.type; _root.B1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "D") { _root.CL1 = "C"; } } // And the rest is basically the same as the last line of code above. // I have a feeling that I can do all this a LOT simpler. // I made the infrastructure by copy and pasting all the code into each collumn, // and it seems that I can make al this code modular to fit into one or 2 clips // instead of 49. I'm open to suggestions :P // Thanks a LOT for reading all this. - Slacker } B1 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C5.type == 0) { _root.gemB5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB5._name = "gemC5"; _root.C5.type = _root.gemC5.type; _root.B5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "D") { _root.CL5 = "C"; } } } B5 R&GR& conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.C7.type == 0) { _root.gemB7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemB7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemB7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemB7._name = "gemC7"; _root.C7.type = _root.gemC7.type; _root.B7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "D") { _root.CL7 = "C"; } } } B7  DG D bonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D1.type == 0) { _root.gemC1._y+= _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC1._y >= this._y+55) { _root.gemC1._y=this._y+55; _root.gemC1._name = "gemD1"; _root.D1.type = _root.gemD1.type; _root.C1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "E") { _root.CL1 = "D"; } } } C1 DGD conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D5.type == 0) { _root.gemC5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC5._name = "gemD5"; _root.D5.type = _root.gemD5.type; _root.C5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "E") { _root.CL5 = "D"; } } } C5 nDGnD conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D4.type == 0) { _root.gemC4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC4._name = "gemD4"; _root.D4.type = _root.gemD4.type; _root.C4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "E") { _root.CL4 = "D"; } } } C4 "DG"D conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D3.type == 0) { _root.gemC3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC3._name = "gemD3"; _root.D3.type = _root.gemD3.type; _root.C3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "E") { _root.CL3 = "D"; } } } C3 DGD conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D2.type == 0) { _root.gemC2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC2._name = "gemD2"; _root.D2.type = _root.gemD2.type; _root.C2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "E") { _root.CL2 = "D"; } } } C2 "DG"D conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D6.type == 0) { _root.gemC6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC6._name = "gemD6"; _root.D6.type = _root.gemD6.type; _root.C6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "E") { _root.CL6 = "D"; } } } C6 R&DGR&D conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.D7.type == 0) { _root.gemC7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemC7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemC7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemC7._name = "gemD7"; _root.D7.type = _root.gemD7.type; _root.C7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "E") { _root.CL7 = "D"; } } } C7  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E1.type == 0) { _root.gemD1._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD1._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD1._name = "gemE1"; _root.E1.type = _root.gemE1.type; _root.D1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "F") { _root.CL1 = "E"; } } } D1 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E5.type == 0) { _root.gemD5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD5._name = "gemE5"; _root.E5.type = _root.gemE5.type; _root.D5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "F") { _root.CL5 = "E"; } } } D5 nGn conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E4.type == 0) { _root.gemD4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD4._name = "gemE4"; _root.E4.type = _root.gemE4.type; _root.D4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "F") { _root.CL4 = "E"; } } } D4 "G" eonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E3.type == 0) { _root.gemD3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD3._name = "gemE3"; _root.E3.type = _root.gemE3.type; _root.D3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "F") { _root.CL3 = "E"; } } } D3 G conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E2.type == 0) { _root.gemD2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD2._name = "gemE2"; _root.E2.type = _root.gemE2.type; _root.D2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "F") { _root.CL2 = "E"; } } } D2 "G" conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E6.type == 0) { _root.gemD6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD6._name = "gemE6"; _root.E6.type = _root.gemE6.type; _root.D6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "F") { _root.CL6 = "E"; } } } D6 R&GR& conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.E7.type == 0) { _root.gemD7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemD7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemD7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemD7._name = "gemE7"; _root.E7.type = _root.gemE7.type; _root.D7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "F") { _root.CL7 = "E"; } } } D7  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F1.type == 0) { _root.gemE1._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE1._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE1._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE1._name = "gemF1"; _root.F1.type = _root.gemF1.type; _root.E1.type = 0; if (_root.CL1 == "G") { _root.CL1 = "F"; } } } E1  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F5.type == 0) { _root.gemE5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE5._name = "gemF5"; _root.F5.type = _root.gemF5.type; _root.E5.type = 0; if (_root.CL5 == "G") { _root.CL5 = "F"; } } } E5 n Gn  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F4.type == 0) { _root.gemE4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE4._name = "gemF4"; _root.F4.type = _root.gemF4.type; _root.E4.type = 0; if (_root.CL4 == "G") { _root.CL4 = "F"; } } } E4 " G"  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F3.type == 0) { _root.gemE3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE3._name = "gemF3"; _root.F3.type = _root.gemF3.type; _root.E3.type = 0; if (_root.CL3 == "G") { _root.CL3 = "F"; } } } E3  G  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F2.type == 0) { _root.gemE2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE2._name = "gemF2"; _root.F2.type = _root.gemF2.type; _root.E2.type = 0; if (_root.CL2 == "G") { _root.CL2 = "F"; } } } E2 " G"  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F6.type == 0) { _root.gemE6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE6._name = "gemF6"; _root.F6.type = _root.gemF6.type; _root.E6.type = 0; if (_root.CL6 == "G") { _root.CL6 = "F"; } } } E6 R& GR&  conClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.F7.type == 0) { _root.gemE7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemE7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemE7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemE7._name = "gemF7"; _root.F7.type = _root.gemF7.type; _root.E7.type = 0; if (_root.CL7 == "G") { _root.CL7 = "F"; } } } E7  (%G (% ?onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G1.type == 0) { _root.gemF1._y+= _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF1._y >= this._y+55) { _root.gemF1._y=this._y+55; _root.gemF1._name = "gemG1"; _root.G1.type = _root.gemG1.type; _root.F1.type = 0; _root.CL1 = "G" } } F1 (%G(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G5.type == 0) { _root.gemF5._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF5._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF5._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF5._name = "gemG5"; _root.G5.type = _root.gemG5.type; _root.F5.type = 0; _root.CL5 = "G"; } } F5 n(%Gn(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G4.type == 0) { _root.gemF4._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF4._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF4._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF4._name = "gemG4"; _root.G4.type = _root.gemG4.type; _root.F4.type = 0; _root.CL4 = "G"; } } F4 "(%G"(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G3.type == 0) { _root.gemF3._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF3._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF3._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF3._name = "gemG3"; _root.G3.type = _root.gemG3.type; _root.F3.type = 0; _root.CL3 = "G"; } } F3 (%G(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G2.type == 0) { _root.gemF2._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF2._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF2._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF2._name = "gemG2"; _root.G2.type = _root.gemG2.type; _root.F2.type = 0; _root.CL2 = "G"; } } F2 "(%G"(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G6.type == 0) { _root.gemF6._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF6._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF6._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF6._name = "gemG6"; _root.G6.type = _root.gemG6.type; _root.F6.type = 0; _root.CL6 = "G"; } } F6 R&(%GR&(% BonClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.G7.type == 0) { _root.gemF7._y += _root.speed; } if (_root.gemF7._y>=this._y+55) { _root.gemF7._y = this._y+55; _root.gemF7._name = "gemG7"; _root.G7.type = _root.gemG7.type; _root.F7.type = 0; _root.CL7 = "G"; } } F7  t)G t) *onClipEvent (load) { this.type = 0; } G1 t)Gt)   this.type0G5 nt)Gnt)   this.type0G4 "t)G"t)   this.type0G3 t)Gt)   this.type0G2 "t)G"t)   this.type0G6 R&t)GR&t)   this.type0G7 CPicButtonG _root.selection != 1_root.selection1A5_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "B5" or _root.selection1 == "A4" or _root.selection1 == "A6"_root.selection2A5_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGn _root.selection != 1_root.selection1A4_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "B4" or _root.selection1 == "A3" or _root.selection1 == "A5"_root.selection2A4_root.selection04_root[selection1]._alpha100_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG" _root.selection != 1_root.selection1A3_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "B3" or _root.selection1 == "A2" or _root.selection1 == "A4"_root.selection2A3_root.selection04_root[selection1]._alpha100_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG _root.selection != 1_root.selection1A2_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "B2" or _root.selection1 == "A1" or _root.selection1 == "A3"_root.selection2A2_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG" _root.selection != 1_root.selection1A6_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "B6" or _root.selection1 == "A5" or _root.selection1 == "A7"_root.selection2A6_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004)%_root[selection1].high.gotoAndStop(1)_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGS& _root.selection != 1_root.selection1A7_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha504_root.selection1 == "B7" or _root.selection1 == "A6"_root.selection2A7_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG _root.selection != 1_root.selection1B2_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "C2" or _root.selection1 == "B1" or _root.selection1 == "B3" or _root.selection1 == "A2"_root.selection2B2_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGHon (release) { if (_root.selection != 1) { _root.selection1 = "C2"; _root.selection = 1; _root[selection1]._alpha = 50; } else { if (_root.selection1 == "D2" or _root.selection1 == "C1" or _root.selection1 == "C3" or _root.selection1 == "B2") { _root.selection2 = "C2"; _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; gotoAndStop (4); } else { _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; } } } uG _root.selection != 1_root.selection1D2_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "E2" or _root.selection1 == "D1" or _root.selection1 == "D3" or _root.selection1 == "C2"_root.selection2D2_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1E2_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "F2" or _root.selection1 == "E1" or _root.selection1 == "E3" or _root.selection1 == "D2"_root.selection2E2_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG2% _root.selection != 1_root.selection1F2_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "G2" or _root.selection1 == "F1" or _root.selection1 == "F3" or _root.selection1 == "E2"_root.selection2F2_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 u )on (release) { if (_root.selection != 1) { _root.selection1 = "G1"; _root.selection = 1; _root[selection1]._alpha = 50; } else { if (_root.selection1 == "G2" or _root.selection1 == "F1") { _root.selection2 = "G1"; _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; gotoAndStop (4); } else { _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; } } } u  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1A1_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha504_root.selection1 == "B1" or _root.selection1 == "A2"_root.selection2A1_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 u~) _root.selection != 1_root.selection1G2_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "F2" or _root.selection1 == "G1" or _root.selection1 == "G3"_root.selection2G2_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG B _root.selection != 1_root.selection1C1_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "D1" or _root.selection1 == "C2" or _root.selection1 == "B1"_root.selection2C1_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1D1_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "E1" or _root.selection1 == "D2" or _root.selection1 == "C1"_root.selection2D1_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1E1_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "F1" or _root.selection1 == "E2" or _root.selection1 == "D1"_root.selection2E1_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG &% _root.selection != 1_root.selection1F1_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "G1" or _root.selection1 == "F2" or _root.selection1 == "E1"_root.selection2F1_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1B1_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "C1" or _root.selection1 == "B2" or _root.selection1 == "A1"_root.selection2B1_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG"on (release) { if (_root.selection != 1) { _root.selection1 = "B3"; _root.selection = 1; _root[selection1]._alpha = 50; } else { if (_root.selection1 == "C3" or _root.selection1 == "B2" or _root.selection1 == "B4" or _root.selection1 == "A3") { _root.selection2 = "B3"; _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; gotoAndStop (4); } else { _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; } } } uG"Fon (release) { if (_root.selection != 1) { _root.selection1 = "C3"; _root.selection = 1; _root[selection1]._alpha = 50; } else { if (_root.selection1 == "D3" or _root.selection1 == "C2" or _root.selection1 == "C4" or _root.selection1 == "B3") { _root.selection2 = "C3"; _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; gotoAndStop (4); } else { _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; } } } uG" _root.selection != 1_root.selection1D3_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "C3" or _root.selection1 == "D2" or _root.selection1 == "D4" or _root.selection1 == "E3"_root.selection2D3_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG"  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1E3_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "D3" or _root.selection1 == "E2" or _root.selection1 == "E4" or _root.selection1 == "F3"_root.selection2E3_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG"0% _root.selection != 1_root.selection1F3_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "G3" or _root.selection1 == "F2" or _root.selection1 == "F4" or _root.selection1 == "E3"_root.selection2F3_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 u"|) _root.selection != 1_root.selection1G3_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "F3" or _root.selection1 == "G2" or _root.selection1 == "G4"_root.selection2G3_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGnon (release) { if (_root.selection != 1) { _root.selection1 = "B4"; _root.selection = 1; _root[selection1]._alpha = 50; } else { if (_root.selection1 == "C4" or _root.selection1 == "B3" or _root.selection1 == "B5" or _root.selection1 == "A4") { _root.selection2 = "B4"; _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; gotoAndStop (4); } else { _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; } } } uGnF _root.selection != 1_root.selection1C4_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "D4" or _root.selection1 == "C3" or _root.selection1 == "C5" or _root.selection1 == "B4"_root.selection2C4_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGn _root.selection != 1_root.selection1D4_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "C4" or _root.selection1 == "D3" or _root.selection1 == "D5" or _root.selection1 == "E4"_root.selection2D4_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGn  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1E4_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "D4" or _root.selection1 == "E3" or _root.selection1 == "E5" or _root.selection1 == "F4"_root.selection2E4_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGn0% _root.selection != 1_root.selection1F4_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "G4" or _root.selection1 == "F3" or _root.selection1 == "F5" or _root.selection1 == "E4"_root.selection2F4_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 un|) _root.selection != 1_root.selection1G4_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "F4" or _root.selection1 == "G3" or _root.selection1 == "G5"_root.selection2G4_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG _root.selection != 1_root.selection1B5_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "C5" or _root.selection1 == "B4" or _root.selection1 == "B6" or _root.selection1 == "A5"_root.selection2B5_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGD _root.selection != 1_root.selection1C5_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "D5" or _root.selection1 == "C4" or _root.selection1 == "C6" or _root.selection1 == "B5"_root.selection2C5_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG _root.selection != 1_root.selection1D5_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "C5" or _root.selection1 == "D4" or _root.selection1 == "D6" or _root.selection1 == "E5"_root.selection2D5_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1E5_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "D5" or _root.selection1 == "E4" or _root.selection1 == "E6" or _root.selection1 == "F5"_root.selection2E5_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG.% _root.selection != 1_root.selection1F5_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "G5" or _root.selection1 == "F4" or _root.selection1 == "F6" or _root.selection1 == "E5"_root.selection2F5_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uz) _root.selection != 1_root.selection1G5_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "F5" or _root.selection1 == "G4" or _root.selection1 == "G6"_root.selection2G5_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG"on (release) { if (_root.selection != 1) { _root.selection1 = "B6"; _root.selection = 1; _root[selection1]._alpha = 50; } else { if (_root.selection1 == "C6" or _root.selection1 == "B5" or _root.selection1 == "B7" or _root.selection1 == "A6") { _root.selection2 = "B6"; _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; gotoAndStop (4); } else { _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; } } } uG"D _root.selection != 1_root.selection1C6_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "D6" or _root.selection1 == "C5" or _root.selection1 == "C7" or _root.selection1 == "B6"_root.selection2C6_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG" _root.selection != 1_root.selection1D6_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "C6" or _root.selection1 == "D5" or _root.selection1 == "D7" or _root.selection1 == "E6"_root.selection2D6_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG"  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1E6_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "D6" or _root.selection1 == "E5" or _root.selection1 == "E7" or _root.selection1 == "F6"_root.selection2E6_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uG".% _root.selection != 1_root.selection1F6_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50l_root.selection1 == "G6" or _root.selection1 == "F5" or _root.selection1 == "F7" or _root.selection1 == "E6"_root.selection2F6_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 u"z) _root.selection != 1_root.selection1G6_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "F6" or _root.selection1 == "G5" or _root.selection1 == "G7"_root.selection2G6_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGR&on (release) { if (_root.selection != 1) { _root.selection1 = "B7"; _root.selection = 1; _root[selection1]._alpha = 50; } else { if (_root.selection1 == "C7" or _root.selection1 == "B6" or _root.selection1 == "A7") { _root.selection2 = "B7"; _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; gotoAndStop (4); } else { _root.selection = 0; _root[selection1]._alpha = 100; } } } uGR&B _root.selection != 1_root.selection1C7_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50Q_root.selection1 == "B7" or _root.selection1 == "C6" or _root.selection1 == "D7"_root.selection2C7_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGR& _root.selection != 1_root.selection1D7_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "C7" or _root.selection1 == "D6" or _root.selection1 == "E7"_root.selection2D7_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGR&  _root.selection != 1_root.selection1E7_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "D7" or _root.selection1 == "E6" or _root.selection1 == "F7"_root.selection2E7_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uGR&,% _root.selection != 1_root.selection1F7_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha50P_root.selection1 == "E7" or _root.selection1 == "F6" or _root.selection1 == "G7"_root.selection2F7_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 uR&x) _root.selection != 1_root.selection1G7_root.selection1_root[selection1]._alpha504_root.selection1 == "F7" or _root.selection1 == "G6"_root.selection2G7_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha1004_root.selection0_root[selection1]._alpha100 fJXp ݀?OverlayOCPicTextQ' _root.show  Arial Black"(_root.score (,dD0>4t4;0& 4St4;;v04S4;v04?Layer 11OO k&xxk&onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.CL1 == "A" && _root.CL2 == "A" && _root.CL3 == "A" && _root.CL4 == "A" && _root.CL4 == "A" && _root.CL5 == "A" && _root.CL6 == "A" && _root.CL7 == "A") { _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } yipee??Layer 9O w/!>%w/!%onClipEvent (load) { _root.score = 0 _root.multiplier = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.show = _root.score + _root.multiplier if ((_root.score/500)*100 >= 100){ _root.score = 0 _root.multiplier += 500; _root.bonus += 1 _root["bonus"+_root.bonus]._visible = true } } meter y/ y/ onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bonus >= 3) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } bonus3 y/ry/ronClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bonus >= 2) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false } bonus2 y/y/ _root.bonus >= 1 this._visibletrue this._visiblefalse  this._visiblefalsebonus1 y/ y/ onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bonus >= 4) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } bonus4?Layer 10OO?,_root.name = 0; _root.speed = 20; stop()  .gg.Q point _root.scoresPrefixABCDEFG,cChar=0cCharGems< Stizufzor<"PublishQTProperties::QTSndSettingsCQTAudioSettingsL