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*currently out of order* Version 2.0

2003'8'6 ++ posted by Tapion
Yeah, well, as you can see by the title, there's another staff member here at DBGT, and that's me. I'm known as Tapion (not from, or any other site), and I'll be doing random stuff such as information, reviews, editorials, and about anything else you can think of that has to do with writing. I might also do something else, depending on how much time I have. Well, sorry I can't say more, but I've got to get going now.


*By the way, thanks for hiring me MajinGohan!* ^_^

2003'8'5 ++ posted by JamJar
Hello people, for the last couple f days I have been working really hard on updating the multimedia galley. And now I have just uploaded it to a very fast brand new server, provided by an excellent reliable hosting company called HostVelocity. Below is a list of what I have done with the gallery.
+ Made a new faster loading layout
+ Made clearer faster loading thumbnails
+ Tidyed up the video clips section
+ Enabled media streaming
+ Fixed all the colouring book images and added some new ones.
+ Made everything more user friendly.

I really hope everyone likes what I have done, I would like to hear what you think, so e-mail me if you wish. Have fun and be sure to regularly visist the gallery.


I will try and get majin gohan to change the links to the gallery in the multimedia section and arround the site.

DBGT Informative Content Added
2003'8'2 ++ posted by Majin Gohan
Hey everyone, I've just added SoulTaker's latest information piece to the DBGT information section. Its a argumental page that is much speculated upon. Of whether a Super Saiyan 4 is really a Super Saiyan Transformation or an Oozaru Transformation because of the look. Soultaker explains both sides of the story in this piece. If your interested, take a look and read about it // Thats it for now, tommarow I think I'm going to add some FanFics /// MG Out...

*SSJ4 - Super Saiyan or Oozaru Transformation?

10 New Avatars!
2003'8'1 ++ posted by Majin Gohan
Hey everyone, quick content update today. I've added a new page to the Free Stuff section, which consists of free avatars. For now we have 10 free avatars courteousy of Valix. So if you need a new avatar or wanna check out the ones we have, stroll on over to our Miscellaneous section and check it out. More content to come later, but thats it for now /// MG Out...

*Free Avatars

Gallery Down Temporarily
2003'7'30 ++ posted by Majin Gohan
Hey everyone, because of a high server load, we've had to take down the gallery for about a day or two. So its under control and it'll be back really soon, with lots of new video clips JamJar has been itching to put up.

In other news, we recently got a new affiliation, DaBlackKrillin, whose site is very slick and impressive, an old friend of mine, go and check'em out. I'm also hoping to have some content today or tommarow, thats it for now /// MG Out...

Sorry for the delay
2003'7'29 ++ posted by Mystic Gojita
Sup ya,ll. Sorry about the drought of DBNG. Truth is that I haven't even started on episode 7... but I have an explanation. Over the last 3 weeks I've EXTREMELY busy. I've only been home for ,like, a day/
So anyway I promise to get to work on it ASAP. Also, NG is fixin' to get real exitin'

Mystic Gojita

P.S. Awsome job on the new Fan Fics to both of the new wrighters.

An Update
2003'7'29 ++ posted by JamJar
Hey people, sorry I havnt posted for some time, I have been very busy with some web design things lately. I'm sorry the gallery has been so slow lately, hopefully we will be moving to a faster web server soon. And may even be getting a new layout for gallery. As of today I am officially releasing reverbe, everything is complete on the website, feel free to sign up. Thank you, those people who have already signed up. If anyone has any requests for the gallery, I'm sure I'll be happy to put them up. When we do move to the new server, I have lots of video clips to put up.

He Is Back Finally
2003'7'27 ++ posted by Valix
Well let me see here hmmm where to start ok I know where, This is channel DBGT news here covering the story of the century....Valix is finally gonna do some stuff for the free section of DBGT that includes like twenty free avatars and some tutorials that will be done by today for photoshop starting from basic to advance level for you webbie guys out there. I may even toss some fireworks tutorials as well. That is all for today till the next...walks away into the shadows of DBGT.

Two New Fan Fics Added
2003'7'27 ++ posted by Majin Gohan
Hey everyone, I put up two Fan Fics that I had been holding onto for a while, just hadn't time to put up. One fanfic is a series with one episode so far called Dragon Ball Millenia, probably more to come soon. And the second fanfic is considered a DBZ Movie about a "Majin Dragon Ball". Both are very well written and have interesting plots. So if your looking to read some Fan Written stories about DB, check out those two fanfics. Thats it for now, I'll add some more stuff tommarow /// MG Out...

*The Majin Dragon Ball Movie
*Dragon Ball Millenia

New FanArt and Anime News Setup
2003'7'26 ++ posted by Majin Gohan
Hey everyone, first of all, I was busy today, so I only have a small update for now. I added two new pieces of Fanart. One of Majin Buu and one of SSJ2 Gohan, so go check those out in the Fan Feed Section.

About the Anime News Update, that section is almost underway once again. I just wanted to inform those that ffx shan hired that I will have your accounts setup tommarow. So that means, the Anime News Section should be underway once again either tommarow, or the day after. Thats it for now, tommarow I'm gonna try to add some Fan Fictions that I've been holding onto for a while /// MG Out...

*Majin Buu Fanart
*Gohan Fanart

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Website Bio:
Layout Revision: 04/18/03
Site Creation: -'97
Webmaster: Majin Gohan
Founded By: Ruben Rodas
Site Layout Copyright: Pgd
Live Stats: 7 users online

Site News: The Site is moving along and growing gradually, it may be slow, but we are moving at a good steady pace so this site can regain the calibur it once had. We currently have an excellent staff who is bringing you lots of original information and interaction on the site. We're also constantly working on having media up, and having it stay up for as long as possible / Keep Visitng /

Majin Gohan is getting busier by the day with life among other things. But still has love for the site and Dragon Ball in general. He tries his hardest to keep the site organized and going.

Donate: Running the site is getting harder and harder because of the server costs, which are well over $100. Since we need a really good server to suit DBGT's needs and to give a pleasant time for you the fans, it could be made easier however through donations. So if you got a couple extra bucks lying around or just want to help us out, please donate to the site using the paypal button below / Thank You All! /
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