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After me.
accidental mirror (watch)
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Angie Potter's Fiction
Monday, September 11, 2006
Super Magnificent Presentation!!!
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Hot Stuff
Topic: After me.
I've just made myself a little bit more vulnerable to being known by possible stalkers with the creation of my brand new super cool fresh-ouuta-the-oven direct website! is the place where your dreams come true! Just like DisneyLand is a place only hated by those socially rejected, made by the socially rejected! Come join this so far free adventure before I buy me a new videocam and start posting videoblogs. has it all, from your average Joe comments on about anything, to links to sites that will blow your mind. The Rolling Stones magazine simply said: "Astonishing, best empty blog of my life!". Time Magazine declared: "Hold on to your mice for a cyber-journey you won't forget", and a guy walking on the street said: "What! Stop following me!!". My family went with a "no comments" sure but clean neutral-as-switzerland note.
Yes! Angie's back, and back for good. Critics say she's alredy earned the title of "most likely to succeed in America's junk TV".
Let's face it, people just love me.
Good night, and don't let the cooties get you.

P.S.: Happy 9/11 conmemorations. Don't watch more than 10 minutes of TV if you want to avoid the tears.

Da writin wuz made by comics/angiepotter at 2:55 PM ADT
Updated: Monday, September 11, 2006 4:03 PM ADT
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Saturday, September 2, 2006

layin next to my laptop chillin with my boooo

Da writin wuz made by comics/angiepotter at 1:34 AM ADT
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
´._.` What about!
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Amerika. When it ends, I`ll start writting, and put a.f.i. Nah, I put Judith.
Topic: After me.
((You have done great things on the world. You turned white into black and the desire of black in such a white it blinds me.))

There are no angels on heaven anymore. The second I´ll die, I will break inside: no more angie, no more soul. There will be no light in the end of the tunnel, nothing beyond the pain. The cold dust will gather in the stopped red traffic of my veins, light will run away, thieves will dance over my grave, dancing with my bones, in such that will never end in the delicate kiss of the living. And so children will step on my dust, washing it from their hands before touching the white roses, so they wont stain. There will be no angels singing my death, just rats celebrating the paleness of my tasty flesh. No sorrowed souls upon what I was. No thoughts for the brilliant colors I once could see: just grays for myself: either way I won´t see. I wont touch carelessly till the end of the eternity, you wont find me in myself: no more truths, nor lies; no one expecting nothing more from me... It´s not what I wanted but it is what I´ve becomed. And everything I hold inside, will be nothing but my last breath, the one you couldn`t hear. Go find your will to forget me.

Da writin wuz made by comics/angiepotter at 3:58 PM MNT
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
It doesn´t bother me.
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: echoes of Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rythm of the Wardrums.
Today my will took a different direction. Why is it running away? She finally´s got to accept something: she´s afraid. In the only matter where she was confident in a decent level, she found a flaw. Just today. Tomorrow, when I wake up, it all is gonna be as it was before (as I masterized the art of reconstructing myself to the happiness point over and over), and I´ll barely remember this feeling: at least in conscience.
What is this about? I might never tell if I´m not asked. And I´m also afraid of being asked. ...I was going to keep on manifesting fear but all of a sudden Vash came back n I forgot what I was sayin, in a very appropiate time to tell my will to go to sleep and bringin baby angie back to her place as the master of my soul. Here she is, the pretty smile, the big bright funny eyes, the wiggling fingers n toes. Ma will will have to wait. Go back ta sleep.

Da writin wuz made by comics/angiepotter at 10:23 PM MNT
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Baby ng
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: apc. it´s apc month.
*yawn* Little angie is so tired.She´s listening to this song I know she loves. Inside she crawls to a cozy corner of my self n sleeps deeply and happy. She is one great kid, she works hard every single day to stay innocent, to stay pure and happy, and to make others happy. I recognize it, I owe her too much, and so do you. She hates no one, she trusts the ones I told her to, she can get deeply injured, but she heals herself, and heals me, and -very impressively- she heals everyone else around. I, i do some other things that are quite amazing as well. I am the one craddeling her in my arms, I take care of her, I am the one that stands being an adult just to keep her safe, I love her. I also teach her as much as I´m able to, I am the one who feels when you can´t sleep and awakes in the middle of the night just to think pretty things of you so you feel right again and go back to sleep. I am the one who sees you with your eyes wide open in the dark and holds you. I am the one standing the lies: the "you don´t see me". She giggles, I smile. Sleep well child of mine.

Da writin wuz made by comics/angiepotter at 11:17 PM MNT
Updated: Tuesday, January 4, 2005 11:26 PM MNT
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Monday, January 3, 2005
Honestly, ...
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Pet. APC
I might be lonely, but I´m not alone. I have you all... I´ve got all of my shaddows, n the characters from my songs. The lonesome, the owned: the isolated child with whole black eyes. Walkin away from me, n he turns his head and smiles. This is not a recent thing. I´ve been like this all along. -Angelica, your aunt is a very lucky woman: She has two lives: the life she´s living now, and the life she lives in her stories- said this woman to her daughter in the movie The Hours. She was talking about me, indirectly. Very few times I say what I am thinking. Very few indeed. That´s why you find me incoherent, numb, ...away. I have more important things to do, since I discovered that in this life, no one realises if I´m saying what I´m thinking or not: nobody cares.
But I´ve said the truth. I´ve said "I love you". I´ve said: "I don`t care at all". I´ve lied to you, but never to myself. This doesn´t mean everything I say is a lie. I hate to deceive people. If this I am saying makes you feel insecure, my love, don´t expect trust in exchange. You can know I´m telling the truth by hearing me say your name before what i told. This is a constant. That is why i love to hear my name before an expression -ow, angie, you rule-. I am telling you the truth if i speak long and you get lost in what i say, until it stops making sense. I am telling the truth when someone I sympathize with asks me something existencial: I love answering these things. I answer with the truth everytime you ask me directly about myself. And most of all, I answer with the truth, when you do want me to tell it... And if someday you act as if you understand my other worlds and want to be a part of my stories just to have my attention all the time, trust me, ...i will be truth even with the ways I move for you.

Da writin wuz made by comics/angiepotter at 10:48 PM MNT
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tres libras
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: 3 Libras. A Perfect Circle.
Topic: accidental mirror (watch)
.--.-.-.`...Threw you thw obvious and you flew -(A name in your reciollecion: down among a million same)...Difficult not to feel a little bit dissapointed and cast over. I see you naked but oblivious. and you... ú_ù. i threw you the obvious just to see if theres more (behind the eeeyes of a fallen angel) eyes of a -tragedy- n here i am expecting just a little bit : too much from the ...wounded... but i see through -see through- it all.... see ¡¡you!! cause i threeeew you the obvious to seeeee what occurs behind the eeeeyes of a - fallen angel, eeeeyes of a ^tragedy^. ;_; ow well y_y (ow well) aprently nothing.... aparently nothing (at all).... >_< !!! you dont you dont YOU DONT SEE ME!! YOU DONT YOU DONT SEE ME!!! YOU DONT you dont YOU DONT SEE ME... you dont see me.... you doooooooooooont see me. yooooooou doooont. youoooou dont. you dont see me at aaaaaall.

Da writin wuz made by comics/angiepotter at 12:01 AM MNT
Updated: Tuesday, January 4, 2005 10:43 PM MNT
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Mood:  rushed
Angie Vs. Vasha Birbalama the workshiped!
This is a questionary answered by Angie and Vasha. It´s fun, long, messy, n it comPLETELY RULEZ!!

1. Qué hora es?:Son las 3 y meya/ TIme for revolution!

2. Nombre:Angie Corina Potter NGP15/ Herr_Cobblermachen

3.Cantidad de velas que aparecieron en tu ultima torta de cumpleaños: 16...Creo, recuerdo las 15, las 16 just fade away/ lol, 11 probably.

4. tu cumpleaños es: el dia en que nací/ dec 7th, 1941...its march 23.

5. Religión: Mezcla de una bola de filosofias/ 7th day adventist.

6. Lloras?: Aye aye, chotes!/ Absolutely.

7. Quisiste tanto a alguien como para llorar: Righto, righto./ Of Course!

8. Estuviste en un choque de autos?: Nopez./ Never Have.

9. como andas vestid@? Short de jean, camiseta negra/ Surplus navy pants, and a white shirt. No shoes! *wiggles toes*.

10. Auto de 2 o 4 puertas?: 5, para la maleta.../ 2 door u_u

11 Sprite o Seven up? : Sprite Up/ Neither, I´m a juiceman.

12. cerveza o vino? Ninguna, puaghy!/ Wine :P : I dont drink enough to know, Ive had mostly vodka. well.. hmm.. i have had a few beers i suppose, lotsa smirnof and jackdaniels.

13. Café o té?: Te en un coso coso japonés/ teeeeeeea.

14. Sabor de helado?: Todos =P.../ :D cookie dough.

15. Sabanas lisas o con animalitos?: ...realmente importa?!/ hmm.. my covers are strange... they are like wool but made out of cotton that has lots of little green fuzz balls that get all over my clothes.

16. Lugar para que te besen?: jajajaj, up to lover to find out!! /Hmm... neck or ear.

17.Canción que estas escuchando en este momento?: La de Bob Esponja. En serio, lo juro./ Local H - Copacetic.

18. Flor: Roooosas!/ hmmm Maple Leaf, like canada. Sunflowers.

19. Tema de conversación más detestado: Ninguno, hablo mucho y de todo./ hmmm... ex's and breakups.

20. LA Gaseosa, con o sin hielo?: Con yelo. Pero poco./ :P Depends on the soda

21.Disney o Warner Brothers?: Ambos. A angie gustar movies!/ wb blew the socks of disney a long time ago.

22. Restaurante de comida rápida: Este... perrocalenteros en franquicia. Chipi´s./ Truckstop (subway when fast food)

23. Ultima visita a un hospital?: Pa hacer una entrevista a una ginecologa sobre la tesis/ About 2 months ago, wombat was sick.

24. De que color es la alfombra o piso de tu dormitorio?: Piso friiiio color beige./ Blue.

25. Cómo llamabas a tu osito de dormir?: Theille Daniel/ Tarwin.

26. Dónde te ves en 10 años?: En Inglaterra!!/ Dead, hopefully.

27. De que persona recibiste el e-mail ?: El blog de Hernán el novio de Valentina/ Angie.

28. Cual de tus amigos vive mas lejos?: Jason en Inglaterra y Vasha en Carolina del Norte/ Ishtar.

29. Lo mejor: Estar con quien amo/ My best friends.

30. Quien piensas que te responderá este e-mail mas rápidamente?: Que email??

31.mascotas?: Vinicio el pez, Tie, agh, un montón./ Nope.

32. Mejores amigos: Vasha, Rzl, Jason, Miguel, Leo/ YOU (angie), ishtarchan, karen & alexis still y_y, jeff & brad & anthony, mike, rachel from college, batman!

33. Qué cambiarías de tu vida?: La dependencia y las distancias que lo screwean todo./ umm.. maybe that im not married or something, i dunno, I dont have too many regrets.

34. te ha faltado algo?: Coraje, fluidez de expresión y algo mas de independencia./ yeah! i miss my friends! I wish i could hear from them regularly.

35. Cuantos timbrazos antes de atender el teléfono ? Ninguno preferiblemente./ I usually dont asnwer the phone, maybe on the second call on the 4th ring

36.Video preferido: Wa! Lo ke sea weno de lo nuevo./Anime: Ghost in the Shell / Macross Plus. War: Stalingrad / Das Boot / The Longest Day. Standard Movies: Dark City / Butterfly Effect / Plesantville

37. CD favorito: RzL Px AP15/ The Offspring: Ignition, love every song all the way through.

38. Lo primero que piensas en la mañana cuando despiertas: Lo que representa la almohada lateral, Dios y lo que soñé./ Where is she?

39. Tormentas te gustan o te asustan:Me gustan, y la lluvia, y algun cozy place de donde disfrutarla./ theres nothing like a nice romantic storm...

40. Si pudieras ser otra persona, quien serias?: Nadie, sería yo. Permanentemente, solo quiero ser yo, ahora, si pudiera cambiar de cuerpo de vez en cuando poseyera unas cuantas peoples...:D/ someone who looked better and lived and died doing what they believed in.

41. Algo que tienes puesto siempre y no te lo quitas: El anillo. Nunca me lo quito excepto para bañarme por que me arranca el cabello cuando me estoy echando el shampoo, pero por lo demas, mister ringer siempre esta quietito en mi pulgar./all my bracelets, and my boots. oh! bedroom shoes!

42. Que hay debajo de tu cama?: El piso, un conejo de polvo, los zapatos que me puse ayer que no se como terminan ahi... el comostro, boh!/ Papers, ammunition, shoes, boxes of papers, speakers...

43 .¿CUAL ES EL AUTO DE TUS SUEÑOS?: Uno lindo, rapido, super nwevecito, todo gadgy, edgy, groovy, u know.../ 69 Camero =D

44. Algo a la persona que te mando este mail: ni lo conozco, pero que viva El Mono que Mas Muerde!!/ tvb! (ti voglio bene!)

45. Quien te gustaría que la responda: nadie, esto es un blog....

46. Que le dirías a alguien y no te animas?: *hacés el amor con cara de empleado* XDXDXDXDXD- no dudes, eso es de una peli argentina!... que le diría? Muchas cosas a mucha gente, no me gusta hablarles por que no me escuchan. / Why have you left me for so long?

47. Colores preferidos: Negro, fuchsia con negro, rojo, morado y azul./ greeeeeen! black

48. Palabras que más dices: m?, ah, seh..., yiah, weh, ...teóricamente, na./ "absofuckinlutely" or "infuckingcredible". real answer: hmmm... i don´t know.

49. Comida preferida: arepa!!! con diablito./ lasagna!

50. Es tu sueño casarte?: noh! Pero seria lindo. Es mi sueño tener y formar una familia feliz y unida. Apuesto que es nadie lo sabia. Cuerda de ignorantes./ no, just to be able to make someone happy and to find someone who accepts me for me and ill be quiet

51. beso a la primera: no sé, nunca me ha pasado algo como una primera cita... /yeah, and doesnt have to be a date.

52.-con lengua o sin lengua?: Supongo que depende de la persona y el estilacho, y todo aquello. /without usually bc its soo romantic.

53.- prefieres noviazgo o free: noviazgo, de un free no obtengo nada ni doy nada, sino saliva./ frees, relationships where people are natural and cool, not worried so much, not stressed and just enjoy being together.

54.- que es para ti la vida?: El cuanto mas fino que puedo escribir, mi mayor oportunidad de dar./ a game of it trying to get me to kill myself

55.- Canción favorita?: The Nurse Who Loved Me the APC, y eso tampoco lo sabia nadie, coman tierra mocosines!/ probably Siouxsie - The Passenger, Offsprings - No Hero/ the Children arent alright, Kansas - Dust in the Wind.

53.- tienes un ángel?: Si, un angel, Dios, y muchos amiguitos imaginarios, incluyendo the crew/ yup, we all do.

54- Momento más triste de tu vida:...No se lo voy a contar a un blog!... pero dwele. /when my friends left me u_u

55.- Beso o algo mas?: :s a quien? por que?!/sweet sex is nice but it doesnt have to be all out sex.

57.- momento más humillante?: mitad de mi vida. no jodaz, por eso detesto el sistema./ not going there.

57.- persona mas loca que conoces: ...Yo misma. Soy lo mas retorcido que hay, pero es de una manera tan encantadora, que te deja frio, te derrite y te llega a gustar tanto que piensas que puedes dejarlo pero al cabo de un tiempo te das cuenta que no, que ya estas demasiado adentro como para salir... pero ya no quieres salirte, verdad?/ I would have to say anthony.

58.- Que buscas en el sexo opuesto: :S no busco nada, pero espero encontrar cosas buenas!/ crazzzineesss, sense of adventure, a mental challange, a very compassionate heart, bilingualism, culture!, common knowledge, understanding, reserve and unreserve.

59.- Que fobias tienes: Una baja a los insectitos y ptra baja a la locura./old age! the ocean!, flat land, the city!

60. - Qué piensas de la muerte: Es algo natural./ come get me you bastard! before i get too old.

61.-Te ha gustado algun/a amigo/a tuyo/a: oooh dear, oh dear. ow./absolutely. toooo many times.

62.-Tiempo que tardas en arreglarte: para la escuela, 40 minutos, para salir, 1 hora, para ocasiones especiales, lo que sea necesario. Si me apuran: 15 minutos./ about ninety minutes.

63.- REVISTA FAVORITA: definitivamente pana este es un cuetionario de carajitas de 15 años que quieren "conocerce en entre si" (eso lo puso hernan, pero usemos este flaw en mi personalidad pa copiarlo en su mera mera cara y decir lo mismo)/ Shotgun News.

64.- LE DARIAS UN BESO APASIONADO A LA PERSONA QUE TE ENVIO ESTE "CORREO"?: nenena me saca las entrañas por los poros y me succiona el cerebro con retorcida fascinación si llegara a pensarlo siquiera./ passionately? absolutely ;) (angie giggles) ;)

65.- Qué estación del año te gusta más? Parque Cristal que es la que ta cerca de mi apartamentillo, y... otoño./ 93.3 the planet playing your favourite hits radio station :p

66.-A qué lugar irías de vacaciones?: A todos!!/ margarita island.

67.-Te irías a vivir a otro país?: La unica manera de que responda con un no a esta pregunta es si la replanteamos a "eres un total fracasado que piensa vivir en este pais tercermundista toda su vida????"/ yes, my own.

68.- Quién no te ha fallado nunca?: ....uhr, yo misma nunca me he fallado, vasha tampoco... no espero que nadie me falle nunca excepto yo misma!!/ ol'anthony i believe.

69.- Frío o Calor: frio, frio, frio, sweet swell lovely cold que se arregla rapidín./ cooold, but doin some hot stuff.

70.- Carta o mail: cartas, way more romanticas, lindas, guardables, finas, rompibles y quemables si no la querias ver, finas para mostrarselas a tus niños y para anexarla a tu autobiografia./ its not how its written its who writes it :p

71.- Que te pone de buenas? yo misma, cuando estoy de buen humor y motivada./mmmm a soft slow kiss.

72.- Caricatura favorita: Los padrinos mágicos, y las que yo hago n_____n/ Aqua teen hunger force!

73.-Equipo de fútbol favorito: (Aqui voy a poner lo que dar diga) Okland Raiders/ Okland Raiders.

75. Programa de TV favorito?: Los de obstetricia y cuidado neonatal e infantil en Discovery Health, angie ama osh bebés/ futurama.. married w/ children.

76.-Juego de mesa favorito: Monopolio, Mancala, cartas, uno, Scrabble, me gustan todos./ electronic battleship!!

78.- El peor sentimiento del mundo: X( la indiferencia! la odio!!!/ getting turned down or chewed out.

79.El mejor sentimiento del mundo: que clase de pregunta es esa?! el amor, duh, el amor no importa que duela, por que cuando duele, duele compleeeeto y llena, por que esta motivado y todo eso. no es que me guste sufrir por amor, pero el punto es que por todos lados, se siente con mucha intensidad./ mmmmm... laying in someones bed with them, without an ounce of sleep at 4am, looking out of the blinds together at the light coming in from streetlamps.

80.- Futuro nombre de tu hijo: Donovan n_n, o nombres que piense con mi husband que a ambos nos guste./Dietrich, Jebidiah, Dashka, Dmitri.

81.-Futuro nombre de tu hija: Uno precioso como el mio./dashka, hannah, ludmilla, enchançe, mmm.. ive not thought of such things in quite some time.

83.- Una almohada o dos: Si esta mi tia tres, si no, una bajo la cabeza y otra para abrazar./two for reading/watching tv none for sleeping.

84.- Duermes con peluches?: Solo con Theille cuando es necesario, por lo demás, na! me hacen estornudar y me pican en los brazos, pero theille es diferente./No, not unless they´re someone else´s.

85.- SI pudieras teñirte el cabello de cualquier color, cual seria?: Puntas rojas. Me gustan mis puntas rojas. O negras./ black! its black alredy and it always has been. green! :D

86.-Cual es tu numero favorito?: 12, 33...91. Me gustan los numeros./2501.

87.- Que haces si alguien se quiere pasar con tu NOVIO/A. Probablemente, irme con el y demostrarle a la frustradilla esa que el dude no esta en el se deja me partiría el corazón./feel akward, but not say anything, and not get mad about it bc it wouldnt solve anything.

88. - Dile algo a la persona que mas quieres: No se si te importa y tampoco me importa si te importa por que igual te lo voy a decir: eres la persona que mas quiero./ I got your nooossseee!

89.Condimento favorito en una ensalada: Blue cheese con tocineeeeeta =).../:P i dont like salad dressing, i dont like salad :P

90.que no te gusta comer? Mis propias palabras ¬¬ grrrr/ aalll sorts of things tomatos, onions, peppers (unless theyre fed to me ), mangos are ok, mayonaise.

91.-Alguna vez nadaste desnudo/a? : nade con los shorts de leo y con su camisa, y se sentia raro. Eso cuenta. No es un traje de baño!/ I cant swim, aren´t i a hard case?

92. Qué color de ropa interior: Blanca, gris, azul, negra, de muñequitos, hilos, no hilos, shorts, mini boxers, con liga tipo interior de hombre, whuteva/ black, ocassionaly gray.

93. Qué fue lo ultimo que comiste? Medio bombón de chocolate que me dio mi hermana aaaagh, dam chocolate, que rico eres./ Chicken sandwich.

94. Si fueras una crayola, ¿qué color serías? Una freggin goma!!!/ mmm... gray. I would last longer than the other colors muahahhaha!!

95. Dónde planeas ir en tu luna de miel? =)... Diantres, no se, a todos lados, a donde mistery guy me lleve!/ cherbourge or on the beaches of galway bay(ireland).

96. Cómo esta el clima ahora mismo?: Esta tibio. Me agrada, No tengo frio y eso es raro en mi, por que siempre estoy so cold, keep your hand in mine/ scattered clouds.

97. Te gusta alguien? Todas las personas me gustan. Pero asi con fines romanticos, mmm, eso es algo que tengo que pensar antes de decir que si. Y mas a un blog./ sure! i am a guy, i have such things

98. Mes favorito?: e... que hora es? las 7:48, el viento sopla al este, entonces es.... noviembre. se. #_#/april, its very windy.

99. Relaciones o solo sexo?: come ooooon, nada les dice lo de arriba? :s Estan trastornados, estas preguntas se me hacen repetitivas./ there is no such thing as "just sex".

100. Has amado?: Puedes apostar tu nombre a que si./ yes i dared to do so!=o

101. Qué libros estas leyendo?: EL Bosque de Los Pigmeos, de Allende/ Heinz Guderian's autobiography about mechanized warfare in ww2.

102. Olor que odias?: El de los perrocalenteros, puaghy./ hmmmm dogfood! & leche old

103. Sonido favorito?: el silencio de la gente en la noche, para oir los ruiditos. El silencio interno. La música de cualquier tipo.../favourite sound.... mmmm... slow kissing in the rain of an empty city street under a doorway

104. Alguna vez has tomado tanto que hasta perdiste la conciencia?: :P Noo, no./Nope.. when i drink i get depressed, when i get depressed i dont sleep

105. Has faltado a clases sólo porque estaba lloviendo?: Seep, aca las alcantarillas no funcionan, hay quesperar quel agua se vaya al mar para que se des-inunde la calle y se reactive el trafico de nwevo./ No, but for much less reasons than the rain.

105. Te han herido intencionalmente?: Quizás. No me gusta notarlo, por que no me gusta sentir rencor./mmm.. no, not in recent years, not seriously
Vasha: i think everyones been hurt emotionally before on purpose.

106.Tu primer beso: ./////. Iaaa!! Me siento acosadita, que es esto, un interrogatorio?? (inner angie: se, eso es)/ *thinks* someone in 8th grade, eventually disliked her, and years later i thought she was reasonably cool.

107. Amigo imaginario cuando eras pequeño(a)? Coursa! Y ahoritas tambien!!/No, I dont think so, I tried it, but it didnt work out.

Da writin wuz made by comics/angiepotter at 4:41 PM MNT
Updated: Friday, November 4, 2005 3:19 AM MNT
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Monday, October 25, 2004
Hiyada Depeedy Doo
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Angie Potter n the Yeepeedy Doo
Yell-ow u guyz! This is me, me n my block, me n myslelf all gathered in a confusive mass of stress, too much sugar on my coke (._O yeeeeh, i put sugar on ma coke, got any problem???), n some boiling ideas that -yes, you guessed that- I´ll let buuuuuurn. But enough talk, now let´s really talk: I´m Angie. Angie C. Potter. People thinkz I´m kinda cookoo but I´m pretty intelligent n u´ll find that out someday I feel like I gotta show ye I am. I´m 16, n I live in a little island in the caribbean where the interesting stuff includes beaches, tourists, palm trees and meee... course, the tourist come because of me. I´m the princezz of this thing. We all speak spanish (n I mean more than Quiero tacos n gracias!) Everything´s in spanish, but since im the princezz i had to learn english to give you guyz the pleasure of gettin to know me. That´s all by now coz Im bout to study Chemistry. What am I doin here, by the way? ...yuh.... so... that. Bye!!! n remember kidz, if u want me to write more stuff, tell me!

Da writin wuz made by comics/angiepotter at 9:23 PM ADT
Updated: Monday, October 25, 2004 9:28 PM ADT
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