• August 17, 2003: The site will be discontinued due to the fact that I have no time coming becouse of college soon and a job soon. If you people want any music email me for them. -Brian-
  • August 4, 2003: Due to circumstances within the fold we will be temporarily away from making any new projects or comics or anything in the site. The message board will still be up. You could talk about it there or hear from me on it. I'm going to do my best to bring the poeple who made this a site back together. This site would be shit if #8 Jesus didn't do anything and if TLP actually did something. Well still be on the look out for new things in the future from this site. Heck it may even come back with a new interface. -Brian-
  • August 3, 2003:I updated the Liquorland section. Oh and I don't wanna do this anymore so I'm done -Nobody
  • August 2, 2003: Go check out the links page. It keeps getting added to.
  • August 1, 2003: Hey, whats going on? we have updated the site some today, added some new blocks, and added personal pages. You should join the message board and join in the bashing of a certain individual as well as chat, thrive, or give you a reason to stay online forever. -Pat and Brian
  • July 30, 2003: Hey, its me, Patrick I made a message board for All Things Forsaken like last week or a couple weeks ago and forgot where it was. But now I remembered it while watching techtv today. It is www.atftk.proboards22.com, visit it if you'd like, post there, thrive there, do whatever you please. -Pat
  • July 26, 2003: I updated the Liquorland section. I also finished "The Adventures of Hellbent" in text format, I know its pretty shotty but I did it in like twenty minutes. Maybe I will fiz it later if I get around to it. Brian has updated the nonsense as well. If you have any ideas about the site, you let me know by e-mailing me. -Pat
  • July 24, 2003: Hey, its Pat here, I noticed that as of now we have had 49 visits to the site today alone, this is big for us. Some of them from Belgium, Canada, U.K. and Spain. I don't know what Brian's been doing but its working. Anyway, I'm working on typing up an end to "The Adventures Of Hellbent" for some closure to the story, I hate it when I miss the ends of movies and such. -Pat
  • July 24, 2003: The street team email has been awfully shitty just email me at this place. Withdrawel sucks. Traffic to th site has grown thanks to the help of a few friends of mine. thanks. I'm going to get a photo gallery section put up later all inspired by The Last Prince's arm. -Brian
  • July 23, 2003: The "Nonsense" has begun. - Atomic Nova 2000
  • July 23, 2003:This is #8 Jesus here and I'd like to say that I am sorry to hear that Atomic Nova 2000 is sober, it breaks my heart to see that happen to such a young person. Anyway, I'm great, my emotions are great and I am going to update the liquorland section soon again. I will still drink alaohol on the ocassions such as parties and whatnot. Its not effecting me or people around me so yeah I'm feeling great. My e-mail is now fuckingafuckingafuck@allthingsforsaken.tk. -Pat
  • July 23, 2003: This is a notice to all the fans. "The Adventures of Hellbent" has been discontinued. It is for emotional purposes. Hellbent was a charactor that I modeled after myself and my feelings. These feelings have changed. I am quitting drugs, like alcohol and tobacco. I am quitting all drugs together. I was not a druggy, just an alcoholic who smoked once in a while. Wipe that disappointed look off your face. I will be making a new comic and it will not be a second grade follow-up. This new comic will have funny shit as well as things like gore. I hope that #8 Jesus doesn't get too pressured on this. I have to give him thanks for the work he's done. I've closed my eyes as hard as I could and I have seen. -Brian- AKA Atomic Nova 2000
  • July 22, 2003: Thats The last Prince's arm from the accident on the intro page. I'm moving it later. -Brian-
  • July 20, 2003: Hey, all you fans! This is your leader to all things forsaken, Atomic Nova 2000, here to say that The Adventures of Hellbent has been put on a hold. I've been busy coming up with things for the site. The soundtrack has been put on top priority with a many of other things. The fan club is going to be put into affect in a few days to a week. I've been working on the street team. I'm going to be putting a page up about all this in a few days. I've been working my ass off on this. The fan-club will include exclusive goodies like news and autographed pics and a cd. The street team is sure to be great as soon as I get it up and running. Be on the look out for that before the fan-club. I've been handing out flyers and shit. I'll put the flyer up in a little while. Have a taste of the banner I started to work on. I am going to make it animated. The banner is also located at this link. -Brian-
  • July 19, 2003: Hey, its Pat here and I know the site hasn't been updated much lately but believe it or not I actually had a somewhat busy week this week and probably will have another one next week. I updated the Liquorland section with some new blocks of useless shit. I'm sure Brian will update his section soon. Oh and if you would like to feed my ego, you can email me and tell me how great of an artist I am. Also, if you can find some free hosting without the banners you could let me or Brian know because I am getting sick of the pop-ups and banners. -Pat
  • July 13, 2003: Summer school is very hard and I have homework to do therefore Brian can update the site. Oh and Patrick is not upset about his penis, and whats with all the talk of penis? I was just pointing out that on several ocasions Brian has mentioned my head as looking like a penis with herpes and then like a penis with acne. So what is he saying? it has nothing to do with me, I think hes saying he has herpes or his boyfriend does. Oh and if he wanted an eve 6 autograph why doesn't he do what the banner says and order now to get the cd signed or he could get their autographs when he goes to see them, just like that shazam. Oh and I might update the site soon. -Pat
  • July 12, 2003: ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: "BRIAN DOESN'T CARE ABOUT PAT'S BEING UPSET ABOUT PENIS." Oh yeah. Summer school for one class two days out of the week. Brian hopes Pat has good luck in summer school and passes. The Eve 6 banner is for the street team, and it makes the site look important... but thats besides the point. Brian wants to win an autographed T-shirt. He needs to do stuff so spread the word on Eve 6 for Brian please. Eve 6 web site. Thanks for all the support. -Brian-
  • July 12, 2003: Its Patrick here, I haven't updated the page because I have summer school and am pissed. But thats besides the fact, if Brian said "Pat's head does indeed look like a penis with acne" then how does he know? I don't want to get into any details but how does Brian know what a penis with acne looks like? Hmm thats what I thought and I don't know whats with the banner, as if angelfire doesn't put enough banners on the page as it is. -#8 Jesus
  • July 10, 2003: The secret page wasn't working out as well as I thought. So, I have deleted it. The mp3 had nothing to do with the Jesus on the site. It was about the Jesus that everyone else worships. Apologies go out to our own Jesus. -Brian-
  • July 9, 2003: There has been a hidden page added to this site. It includes some of the work for the cd soundtrack that has been occupying Brian's time for the past few days. If you find it, email Atomic Nova 2000 at ATOMICNOVA2000@ALLTHINGSFORSAKEN.TK. He would Like to know how many people actually find it. -Brian-
  • July 8, 2003: This is a disclaimer: "All Brian meant was that if Pat's head does indeed look like a penis with acne then it would make more sense by saying that it looks like a penis with STD's. Brian only knows what one penis looks like and that is his own. And he has a clean penis." -Brian-
  • July 8, 2003: This is Patrick here with an update. Unlike Brian I haven't been buying animals and have actually updated the site, check out the Liquorland section. Oh and on a closing note one must wonder how Brian knows what a penis with STD's looks like. -Pat
  • July 8, 2003: I saw his head... and it does look like a penis with STD's. I haven't done shit in a while for the site becouse I have been busy shopping around for a tokay. I went today to get one on deposit. I'll go get it Thursday when it comes in. -Brian-
  • July 5, 2003: I'm a lazy bastard. Give me a few days to get caught up. -Brian-
  • July 5, 2003: I updated the liquorland section and yes I am going to go to hell -Pat
  • July 4, 2003: I have fixed the problem Pat had with the Liquorland section. Also I posted for the days I missed, at least four of them. - Brian -
  • July 4, 2003: This is Patrick here to say that he has maintained the site as much as can be without adding new content. Thus all blame for not being updated goes to Brian, Don't hate the player, hate the game oh and strippers kick ass. -Pat
  • July 2, 2003: This is Brian once again and I'd like to say I finally graduated high school. I had the ceremony this weekend. I got this really kick ass table to draw on now and I moved into my new office. I've been adjusting, so work has been a bit slow. Co-owner, Jesus 364, was supposed to maintain the site during this time and as you can tell, nothing has happened. I hope to update this mother fuckin' shit by the end of the week. I'm going to go get to work now so check us out later. -Brian-
  • June 22, 2003: This is Brian once again. I'd like to say that I've been sick all weekend, so this site has stood still without an update or new block added to it in forever. The demo for the soundtrack has been handed in to the composer for any cuts. I've been working on getting the band "Screwing Around" to add some songs to it. Senzu 21 is going to write a song just for the soundtrack, so it should be good. I've updated all the links in the site. There are new titles for the pages and shit. Well, just remember that closing the eyes won't make a difference. Late, -Brian-
  • June 20, 2003: The story has been updated as well as the villians section, it has been handed to Jesus 364, view at own caution. -Pat and Brian
  • June 18, 2003:The musical soundtrack to the comic has been put into production. It should include artists like Atomic Nova 2000, Spider-man's Stockings, Senzu21, and Pheobe. It may include the hit single by Spider-man's Stockings called "Reject" and the new single "Fuck" by Pheobe. Thanks goes out to Atomic Nova 2000 for the production. It should be out by the end of the summer of 2003. Late, -Brian-
  • June 16, 2003: A new block has been added to the story, go check it out. I also added my girlfriend's website to the links page. Hee Hee. Late, -Brian-
  • June 15, 2003: Hey, I just had a major busy weekend and I'm tired as all bloody hell. Yeah, I just got back from a Powerman 5000 concert last night and they totally kicked ass. Reach 454 and Shinedown were there too and they rocked. I am still a bit sore from the mosh pit so I'm taking the weekend off. Expect some new blocks for the strip on Monday or Tuesday. Well I got to go and sleep or something. Late, -Brian-
  • June 15, 2003: All Things Forsaken is now allthingsforsaken.tk -Pat
  • June 14, 2003: I've given a bios for all the members of the crew now. It's in the heroes section. - Brian
  • June 13, 2003: Well this has been the first time I've actually updated anything myself in a few days. Yes I have been given the new story by The Last Prince. The heroes page has a bio of myself. Check it out. - Brian
  • June 11, 2003: I have made some slight changes to the site for the better. The story will be updated if Brian can get off his lazy arse. -Pat
  • June 8, 2003: This is the new site design, everything should work, if it doesn't or you have questions about the layout,email me. -Pat
  • June 7, 2003: Check out the comic in the story section I finally finished the first strip. I will be getting a whole crew set up for this site. Check them out the heroes and villians section for them in a few weeks. If Patrick can get his ass in here, the site will have a whole new interface. Any inquiries about the site or comic them email me. Till next time, Rock On! -Brian
  • June 1, 2003: Well, this is Brian again and I'd Like to say that I have come up with some sketches and have them scanned. Go check them out in the Sketches section. I have some up with some personality profiles that I'll be getting up soon. Well just remember "No matter how hard you close your eyes, you will see all things forsaken." Later, Brian

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